
Texts Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The ancient Indian texts very accurately described the effects of an atomic explosion."
"There's both truth and nonsense in every text. Everything should be discerned."
"He wrote a lot of different philosophical texts in the Platonic tradition."
"He's doing psychology in these texts."
"A lot of the biblical texts borrowed somewhat from the Egyptian and many many other texts."
"All of the texts, the scriptures of different religions, including Vedanta, they're all like looking at the Moon. The Moon is also sunlight, but reflected. Looking straight at the sun is uncomfortable."
"These texts are just sitting there and being hidden and ignored, and in them is the key to understanding the truth."
"None of them were ever found, they did however leave a series of texts behind. Some of those texts claimed some phenomenal things. Apparently, the Enclave had caught and imprisoned an angel, at least that's what they claimed."
"The scrolls proved to be an important link in the unbroken chain of texts that contributes to establishing the textual reliability of the Old Testament Scriptures."
"The Gnostic texts: piecing together fragments to understand the Gnostic worldview."
"Ancient texts themselves attest to a time when there was a universal language."
"Texts do not compel their own interpretations but enable the interpretations that readers bring to them."
"I do think that it's possible that there are oral stories that are incorporated into these texts."
"Texts don't compel readings, they enable them."
"Regardless of what you think the inspiration is of these texts, they're coming through human beings."
"These are some of the foundational texts of combinatorial game theory!"
"Nobody owns a monopoly on reading, researching, and interpretation pertaining to these ancient texts."
"There is no faithfulness to the text without evolution in our understanding."
"Did you know that the destruction of the Assyrian Empire preserved some of the most important ancient texts in the world?"
"It's going to take all of us a lifetime to learn how to live with these texts, and that's okay."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls... are 95% identical [to the Masoretic text]."
"Lightheart's clarity is akin to a refreshing splash of cold water, especially for someone like me who navigates ancient texts with a secular compass."
"It's always important to place yourself within the mindset of the individuals who are actually accredited to these particular texts."
"The religious texts encode profound and evolutionarily determined truths that are universal."
"Welcome to studying real magical texts, folks."
"Some texts don't need any comments."
"I just got chills all over my body reading your texts."
"The name resounds more clearly in the later Akkadian texts which referred to the city as Urusalimu."
"The intersection of ancient religious texts raises compelling questions about the mysteries of the universe."
"The Tanakh also called the Mikra or Hebrew Bible, is the canonical collection of Jewish texts."
"It's all coming together slowly, and as we look into more of these ancient texts, we may experience several aha moments."
"A Canon is a list of texts that are deemed authoritative."
"When you look at the fragments and the text, we're missing a lot of it from the Dead Sea Scrolls, but when you look at the two, they are identical."
"Texts try to persuade us, they may even unthinkingly be trying to shape our opinion in a way that suits the author."
"These texts still mean things to many people and they're inspirational to many people."
"The Upanishads are the sacred texts which shaped India and the modern West."
"Following any political or religious text to the T is impossible, unrealistic, and makes no sense."
"It was deciphered entirely from internal evidence. There was no key; they had no Rosetta Stone; they only had the texts themselves."
"These colorful living texts are a launch pad for the divine imagination."
"The Greek is the primary text of the New Testament that survived."
"The plain meaning of a text is always the preferred interpretation."
"These different texts are really slices of history, slices of Buddha history, which is infinite from beginning to end."
"The ancient Hebrew texts of Matthew's Gospel could not be a retranslation back to the Hebrew from a later Greek text because it maintains the original Hebrew linguistic construction and Hebrew figures of speech that are absent from all extant Greek manuscripts."
"We have documented numerous texts dating from the 7th century."
"The most powerful texts are engraved slate, some so ancient only the most erudite can read them."