
Marketing Tactics Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"But tossing around words like natural, nontoxic, or hypoallergenic for sales' sake is misleading and dangerous."
"Contests and giveaways boost engagement and brand awareness."
"The fear that you possibly won't have a certain item forever clearly pushes people to purchase. It's called Suffering From Success."
"Influencers consistently talk about how much they care about you as an audience member in the same breath that they're trying to sell to you."
"Getting initial reviews is all about social proof, like seeing a line out the door at a restaurant."
"The game manipulated me into buying it through the anchoring technique."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"But there's a whole theory that it's all just a ploy to get you to buy makeup."
"They are very subtle these days, diet companies and all kinds of companies when they're selling us things that rely on us feeling not good enough."
"You need the excitement and the fanfare. You need the FOMO."
"Giving away stuff for free is not a bad tactic."
"So many fascinating things that retailers do to make you look at them or try things on or buy more."
"When someone offers you a free sample, it's not really free. It comes with the implied expectation that if a person accepts it, he or she will feel obligated to return the favor."
"You're unknowingly one step closer to making that purchase."
"If the person looking at it can tell it's an ad, you've done it all wrong."
"They did something that was so [__] stupid that they did it and it became... good."
"Exploiting psychology: expensive products at eye level, cheaper ones out of reach."
"The mere whisper of the word loot is enough to make millions of players' ears prick up and pay attention."
"Sticky add to cart helps improve conversion rates, people want to impulse buy."
"Nvidia has fooled you into buying a slower part by giving it the same name as a faster part."
"How much what we want to buy or when we feel compelled to buy is driven by very, very clear psychological tricks to make us feel that compulsion."
"The first taste is always for free after that, oh my, you're hooked."
"You're being overly milked and it's a cash grab."
"Reuse the content from the influencers that promote your products so you can use it in your stories post and also in your highlights as testimonials."
"Why hold a sale at all if you don't want consumers buying a lot of games?"
"By doing some discounts or doing a pay-per-click or doing a lightning deal."
"At least a few of you are marketing agents, we saw this with scythe too. Sincerely, it's awesome to see the community get excited..."
"You cannot just be posting aimlessly... You need a plan, a strategy, and a course of action."
"It's gonna force you to purchase more in order to actually get true use out of the $15 gift."
"Elon has figured out a way to get us almost like Tom Sawyer did to beg to test the car for free, give him all our data, he didn't pay us."
"I think movie studios will do anything to get you to go and see that movie."
"This silly ass promotion is gonna get so many people spending money on this game."
"We just gotta be smart consumers and when it comes to Christmas in June, you know it's all marketing."
"I think this is almost predatory tactics from the video gaming market."
"Always learn to think critically for yourself."
"Understanding marketing and consumerism: 'unrealistic models' or portraying an unrealistic life makes the buyer want to have that particular life or look like that particular model."
"Timu and Xi'an are effectively going on a viral marketing campaign to frustrate their competitors with products that are below the cost of the market."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"This is a marketing scheme, this is exactly what this is."
"Now I know what you're thinking, obvious scam right? But wait..."
"If you see something you like, get it as fast as you can, because we may never make it again, and it will probably sell out quickly." - Mmm..hmm-hmm-hmm, tease, tease. (laughs)
"Nadia turned the shit out of y'all and you guys are falling for it."
"It's fatigue of just being tired of the bait and switch."
"Stop trying to make stuff deep that's not deep so that you can sell people a way to go deeper."
"Unfortunately cosmetics is pretty unregulated when it comes to percentage actors and you can marketing market an ingredient and it be you know 0.9 and you can say but it's in the product."
"Advertising appeals to pride and covetousness very subtly."
"If you see something like this just be aware of these tactics that they'll try and push on you."
"People psychologically never respond to things being fake or by them being strong armed into liking something."
"Celebrities get paid way more, are way sneakier okay, beats by Dre in a Bowwow video, you thought he just loves beats, no sis that's called product placement and he was paid."
"Big Brands will make things seem scarce that way they really end before you realize the hook is right inside your mouth."
"Give your followers a teaser... build hype around what's coming up next."
"Remember guys the more entries you have, the more chances for you to win the truck and the ten thousand dollars cash back."
"Just because someone uses certain keywords does not mean that they genuinely abide by those principles or believe those things. In a lot of instances, it's just marketing."
"It's just a lie that conveniently benefits the manufacturer of the product."
"People are always searching for coupons, discounts, or limited-time offers."
"Free has an uncanny ability to attract someone's attention."
"Clickbait is a controversial marketing tactic because its job is to entice someone to click and watch or read the content."
"They get you with the small things. Yeah, and they make you get greedy."
"Skin care, makeup... a lot of it is all marketing."
"Facebook groups are more like email list marketing. You're just building relationships."
"Stay woke, people! Companies usually want you to go through the product faster so that you have to repurchase sooner."
"These platforms seem to actively be targeting inexperienced investors with riskier strategies."
"Show them quality—people need to see it to believe it."
"Instructions like these are just lazy. They just want to sell you the products and make the money."
"Many food apps that deliver food to you do this all the time, they go out of their way to scare you."
"He left me on read for a month, then hit me up to trick me into sitting through his crappy MLM pitch."
"Psychological triggers work; it's the way we're wired."
"...Food companies are trying everything they can to make you buy their products, and so they will put stuff on labels like 'no sugar added,' 'vegan,' 'keto,' 'gluten-free,' 'organic,' '100% natural' like all this stuff."
"Whenever you hear a medical type thing whether it's like Gwyneth Paltrow or the liver King and they use the words ancestral or ancient and they're trying to sell you something it is automatically known to be [__]."
"Some people are sick and tired of the over saturation and spamming that we see most people in MLMs creating like literally about it top leaders and MLMs."
"Nike doesn't sell shoes by telling people they're fat and lazy."
"Promise shocking or life-changing results but provide little to no details."
"MLMs are notorious for withholding and distorting information."
"...people paid 10 grand they didn't pay 10 grand just for this but this was included in that 10 000 program and I'm literally giving it to you for free."
"Guarantees help you risk reverse and sell more."
"If a guy is marketing and selling you too hard, he's probably not a great portfolio manager."
"The best way to make sure that your business pushes forward with people just flat out sharing everything that you do."
"Claim your free Instagram course; it'll give you the best tactics."
"I really love using a longer in-depth single testimonial review in retargeting because that's where I find people want to have more in-depth knowledge of your product."
"So much of skin care is advertising in some way, companies trying to make us feel self-conscious about a thing to then fix that problem that wasn't necessarily a problem."
"We want to induce engagement so that they're not dreading clicking a button thinking that it might take them to a site that they don't want to go to."
"There's a variety of ways that we can target users as well as exclude certain users depending on where they are."