
Individual Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Gordon is an entirely different animal these days."
"Samuel Eto'o, not only for his talents, but also because..."
"Gerd Müller, one of the best to have ever played the game..."
"Johan Cruyff, near enough impossible to pick anyone other than..."
"Clark is a genius, nobody will tell me otherwise."
"Overperformer is definitely Barry Burramont."
"Commander Chad Underwood he's the man that actually filmed the Tic Tac UFO."
"Fortunately, Todd Howard is not yet thinking about retirement."
"I think Pavlovsky has proven himself to be honest."
"The series was created by Texas animator CH Greenblatt, you might also know as the creator of chowder."
"Elon Musk is extremely influential and powerful."
"The most popular candidate and political figure in the country is Bernie Sanders."
"He was kind of the Avengers West Coast's own little version of Steve Rogers."
"He's been carrying individual brilliance for years."
"Poor Josh, he's just the nicest freaking guy."
"We've got corruption in this country and Adam Schiff is a part of it."
"The simple fact of Mr. Johnson's humanity and the sacredness of all human life."
"God loves the world, but most important of all, God loves you."
"Raikuda is sometimes simply called an American genius."
"Tawfiq Yagublu represents the story of Azerbaijan."
"I am proud to stand tall behind Andrew Yang because I believe he is the best."
"You cannot tell the story of modern basketball and not talk about Draymond Green."
"Kevin Porter Jr., literally the guy I was talking about."
"Thank you Adam for being who you are, you're freaking awesome."
"That moth joke epitomizes the comedic stylings of Norm Macdonald."
"In the world of modern counter-strike, Forest is practically a unicorn."
"He wasn't a great student, but I'm sorry, Derek Coleman, one of the great lines about Derek Coleman."
"George Anderson, the gutsiest man I've ever heard of."
"The tragedy and absurdity of Chris Chan's life: a captivating tale."
"Real change never ever takes place from on top. It's never one person doing it alone."
"One person can make a difference."
"There was a guy named Joel, not too different from you or me."
"We're actually dealing with somebody who, prior to his life falling apart, was a relatively sane individual."
"You give the ball to Salah and he's the Difference Maker."
"He's going to be the one person above everybody."
"The simple things can have a huge impact on individual lives."
"If you as an individual learn how to be more proactive in your love life... those statistics are not going to be the primary thing affecting your love life."
"The fun thing about recognizing systemic issues is understanding that you cannot only attack the individual or the system; it must be both at the same time, all the time, every time."
"There is something romantic and inspiring about one human being having such a positive impact on human civilization through their own endeavour."
"We need to think about it in terms of individual worshippers and the practices they performed."
"Special, he's a special human, great individual, and even better ball player."
"One man can make that big of a difference."
"...but one that I think for the right person is going to be exactly the right car."
"The original foundation of the state is to reduce the impact of any other authority or power structure on the autonomy of the individual."
"We just have to give the individual the power back."
"Not every person leaves a dramatic remark in the history books, but he had dignity as an individual at the time he lived, he deserves to have that dignity restored."
"...Bitcoin is the most powerful technology for advancing the individual and protecting the individual on this planet."
"James Charles, he's setting apart. He is the biggest piece of [ __ ] in the beauty industry."
"Everything sucks, especially Adam."
"Your destiny is between you and the Divine."
"We should not wait until change is forced upon us by our own mistakes. The individual should begin to change the moment he begins to think."
"Human capital is tied to the individual and cannot be separated from them."
"This is the story of how one man rewrote 1,000 years of history in an instant."
"Crypto gives power to the individuals."
"This is a fundamental change what how does he lead in this new company of course this also isn't just about business or government or big organizations or small organizations it's also about your life as an individual."
"Love is the most high power and it can change anybody on an individual basis and there's hope for any of us as individuals you know and we are in a very dark time collectively we're definitely are but it's not hopeless for you or for me or for any of us individually."
"...it's about what we do in our own individual spheres that has a huge ripple effect."
"The individual must teach by living better."
"One person who says no more, I'm done, this ends here. It takes one person to adjust the compass and begin walking another path entirely."
"...the quality of the Box matters little success depends upon the man who sits in it..."
"Hank Greenspun, the crusading publisher of the Las Vegas Sun, second-largest property owner in town, is the man who knows everyone's secrets."
"...I really believe in optimizing for this idea that the individual might be the one who is best suited to know what they need..."
"We're not saying you can't provide a remedy for someone who suffered a harm but you can't just draw it as an entire class it has to be individual by individual almost."
"Each and every single one of you deserves peace."
"There's a sense in which the ordinary man cannot be free from the world or rather ought not to be free from the world."
"There is no freedom for the individual, the individual will always be trapped by looking for something."
"Life happens when the artificial construct of the individual collapses."
"There's nobody that can do that. The individual cannot."
"There is no such thing as a separate individual with free will and choice."
"All change must begin with the individual."
"Bitcoin inverts the power structure, giving power to the individual."
"Jesus effectively puts Easter on pause for one person. He leaves the 99 for the one."
"You can still use Google Jamboard in ways that aren't collaborative."
"Everybody loves Darius Goli everybody."
"...he's a guy who is authentically who he is..."
"The individual who is primarily concerned with himself is lost from the beginning."
"An individual who does it right is happier than the individual who escapes doing it at all."
"The individual ought to know that the world can get along without his making a lot of noise."
"Society is changed not by mass motions but by the improvement of the internal coordination of the individual."
"We know that this individual was very wealthy."
"The individual who is emotionally constructive is generally constructive on all other levels."
"Individuals are born with natural human rights."
"The role of the individual will be transformative in healthcare."
"The rise and fall of ideas will determine the environment in which the individual lives."
"The sermon that disturbs, the sermon that in some strange way moves the individual"
"It's a glorious bit of individual brilliance."
"The absence of detailed personal interest is a clear indication that this individual values what you can offer them more than who you are."
"Everything's different afterwards and how scary that one guy, maybe all by his little lonesome self, changes the world so dramatically."
"One individual can change the whole world."
"He is without doubt the epitome of the fivefold Ministry combined in one individual."
"That's when I hit Nirvana when I'm like you know what I really want to do I want to see Kyle filipowski cry."
"He's what makes this industry as awesome as it is."
"...everyone knew that Ted White was a brutal man."
"...the hierarchy strongly determines the behavior of an individual within the hierarchy."
"It is a story of two extraordinary achievements, one by the submarine, the other by an individual member of her crew."
"You can't necessarily treat them all the same, you treat them as a unit but they are a team and you treat the team the same but when you're dealing with individuals, they're different people and they need different things to get the most out of them."
"The brain is really creating each of our individual worlds."
"Because of all the technology changes we've experienced individuals are actually able to act like an institution now."
"Everyone's on their own path and there's no one right path for anyone."
"It's pretty hard not to be impressed with the guy."
"That person can make a difference."
"The individual must step in and do something to take care of himself if he wishes to retain his nervous and emotional equilibrium."
"But it's not just a team game, and my individual liar of the week is Deborah, a woman whose ability to lie is tested every time Duncan Valentine asks if she's pleased to see him."
"The love I'm getting as an individual is crazy, more than I could have ever imagined."
"Without purpose, the individual lives by a series of incidental circumstances."
"What do you want to focus on as an individual?"
"Who's the individual that's destined to come in towards you?"
"Honesty is the best policy with this particular individual."
"The response of an individual to trauma depends not only on stressor characteristics but also on factors specific to the individual."
"Truly inspirational example of The Power of One"
"You're a pretty smart individual."
"Individually everyone is incentivized to actually use one of these apps."
"There's a real opportunity for machine learning to empower the individual."
"The individual they were facing was a young man named Tihoon."
"Peter Lynch shares the liberating message that individual investors can do well. They can outperform the market."
"...it's really clear to me that social validation is uh everything to her essentially."
"If we're talking about threatening behavior we need to discuss Nick Vovi."
"It's one of the few art forms where one person can really create that."
"This truth is for each and every one of us."
"Assessment is about understanding the individual, not just assigning a label."
"Undoing a marriage was easy for someone like Daniel."
"...whenever we know more about a particular individual that counteracts The Stereotype, we are enormously good at doing that."
"Narrative is an individual's unique experience of the term."
"Consistency, consistency, absolutely. So that annoying thing that nobody out here wants to hear, the one thing that's left up to the individual, consistency."
"Your individual existence may have great value in the future."
"It's not about the gun, it's about the individual's circumstances."
"The key variable for success in coaching is not the coach; it's the person being coached."
"A revival broke out in that school because of one sixteen-year-old girl."
"There's no one-size-fits-all approach to Social Security; it depends on individual circumstances."
"Curiosity is not just good and it can also be a liability if you're too curious. It's not good at the individual level, but it's good at the next level of organization up as a collective could be."
"Christian values are intended to shape the life of the individual, but Christ never enforced His beliefs on someone who did not love Him."
"The real threat to individual rights is not the government but a strong-willed majority of the people"
"Every individual effort is important."
"It really starts with each of us."
"This is a story about Lisa Cecilia Haram, and she was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1981."
"Sometimes things are just for us."
"...truly bring the best prescription for every person."
"Don't judge the religion based on a person."
"Volume should be allocated based on individual strengths and weaknesses, responsiveness of each muscle group, and personal preference."
"Success is defining your own version of it."
"John hesp, the pride of Napoleon casino and restaurant in Hull, England."
"I would rather see Chelsea Green spotlighted on her own, though."
"It's not about party, it's about the individual."
"In the life of man there is individual destiny, there is collective destiny."
"We've overvalued individual success versus the success of the collective."
"Mel O'Brien is the next cool kid on the block."
"Dianna's the secret sauce, not the piece of paper."
"Shout out to my guy, Stefan, the man, the myth, the legend."
"The impact for Robert Stobo was not just in the British loss."
"Look at this guy right here, he's iconic."
"He's the most important Todd on the field."
"Record is irrelevant. That's a melini. Mount rise, man. Mason Mount."
"The only person that will be able to give those answers and hopefully one day he will, is Will cornick."
"Edward Keller was a sick and twisted individual."
"I have a lot of thoughts about that man."
"He's just a really, really talented guy."
"It's good for the country and for the person."
"...it only takes one person to completely change the course of history."
"It's not just about the masses, it's about that one."
"How can we use this to make the world a safer place for one person?"
"She seems like a very wholesome individual."
"Richard happened to be a really good man."
"A man who brought joy to so many."
"...Borovsky would go on to become one of the best goaltenders in the entire league with the Columbus Blue Jackets."
"This is one of those where we owe a huge debt to a single human."
"Someone who is increasingly rare, a type of man thought to have gone extinct."
"His life and his career proved the efforts of one man can make a difference in the lives of people."
"You think one person may not make a difference, they can."
"Sid was an absolutely remarkable person."
"This woman is one of them, her name is Christina. She's 46 years old and lives 200 miles southeast of Rome in a small mountain village."
"She told us last night she's the only member of Team Singapore without a tour title."
"Look at him, the one-man think tank!"
"One human being can make a difference."
"I'm excited about Kenny individually in terms of the growth that he's capable of making."
"One man, Elon Musk, has done more for climate change than all of those people gathered together in Paris and Glasgow."
"It's as if this whole carnival was created and maintained solely for her benefit."
"Lily Teresa Ester, that was her name."
"Sometimes just one person can turn the tide."
"If I'm going to save the world, I have to do it one person at a time."
"Public perception at this time was quite high for Shane."
"You know what isn't useless? Wendell. Wendell is awesome."
"The group must survive or the individual will not."
"No single person could ever have inflicted such an outrage upon him."
"What a great victory for Eddie Cher."
"What an interesting fellow, I have to say."
"There will be an age which may be the end of history or the beginning of history, but it will be ushered in by a person."
"It's largely thanks to the work of one man that this revival would be possible at all."
"What is it about you as an individual that sets you apart from every other candidate in the room?"
"It's such a good testament to the difference a single person can make."
"He is an amazing man with a lot of amazing talents."
"You're just a small cog in a big machine, Mr. Colt."
"Athletic contests have two basic forms: matches between highly coordinated teams, example football, or lone individuals competing against each other, example boxing."
"If you affect one life, isn't that great?"
"The power of change begins with one."
"Impressive performance there by Forest."
"The individual is the ultimate beneficiary of policies and the ultimate entity that suffers if it becomes oppressive."
"No matter what his job or where his duty, he is the Navy's greatest single asset, the individual man."
"This is a woman of great illumination."
"The best player in this series is Luka Doncic."
"He was a wonderful man, I admired him so much."