
Chapters Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"What a blessing it is to have a life with chapters."
"A chapter ending and a new chapter beginning."
"Money is the ink in your pen. It can write new chapters, it can make certain chapters burn brighter, but it's not your story."
"...every chapter should get better, and this is the best chapter of my life."
"I really think this book is going to bless you guys as I've mentioned before, there are 14 chapters in here and I'm going to read to you guys every single chapter so you can understand what the chapters are like."
"The writing is exquisite with it short chapters that reads like a short poem."
"Life is about chapters. It's all about how you write that [expletive]."
"This chapter of my life is completed, but I believe that the next chapter will be something special."
"More than 1100 chapters of Oda's imagination crammed into this deep dive."
"Please I implore you to look at the chapter markers and Skip ahead to anything that might be of interest to you."
"When one chapter closes, when one story ends, a new one begins."
"It's like the universe being like, 'It's time for a new chapter.'"
"These are chapters I've read many times, but I have a feeling we're going to see them in new ways today."
"These four chapters are straight up just hype exhilarating stressful and features a ton of action."
"Some people in life are just meant to be chapters, you know? Some people in life are meant to be lessons. And that's just what he was, and I was a lesson in his life. I was a chapter in his life."
"It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life."
"You're concluding a transformative chapter of your life."
"Every chapter, even the boring ones, should have a shot at being somebody's favorite chapter."
"And it's interesting because those chapters focus on Gentile history in a way that no other part of the Bible does."
"It can be the start of a new chapter in my life."
"You're going to start a beautiful new chapter."
"I honestly think this is some of the best chapters of The Lord of the Rings."
"Life is different chapters. You can have different little sections of your life."
"...it's just so thrilling to start a new chapter."
"Every chapter seemed like a new tale."
"Life is like a book, constantly going through new chapters."
"I feel like every single romance book has that one chapter where you're just like swooning."
"Chapter one is so classic, they're all good."
"...and every chapter kind of ends in like a mini cliffhanger or just like something you're like, oh, and you want to keep going."
"Different chapters in my life bring something."
"Only 22 chapters, what happens in these chapters is something that has to be seen to be believed."
"The chapters were really short and tight and it's almost like the chapters were kind of written for someone who gets their information from the internet and I mean that in a good way."
"...the decision to split the show into chapters like this was kind of a stroke of Genius."
"Chapter one is finished, chapter two has begun."
"There is something special and valuable about having a coherent vision across a large number of chapters."
"The chapters of our life that we're unwilling to look at can ultimately just lay waste to our entire life."
"So what are some powerful chapters of funny chip?"
"When one chapter finishes, a new story always begins."
"A lot of work goes into these chapters, and there's a lot of things that people might miss. It's just kind of fun to talk about how these things came together."
"This is where a new chapter of his life begins."
"Each chapter should be like a little short story."
"Life as a book that has a beginning and end but chapters along the way and this is just your next chapter so it's up to you decide what the pages are filled with."
"My name literally means reborn, so I love new chapters and new beginnings."
"I can't wait for the next couple of chapters."
"Their disappearances remain open chapters and unexplained mysteries."
"My book has an entire chapter on this; in fact, it's really parts of two chapters."
"They feel like chapters in a storybook in a way."
"The point is that you're splitting chapters of your story into manageable chunks that a viewer can sit down, watch, and then stop when they have to go and do something else."
"Reading a book and you finish a great chapter and then you go to the next chapter, there's no like oh man I can't I'm so bummed that that chapter ended, it's more like I'm so glad I read that chapter, what an amazing chapter in the book."
"I always think of my life as an autobiography and what chapters are going to be cool."
"It's never a fresh start, it's a fresh chapter."
"It is rare for any successor chapters of the Adeptus Astartes to be regarded with the same prestige as the original first founding."
"It's literally like pages are turning, new chapter, new chapter."
"She was simply entering another chapter of her life."
"One chapter is ending and another one's beginning."
"Life has so many chapters, and you're not defined by one single chapter."
"Think of your life as a book with several chapters."
"This effect of transitioning is a great way to create like these little chapters within an album."
"The end of one chapter is the start of another."
"It's as though there are two chapters in our lives as a family. There's the before, and there's the after."
"Life comes in stages and life comes in chapters."
"I mean, it's like every chapter's a new chapter. And there's a lesson in every chapter."
"These waters of the Dal Lake have seen innumerable chapters of history unfolding one after another."
"The Book of Psalms is by far the biggest book in the entire Bible; it has the most chapters."
"This game to me has had so many different chapters in it."
"There could be some notable new chapters and closing chapters that are worth paying attention to."
"One chapter ends, another one opens."
"It's like chapters in a book, that's where I'm at."
"It was a good time, you know. It was fun, we had three amazing chapters."
"Our big productive years are behind us, but that does not mean we can't enter a new chapter."
"This video is quite detailed but it's divided into chapters listed in the description, so feel free to skip ahead."
"On the open road, every turn is a new chapter."
"This is page one of the next chapter."
"Every man's life is a series of chapters."
"Your life when you look back can be in chapters."
"Thank you all and wait for the next chapters."
"Think about your opening, your first pages, your first couple of chapters."
"I always see your life as chapters."
"This expansion gets really, really special... it tells this story over multiple chapters."
"From the end of one chapter to the beginning of the next."
"Our lives are divided into chapters, they always are."
"We're getting weekly Hunter Hunter chapters, this is fantastic."
"You're always at a new chapter; it's still always progress."
"It's always exciting to open that new chapter, but to close it, very, very bittersweet."
"Welcome to chapter two... well actually, this is chapter three."
"I always kind of get excited about the start of a new chapter."
"What a crazy freaking set of chapters, insane, absolutely love it."
"We've had a string of chapters that's been incredible, so no complaints from me."
"New moons bring new seed planting, new chapters."
"Consider your life like a trilogy; you're starting your second book or your third book."
"One chapter at a time, there's infinite possibilities."
"You have new chapters coming in, new beginnings."