
Corporate Vision Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Our vision is to be sure that we improve the lives of three billion people per year by 2030."
"We have a vision to be the world's greatest games company. If we're honest with ourselves, we're not there right now." - Andrew Wilson
"I'm delighted that people see the potential in our company and I'm looking forward to inventing the future."
"We really wanted this to be a larger part of how Riot intends to do entertainment."
"2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for so many reasons and we hope you and your families are doing okay given what's going on today google's north star of being helpful to people feels more important than ever"
"The vision of our company, for example, is that we want to improve the systems of the world for everyone everywhere."
"Our primary mission is to accelerate sustainable energy that's always been our primary Mission."
"Long term, I am convinced that Tesla will be the most valuable company on Earth."
"Love the mission, love their vision for the future."
"Let's set another high target and let's go for it. Let every company in America that wants to associate itself with the future, show us their visions."
"Meta is in the business of making dreams come true, bringing people together, and creating new experiences that will usher us into a utopian future."
"Folks, this is just the beginning. Virgin Galactic is a venture, a capital, a catalyst. It's the start of a whole new space age."
"As the CEO of Strike, I have the thesis that it's going to go to the best consumer experience and the best acquirer relationships."
"At Samsung, we believe that 360 is the future of storytelling."
"Toyota has a 100 year plan outlining the vision of where they want the company to be."
"We see AR and VR as an integral part of everything that we do."
"Our north star has always been about improving people's lives by creating great products that change the world."
"We're excited about the future of what we're doing, what we're building and where we're going from here."
"It's one location to show you the future of Tesla as well as the past."
"I'm excited about Starship, Neuralink, and Boring Company."
"She is precisely the candidate the Board needs to continue Imagining the future of Disney as we navigate a world that sees physical digital and Virtual Worlds converging."
"Master Plan Part 3 is about achieving very large scale... to shift the entire energy infrastructure." - Elon Musk
"We have a vision to be the world's greatest games company."
"With every car we make, with every batch we make, we're making the future better." - Elon Musk
"SpaceX was founded on the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is more exciting than a life where we're not."
"Netflix has said we have three words for our movie division: bigger, better, fewer."
"I'm a believer. I believe that we can grow our company, strengthen our company, build our company, and that's what our entire management team is focused on."
"I've never been more excited or optimistic about Tesla in the history of the company." - Elon Musk
"Progression, innovation, that's what Jackson's strong is all about."
"100% electrification by 2030." - Mazda's clear vision for a sustainable future.
"A lot still to look forward to long term for Tesla which is always what it's been about."
"If we execute on all these things... Tesla could one day be the most valuable company in the world."
"I think we are right on the path to greatness here in Idrath Core."
"It's an invitation to join a movement of rebels who ask, 'Can I do better?'" - Founder and CEO of OnePlus
"Our dream is to be the best beer company in a better world."
"Honestly, five years ago I never would have imagined that Delta would be here at CES charting our path to the future."
"Microsoft have a vision: stay strong in manufacturing, win in distribution."
"Having good strategic management can give companies a better strategic vision for what the firm is and what they're trying to do."
"We then set a course to truly transform the brand with a playbook around reigniting our purpose."
"The great companies in this world have great purposes."
"My role as executive vice president enables me to listen to your voice, what you like, what you don't like, to shape NLW into the great company I know it can be."
"My ambition has always been to build an enduring company... I mean a hundred years."
"We at Global International want our children to have access to the world's best experiences."
"Our strategic vision is to reposition DSB in order to foster a human connection through positive experiences."
"The Tesla Semi video exemplifies the remarkable progress and forward-thinking approach that defines Tesla."