
Genuine Relationships Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Being popular means absolutely nothing to me. At the end of the day, what matters is that you're surrounded by people who care about you."
"Try to make genuine people in your life and be the person who reaches out if no one's reaching to you."
"It's not about gaining interest in you falsely; they're there for exactly who you are."
"To watch a friendship that has that, and it's genuine, and, I daresay, in real life as well... it's just a joy to watch people who take delight in each other."
"If you ever get a chance to meet a real true genuine legitimate pair of actual life partners, ask them how they came together."
"You need to surround yourself with people who genuinely love you, who genuinely want the best for you, and stop worrying about attention and validation from people that you don't even know exist."
"Those aren't YouTube friends. The ones that genuinely care about you and the ones that check up on you and actually genuinely like you as a person, as a human being, those are your true friends."
"When they start liking you it's like they like you for you."
"Family, only. Don't be real quick to call folks your family if they don't want nothing from you but the best."
"This person authentically wants you in their life whether it's a relationship or not."
"True wealth is when you have the ability to live a good stable life, feel good, and have genuine relationships."
"You're really a team, you really do genuinely love each other and that shows."
"No drama, just pure and genuine love and support."
"It's genuine relationship and we love each other and we want to be together."
"I'm just looking for somebody who is genuine and I don't care about the money and everything but be able to like care for yourself more than anything."
"You want someone to be attracted to you for you, not because they're just waiting on the next gift to come or the next paycheck to get here."
"The people that really care about you versus the people that want something from you because there's lots of users and takers in the world."
"This love that has been forged in the crucible, it's genuine, it's made out of something real."
"A very authentic relationship—no game playing, just genuine care and acceptance."
"Recognize your potential, embrace honesty, and welcome those who truly see you."
"Thank you for being there for me, you've been genuine, authentic, caring, and generous."
"Real connection loves you at the core, all right."
"Your true blessings are out there, hold out for the real deal."
"I don't care about that. I care about like the people who really give a [ __ ] about me and I'm fine with the numbers being smaller if it means like I matter to those people."
"You can't fake the camaraderie and the friendships. It's just, it's magical."
"Attracting what's real, attracting something that's not fake."
"That would be pretty difficult to take if that's all that someone wants you for."
"If they're happy for your success, they're meant to be in your life."
"I want my next relationship to be built off genuine love nothing but vibes."
"The authenticity, the real connection that we all had with each other."
"Vulnerability allows for genuine connections with others, fostering deep emotional growth."
"Treasure those friendships around you that are genuine."
"You've got to surround yourself with people who genuinely love you and want to see you really make it."
"Genuine desire should be the number one basis for who you are going to spend the rest of your life with."
"If someone didn't like us genuinely they just wouldn't be here."
"I love being invited to stuff, but I also sometimes want to make sure that my friends know that I don't just love them for the good parts of life."
"You want somebody to go out with you because they actually like you."
"That's how you know it's real, that's love right there."
"You don't care about gifts and [ __ ] like that. You care about like 'yo, have you made an impact on people enough that they could show you appreciations on days like this?' Beautiful thing."
"This one is not about manipulation, this is genuine natural chemistry."
"You know what? You better [ __ ] celebrate it with people that you genuinely love and care about and you better show them."
"It's a lot of abundance and happiness and somebody who is genuine with you."
"You're meeting through absolute authenticity and that's new."
"I'd rather be surrounded with a couple people who truly, truly love me and respect me, who don't wanna be on camera versus tons of people who do wanna be on camera but make me feel like crap every single day."
"Genuine people prioritize what truly matters."
"When you get older, you get more sure of yourself and sure of who you are and sure of what you believe in, and you just are able to find so many like grown-up real honest friendships because of that."
"Just being around people that are genuine and that I care about, if I have those people in my life and I'm able to spend time with them, I'm good."
"Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, genuinely good, like who make you laugh, who you can laugh with. It's not forced; you don't have to be somebody else. You're you, who you feel like yourself."
"I just want people in my life that genuinely actually love me and care about me the same way I do about them."
"Authentic and organic friendship."
"Empaths move with authenticity, they are into friendships, into relationships with authentic reasons, they love genuinely, they are all about truth and justice."
"You should always watch out for how people react to something good happening in your life; that's when you catch the ones that genuinely love you."
"A real friend is someone who is really, really your friend."
"If people truly care about you, they care about you and who you are, not you and who they want you to be."
"You know who really has your back, who really likes you for you and not just what you can do for them."
"I want something fresh, I want something fair, and I want something genuine with you."