
Inner Joy Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The nature of the spirit within us is pleasure. That pleasure is love."
"If you were joyful by your own nature you would naturally have wonderful relationships with anybody you meet."
"All the happiness and joy you could ever hope for and more, it is within you now."
"I hope you're feeling the warm and fuzzies deep inside."
"Returning to unconditional love, finding peace and joy within."
"There's a river of Joy flowing inside of you all the time."
"True joy is in the innermost being and it is connected with being clean on the inside."
"Embrace the true self within as you experience the spiritual essence of the practice, the joy and the love."
"Be yourself as God made you, naturally attractive and joyful inside and out."
"A happy person, a free person, a liberated person can sit silently any place and feel happiness within."
"Spirituality is light and joy and focuses on the experience of love and inner bliss."
"Nurture your inner childlike spirit; let your light shine."
"Our purpose is to rediscover our essential being and its innate joy."
"It's a joy that cannot be taken away, it is a beauty that cannot be denied, it is a part of yourself and a part of your passion that needs to be heard."
"Every word will accomplish that which I please. So you sit down and you can't stop it, you feel like laughing on the inside, you feel a smile coming over you because you like what you're hearing and it produces that motor element, and then it's done."
"The true smile will seep up from within."
"Don't rely on someone else to give you joy. It's a bonus, but you have to have it from within."
"The spirit of Christmas is in all of us."
"Joy is something in the heart. It's not smiling, it's not external exuberance because that depends on temperament."
"I'm talking not about that inward joy even if outwardly you are a reserved quiet type of person, an inward joy that never goes."
"Your ecstasy comes from inside out."
"I was standing still but on the inside I was jumping up and down."
"When you connect to the field, when your consciousness merges with a greater consciousness, and that arousal creates ecstasy, bliss, oneness, you realize that it never came from anything out there, it came from within you."
"I have this permanent layer of joy in me, and nothing can break it; it's unbreakable."
"The stoic must necessarily be attended to by constant cheerfulness and a joy that is deep and issues from deep within."
"I'm feeling good and I'm smiling on the inside."
"There is an inexhaustible reservoir of joy and happiness within us, and it's just a matter of tapping that!"
"Happiness is not in the object outside you; it is right within you and it's coming out of your system."
"I don't know the last time I've smiled, but I feel so good, I feel good inside."
"Happiness is of the heart, not of the face."
"When you find that joy inside, you give it to others just by being who you are."
"The self is Ananda, not in the sense of Ananda of eating a cookie or enjoying a beautiful sunset, but it evokes the happiness from within."
"Your job must be an expression of joy. And joy, you find within yourself."
"Find true peace, happiness, and freedom from suffering."
"Joy does not begin on the outside; joy begins on the inside."
"Look within yourself and find yourself; be confident in who you are and in what you have to offer the world. That's where you'll find your joy."
"Exhilaration is within, there can no outer wine so royally intoxicate as that diviner brand the soul achieves herself to drink."
"The happiness we derive from external experiences, is actually a reflection of the inner happiness."
"Tap into your inner child and what your inner child loves."
"I am joy itself; I don't require a mind and a sensory system and a body to be happy."
"The joy or the happiness that he experienced in his mind was so superior to any pleasure or joy he'd experienced through his senses."
"Love, peace, joy, and freedom are our true nature; they are what we are."
"Happiness will bubble up within you; joy will bubble up within you."
"Happiness that's right inside your heart."
"Joy that's coming from inside me, and that I am that Joy."
"The joy is from within; it is your own joy, you don't need it from outside."
"The soul which is interiorly united with God is full of joy."
"You can live in joy even when everything in your physical world seems to be falling down around you."
"Out of your belly will flow rivers of love and rivers of life and rivers of joy peace."
"Discovering happiness in our hearts."
"Maintain that undercurrent of joy, which Master says is our true nature."
"You are Consciousness itself, changeless, undivided, free. Go in happiness."
"The message of the Guru is that if you constantly understand and get this Shabad to sink within yourself, that starts to bring out the Amrit, the sweetness, the nectar that's already within you."
"Relative Bliss comes from the cookie, but the essence of bliss comes from yourself."
"The bright, joyful innocence of the Sun is always within us, waiting for the right time to be freed and to burst forward."
"It's a kind of joy you feel deep inside your heart."
"You got joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart."
"Joy is something that's on the inside of you, no matter what's going on on the outside of you."
"There's blossom in the trees and there's happiness blossoming within me."
"Even when I'm fragile on the outside, I'm smiling on the inside."