
Explosion Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"So we got a big problem here. There has been a powerful explosion at a factory in Russia that produces nuclear weapons deployment systems."
"They believe that the degree was consistent with an implosion but um there's still a lot of questions to be answered in terms in including like when how those kind of things they weren't able to answer yeah."
"The bomb was so powerful that people up to a mile of it were vaporized."
"They put everyone at a safe distance in case there is a rapid unscheduled disassembly."
"Remember how Taraji said the trailers were infested? Yes, our trailers blew up."
"The explosion was so large that many British soldiers were knocked off their feet and dozens were killed by falling debris."
"The explosion is said to have been heard over two miles away."
"It's just a whiteout, one of those shots where the explosion is so big."
"A large black and white explosion on the Bismarck"
"Unfortunately, you know guys with a bomb bay doors open taking the hits from the SAMs it's gonna cause quite an explosion."
"How much do you have in common in your play style with a Minecraft developer?"
"Explosion was once a cow patty fertilizing a very small area."
"Zombies touch the rope with their feet and there's a loud explosion."
"It struck with the force of a small nuclear bomb on Tuesday, a massive explosion rocked the capital and economic center of Lebanon, Beirut."
"Unbelievable that six metro officers and first responders were in the vicinity of that massive explosion and somehow survived it."
"It took one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history to the face sideways."
"Massive explosion reported in Qunaitra, Syria, near the Israeli border."
"It's like a productivity explosion, exactly."
"It was estimated that the blast had the equivalent impact of 15 megatons of TNT."
"Every day, somewhere in the universe, there's a huge explosion."
"The detonation triggers a controlled explosion that fractures the rock mass, breaking it into smaller, more manageable pieces."
"Such an event could even lead to a quark nova, an explosion that would outshine even supernova events."
"This explosion is one of the most beautiful sights ever seen by man."
"For whatever reason, this anime that came out of nowhere absolutely exploded."
"Remember when the casita exploded?"
"An explosion of luck, something just think a really good surprise."
"Did he just blow up the planet? Yep, welcome to DBZ."
"Wow, they really blew the [ __ ] up."
"Unique strength: He's able to instantly counter-attack with hits with just an explosion on the affected part of his body."
"It's like a flavor bomb in your mouth."
"Sam manages to escape the Grid right before the fusion causes a massive explosion that destroys the entire place."
"It's like an explosion of flavor bang chili bang you know sweetness and you've got like little shrimps and pineapple oh my gosh."
"Our Story begins with a violent and colorful ending, a supernova explosion. In this spectacular celestial fireworks display, the death of a massive star gives rise to something extraordinary."
"US President Joe Biden has been briefed on the vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge Port of Entry and that he and his team are closely following developments."
"...there had been an explosion but it couldn't be ascertained what had caused it."
"Just sit back and see [ __ ] get blown up sometimes."
"The explosion of unimaginable scale pierced the heavens."
"in that moment of explosion she still has that kindness"
"This French toast was a flavor explosion like no other."
"Frankie to Chico exploded on him."
"I never identified myself with anything, and life just exploded within me."
"I just thought you can't go from zero to five in 18 months without it blowing up."
"And 20 minutes later the bomb around his neck began to beep for about 10 seconds, then it detonated."
"Rick exploded when confronted with the new strategy. He screamed that we lacked the basic mental capacity to appreciate genius when it was staring us in the face."
"I let out a massive blast that exploded outward in all directions with me at the epicenter."
"That kind of rage doesn't happen overnight. That kind of rage is a long, slow burn... until the boom..."
"The entire arc reactor just went boom."
"...completely took me off guard genuinely exploded my brain like there's nothing left in here."
"The demon emits a bright green light because of the attack and then explodes leaving not a single trace behind."
"Things just kind of explode in two different directions."
"That whole group of them just blew up, just blew up."
"That was the weekend all that [ __ ] blew up, all that [ __ ]."
"My passion for the industry has exploded in a dirty mess of [__]."
"there is no way to prepare oneself for the site that we've beheld this morning I don't know that there's in recorded history in our nation that has ever been a more formidable explosion."
"If you put the 'Welcome to the Jungle' video on MTV, the record will literally explode overnight."
"For such a huge explosion like this we thought it would be best to build it up with multiple different stock assets and slow them down to fake the large sense of scale."
"The anti-matter idea just has a certain beauty to it. It's just the sheer, terrible beauty of a really dramatic explosion from the inside."
"Christmas has literally exploded at HomeGoods."
"Vulgar Display of Power... that's the one that really pushed it on in front. You really saw the spillover into Vulgar Display of Power because that's where this sort of critical mass they had built up just exploded."
"The explosion was so powerful that you could see it from afar, it seemed for a moment a true volcano."
"I did not trust myself to blow it up."
"It looks like a sweet 80s action explosion."
"It's unfortunate exploded in our faces."
"If you don't vent every now and then, you'll just explode. It's science."
"So now we know the right saturation level for this explosion."
"The noise of the explosion was just as unnatural, as if the sound had been sucked in before being spat out."
"The spices become like a spice explosion fitting for like a volcano."
"Can I get a Tom bomb? Yes, I can. Boom."
"The energy released exceeded 470 kilotons of TNT, 30 to 40 times bigger than the bomb that hit Hiroshima."
"And then this place blows up like a controversial hot take on Twitter."
"The flavors just work so well together. There's lots of different spices working in unison, but when you put them all together, it just makes an explosion of flavors."
"At that moment, a great explosion would leave only fire all around and a voice that Zenos Sama would recognize would make him tremble. 'Zenos Sama, I'm back. Let's finish what we left millions of years ago.'"
"Massive explosions lighting up the sky in Michigan."
"The investigation continues into what started that explosion."
"Debris projected into the air traveling as far as a mile away."
"...whatever that byproduct was from that explosion that's what we are we're the vibratory effect from that explosion and everything we know is on a vibration."
"The emotions and the feelings are huge, and there's like an explosion from their point of view."
"Gas canisters exploded, 15 burns to hands, face, in a world of uncertainty, we see a life-changing event."
"I think we've lost sight of how much of an explosion of Music this was."
"I hope you enjoyed the video, let's end it with an explosion."
"even with the big explosion it would also release an incredible pressure that would make all the Warriors present fall to their knees"
"The largest nuclear explosion in history created a detectable shock wave that circled the globe three times over and an initial fireball 5 miles in diameter."
"...and it's Irrelevant for the story anyway isn't it because um you know I don't need to blow something up to make the story relevant."
"Tick Tock absolutely exploded in 2022."
"Houston is exploding with growth."
"So the first time we see the planet exploding there's explosions that are causing each crack first and then it all blows up in one go here it immediately all blows up in one go and all the cracks happen simultaneously but we get this excellent burst of energy."
"I hope it's true. Here's the thing, I need you guys to stay with me on this video to find out if elastic rubber bands can make a watermelon explode."
"Yo, what a blow. Such a huge explosion."
"The damage that this explosion did was incredible."
"This was a little bit of a flavor of 2007 you know we missed Brady in 2008 he came back things were a little clunky early in the season then all of a sudden just an absolute explosion."
"...the only way you're going to get a big blast of bleed off like that is bad headspace."
"Oh good, the movie exploded. We don't have to watch it anymore."
"Andre apologizes for all the harm he has caused and overheats until his own body explodes."
"It looks like Christmas explosion. Love it!"
"She just exploded because she couldn't deal."
"With the explosion, the entire place starts collapsing."
"... let's rewind it and see it played back at a slower frame rate the charge did detonate but the poor ratio of ammonium nitrate to aluminum results in a weak explosion ..."
"The moment where Earth, the planet we cherish and inhabit, [__] explodes."
"If something blows up, it's more entertaining for the video."
"Thor manages to absorb the astounding force of the god bomb blast into himself."
"I cannot believe it has just blown up with how it is."
"We're living at a time where knowledge is literally exploding."
"Once gangster rap made it from the streets to the TV, the genre exploded."
"Their escape was not a moment too soon, and as the countdown hits zero, the lab erupts in a fiery explosion."
"I'm worried that it'll just get stuck and I'll just blow it up."
"A massive explosion that sends all the demons flying into the air."
"Brett is blue, he's going to blow the [ __ ] up on the blue blockchain."
"The reactor vessel explodes like a hand grenade."
"Yup, little explosion from the start. God, bro, imagine seeing that coming towards you. Sheesh."
"it's been an explosion of talent it's been an explosion of artistry"
"Once they heard there had been some sort of explosion and that's what had killed Roberto they immediately began to blame themselves."
"So I hit the nitrous button and shortly thereafter the whole thing blew up."
"A 300-ton missile landed on his head then exploded, forming a huge nuclear mushroom."
"He ended up solving the whole problem with just one explosion."
"The blast tore through the night, the gun jolted backward from the recoil, an explosion arose ahead and a gust of flame burst into the dark sky."
"I say it's his life too he's had probably would have exploded, oh geez."
"He had prepared a bomb in the trunk of the fake horse statue and blew up Shiro's entire base."
"He's off, he's blown up like a champion, mate."
"for that reason alone of course then there superhero Landing followed by the explosion with Mario eyes"
"He takes out a helicopter by shooting a giant propane tank and like all the guys hanging off the sides of machine guns get cooked alive. It's pretty awesome."
"if it looks like a ghost kaboom it probably goes kapoob"
"I love that they explode into green glitter. That's just fun."
"Wow, what is that? It's like a nuke!"
"It's just tactile. It's when you're watching something on a movie and it explodes."
"I explode a little with every message you send me."
"What's been going on is we've all been watching it completely explode."
"Boom," onomatopoeia whispers, and the doors explode outwards, scattering the soldiers on the other side.
"When that one big move does happen, it's just gonna explode where the race weapons up."
"A blast so big it looked like a nuclear bomb."
"It's not just a sea in 15 octaves, it's a sea, the E and the G, that C major pow, it explodes."
"...the incomplete spell was triggered and exploded right above her head."
"A powerful explosion lights up the sky, leaving areas of the castle in smoke."
"The tremendous detonation felt 260 M away shakes the Earth under the soldiers."
"That explosion in the last panel, I love how you did that."
"Alright guys time for plan X. The X stands for explode."
"Caught a case of pride, and then eventually, finally, you just blew the [__] up, exploded, boom, right there in front of my face."
"the blast would have gone out in all directions and done extreme damage for many blocks"
"I basically created like a little mini bomb going on right here. It just exploded, saw the biggest cloud of smoke."
"This image is absolutely mind-blowing even trying to zoom in right here we suddenly discover this enormous explosion covering a very large area with a lot of finger like protrusions going in every direction."
"The craft blew up in a brilliant ball of Fire."
"Once these massive stars explode, they once again produce another beautiful dust cloud."
"As it's building, you see the explosion just starting to go, and then off it goes. This is so full of energy and vibrancy."
"There has been an explosion of some kind at the Capitol."
"Everything blew up, and we got a ship that didn't blow up, so I guess everything didn't blow up."
"An incredible explosion occurred over Siberia."
"This event in Siberia was equivalent to about a 10 Megaton thermonuclear blast."
"This colossal explosion is taking only one megabyte of disk space."
"You get these curious moments in which freedom floods over us with a kind of explosion."
"We are at the beginning of an extraordinary explosion of access, so that you can maintain it, you can nurture it, you can cultivate it more easily and more cheaply than ever before."
"The young man attacked the man again and almost immediately there was an explosion of incredible power."
"Imagine if something exploded or shattered underwater."
"I had a pretty satisfying and pretty explosion."
"It's very important to put this in the right way around because if you don't, they sometimes can explode."
"But in order to do so these stars must die, and when they do, they don't go gently into that good night. Instead they go out with a bang."
"It was the most powerful explosion that we ever had any evidence of except for the Big Bang birth of the universe."
"The city is still reeling from an explosion that obliterated an entire city block and killed innocents."
"After being blown apart in an explosion, she was able to channel the ability of a flatworm to regenerate itself to reconstruct her entire body."
"Every different part of it, there's just so many components that come together to create this one bite of just explosion in your mouth."
"It's a direct hit, and the Death Star immediately begins to explode."
"It's a fruity berry delicious explosion."
"The beauty industry just exploded in the past couple of years."
"When they crash into each other, they explode and release energy."
"Watched from a safe distance, this explosion is one of the most beautiful sights ever seen by man."
"A supernova explosion is an incredibly powerful explosion."
"The tremendous radiant energy output and gas expansion processes have created a fireball of superheated air several kilometers in diameter."
"Now this fire will go up, and when it touches that fuel, suddenly that fuel is igniting, and not only is it igniting, it's sort of exploding."
"This is like a proper explosion that we're getting."
"The explosion had hurled the shrapnel up to 3,600 miles per hour; each fragment was carefully catalogued."
"I've never seen a supernova blow up, but if it's anything like my old Chevy Nova, it'll light up the night sky."
"After the big freeze, life on Earth exploded."
"When Chernobyl popped its top in a violent steam explosion, the radiation levels climbed to before unseen levels."
"It's just an explosion of so many flowers."
"The energy produced by the explosion was equal to the same amount of energy our sun generates over a span of 100,000 years."
"A dramatic explosion shattered the tranquility of a Florida LaunchPad."
"Blowing up like supernova, booth exploder, I'm the truth exposer."
"The Cambrian explosion, a weird and wonderful thing happened five hundred thirty million years ago."
"It would be an amazing explosion and recovery of marine life."
"Positive feedback loops that are not bounded by some negative feedback force are unstable; they detonate, they explode."
"The space station exploded, yikes."
"A supernova is a massive explosion of a very large star."
"The missile goes by our tail, and I hear the missile explode, which meant he was too damn close."
"We're seeing this rapid explosion of the NFT space, more explosive than anything we've seen in the history of art."
"The blast was so intense that it flattened an estimated 2,000 square kilometers of the Siberian forest."
"The Cambrian period is when life just kind of went off the rails."
"Caught in the heat of an explosion, he was fortunate in keeping his sight."
"The middle of the Hood erupts like a Roman candle, spraying flames hundreds of feet in the air."
"Why does it explode? We'll approach the solution from two different perspectives."
"But burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars."
"That explosion was insane, visually it was amazing."
"At 2:10 PM, a large explosion occurred on Lusitania's starboard side, close to the bridge."
"The Big Bang Theory states that there was a beginning where there was a huge explosion."
"When two stars collide, there's an almighty explosion."
"The Tunguska event, a massive explosion... is one of the most interesting puzzles of the 20th century."
"It's literally an explosion of flavors."
"A supernova is the largest explosion that can take place in space."
"The greatest explosions in the solar system are flares, intense bursts of light erupting with the force of billions of hydrogen bombs."
"This explosion is worth its weight in gold."
"I felt like a pressure cooker, and I felt like everything was just starting to squeeze together so tight that any moment I might just explode."
"It was just an explosion of creativity both artistically, visually, musically, and everything."
"It just explodes into this post-rock kind of style; it is massive sound."