
Historical Shift Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We're seeing an historic exodus from the city."
"We could be seeing the beginning of the end of what is the traditional royal family."
"The last political noblesse in Europe collapsed under the popular instincts of ressentiment."
"Yesterday showed that Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are clinging to a way of life that was dying 50 years ago."
"It really does feel as if we're entering the shift of the ages because we are. It's just immense."
"And because those were both male-dominated fields, it led to another change, by mid-2009 more women than men held paying jobs for the first time in American history."
"England is about to become a hotbed of sedition and rebellion."
"The rise of China since it opened up following Mao’s death..."
"This represented an important shift in the power balance of Europe."
"There's been quite a remarkable shift in public attitude over the past few months."
"China's economic policy under Xi Jinping marks a significant departure from the era of reform and opening initiated by Deng Xiaoping."
"The end of the war against Germany approached... attention would inevitably begin to focus on Japan."
"The model of decadence has come to an end and there's no going back."
"This conflict, this defeat of Ukraine, is going to change the world. The world will never be the same after this."
"After World War Two, capitalism rose from the ashes, changing the game for Stalin and communism."
"The destruction of the Iron Throne symbolizes a shift away from the feudal system."
"It helped usher in a world where people saw themselves as citizens of a community rather than subjects of a king."
"Humanity decided that they finally had enough of the idea that their rights belonged to the gods and kings that ruled over them and instead they now believe that their sovereign rights belong to them - the people."
"This is the first time in 50 years of COMEX control that a price setting mechanism has come under attack."
"Reagan legitimized a move away from the welfare state consensus."
"The former backbone of America is finally at the end of an era."
"Many of these immigrants flooded the burgeoning cities, as America shifted from being an agrarian rural nation to being an industrial, urban one."
"With enough social pressure in 1978, black people were allowed to have the priesthood all of a sudden."
"While Russia remained a powerful nation, during this era it largely stopped being a superpower."
"In just over half a decade the world had gone from ships Nelson would have recognized by the funnel to ships that were practically immune to the older ships fire and then to ships that were just as immune to those early iron clad fire."
"Turning more to military matters and wariness of outside influence led to a decline in the openness of sciences."
"Unity has a deep and important root in the American fabric until it was replaced with In God We Trust by Congress in 1956 the phrase e pluribus unum was widely considered the de facto motto of the United States."
"Doors to new history will soon open, a new movement will soon spring forth, a new stream from my Throne is now flowing."
"This began an age of the militarization of local police forces."
"You still don't get it, the 1990s 1980s style of politician is dead and gone."
"The headline will be disruption in the beginning of the 21st Century, disrupted an Old World Order and is leading or has led us into a new world order."
"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience."
"In 1940 Britain ceased to be a serious competitor to the United States."
"The earth will for the first time in history return to a paradise achill type glory."
"It's a seismic shift in political power away from the king and it's the basis of our modern parliamentary system."
"Money became a big factor in the 80s and the bgds got heavier into pushing weight."
"Change is coming like we haven't seen in 40 years."
"Change came from a surprising quarter, not from the country house set, but from those eager to move out of crowded city housing."
"The Industrial Revolution: a seismic shift in Humanity's existence, altering the Western World."
"...marked a tectonic shift in the spiritual and political landscape of the time."
"You know, it was president Bush was running for reelection. The South was moving from having been solidly democratic, though, going republican in presidential elections, to becoming deep, deep what we would later call deep, deep red."
"By the 1980s it shifted and they became the terrorists over there."
"The change from the Byzantine era into the near East to Islamic rule meant an epocal shift in every respect."
"After 900 years of being linked to Europe, Malta began to look southward."
"This very sudden explosion of people after a long period of depopulation was an absolute in a century of what turned out to be very rapid and very fundamental change."
"During the 15th and 16th centuries, a dramatic shift occurred."
"A world dominated by the church and the rhythm of farming was now opening up to a new force: money."
"Every time there's a war, society shifts. Every time there's a war, history moves the needle."
"The waxing of Rome and the waning of Greece was confirmed that day."
"A fundamental shift in American culture had begun."
"Something happened to change the way we see this idea or this concept of childhood."
"The Enlightenment really had a move away from some of the more traditional moorings or foundations for what it meant to be Christian."
"What we're living through is the end of 500 years of Western predominance; this time the eastern challenge is for real."
"The dominance of the US on the world stage, which began after the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, has ended."