
Unrecognized Talent Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The tale of the artist unrecognized in their era, one that tragically and dutifully toiled at works that were never offered respect, is nearly mythologized."
"There are far more people who are successful in music who you've never heard of than there are megastars."
"I'm really talented people just aren't ready for my work yet. No one understands that I am a true master."
"It's just sad to see it come to an end where he didn't get the notoriety that his talent definitely deserved."
"I am like Van Gogh, utterly unappreciated in my time."
"Scott did it. It was this simplistic genius, but he's not seen a lot of times in that light."
"Just because your gift isn't recognized doesn't mean it's non-existent."
"That game has swayed me with its voice acting and characters. I don't know who the people in it are, I don't think any of them are big names, but their acting in that game is fan-fucking-tastic."
"He didn't let the fact that most people didn't understand or appreciate his work stop him from doing that work."
"I feel like no one ever spoke about how amazing they are."
"One of the harshest truths you will learn as an artist is that oftentimes very talented people are never recognized for their work their entire career can pass them by."
"Like you're a [__] genius, it's so funny to watch people not appreciate that."
"The profound intelligence within my own work... layers of intelligence is present in my own work that I didn't even recognize."
"For every Raphael, there are many Raphaels without hands."
"He's already bigger than them and people don't realize it."
"I was never aware at home that what I could do was extraordinary and to this day I never approach a piece of work whether it's writing thinking whether it's science or this evening in any other spirit then that sounds interesting let's do it."
"He was kind of that wonder boy. Nobody had yet to find out how good he really was."
"There's a lot of talented people that are in prison, bro."
"At the end of the day Bobby is a very talented creator and I don't think he got a proper chance to show the world his talents."
"Even accidental genius still counts as genius."
"She's never gonna get credit for being as funny and as witty as she was."
"The African produced something they have been consistently producing without the world noticing it: Multi geniuses."
"Nobody knows red man in my world and that's crazy."
"A particular gift or skill that you have that you might not have been aware of."
"I'm like a superstar the world just don't know."
"America does have talent. It seems to lack the talent to recognize the talent, but between the two of us, I think we can do that."
"The accidental genius is an artist, in this case, quilt maker, entirely unaware of her exceptional talent and oblivious to the potential commercial value of her work until and unless she is informed by outside experts who discover her and her quilts."
"I realized there is no better example of the accidental genius myth than the story of the quilt makers of Gee's Bend."
"They're saying someone is like an accidental genius. Okay, it's like this person did not know how good she was until someone else informed her."
"He's got depth to him as a writer that people might not necessarily recognize because he's so entertaining."
"No prophet is honored in his own land."
"It's just really artfully done, and I'm not sure they knew how good it was at the time."
"That Talent like this exists and they're just not getting any exposure for it."
"A prophet is never respected in his own land."
"I'm a genius but nobody knows it but me."
"You sometimes don't know the talent in your midst, do you?"
"You might be able to achieve a lot more than you realize because you don't realize that one of your greatest skills is a skill at all."
"People do not realize how consistently good Jack was."
"If they don't know that they're gifted, or if they can't really tap into that potential, then we're kind of having a net loss of ability overall."
"Just because you don't see the genius in what I do doesn't change the fact that Thomas loves it when I do my job."
"I'm a stable person, I'm a genius, and no one knows it but they will soon."
"I'm a little bit of a genius not realized; some of these things did come true."
"You're like a star, the magician; I don't think he knows."