
SWIFT Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Removing Russia's largest banks from SWIFT cuts them off from global institutions and makes it much more difficult to process transactions for them."
"If you're going to do iOS development, bar none, I would recommend that you go to Swift."
"The sanctions that we've proposed on all their banks of equal consequence maybe more consequence than SWIFT."
"Swift is quite different from objective-c while retaining some similar Styles."
"Swift variables are inferred, making coding more efficient."
"You now know how to create and set up an application in Swift."
"And in Swift, this is called an if statement."
"Things can turn in a second. It will look like someone is down and out and like this is it, and with three swift movements, they have someone in a triangle hold."
"Death had come to the Prince of Thieves as swiftly and mysteriously as he had dealt doomed to the lions in the garden below."
"This remains one of Swift's most loved visuals with one critic even describing it as the Avengers of music videos."
"It's a great example of Swift being able to make an unforgettable video that, like the song it accompanies, plays on the public's critiques of her."
"Swift draws a firm line between structs which have value semantics and classes which have reference semantics."
"Swift uses a concept of value semantics that C++ programmers should find very familiar."
"Even the best Swift developers are writing really good comments."
"Swift and true, the Grim messenger of death sped to its Mark."
"Never in my life had I seen justice delivered so swiftly."
"The Swift here, for example, represents that value choice. You get the most spec and safety at a very reasonable price."
"He didn't take long to have an impact."
"...but this is all about Swift so pretty much those are my main cons really would be the equipment and the pay."
"Swift is a type safe language and that's going to be so incredibly important as we start writing more difficult code."
"Swift is a type safe language if you tell the compiler that something is supposed to be a Boolean and then you're trying to set it equal to something that is not a Boolean the code will not compile."
"But just a few months ago someone following one of my courses tweeted to say that they're learning swiftness of UI and they're finding chat GPT invaluable for so-called stupid beginner questions where I'm not even sure what I'm asking makes sense"
"Swift 6 is coming soon, Swift 5.10 enabled strict concurrency checking."
"Justice will be swift. It will be righteous."
"Knowing how to unwrap optionals and then always unwrapping your optionals is one of the fastest ways to become a good Swift developer."
"Optionals are incredibly powerful in Swift and one of the most important things to firmly grasp."
"Understanding optionals and how to safely unwrap them is one of the most important things to learn in Swift."
"Learning the safe ways to unwrap an optional is one of the most important things in learning Swift."
"You should always safely unwrap your optionals because if you don't, it can crash your application."
"How you unwrap your optionals is a very telltale sign of how good you are as a Swift developer."
"Swift UI gives us a bunch of really, really useful transitions."
"Swift is strongly typed; every single thing, every variable has to have an actual strong type."
"We're doing functional programming here in Swift; these are really, really important, right? Closures, functions as types, just we're just going to be doing this all the time in this class."
"Alternatives to the SWIFT money transfer system will be strengthened as a result of these newer sanctions."
"They like what I'm doing with my YouTube channel, you know, spreading positivity about Swift."
"We're transforming the SWIFT platform to enable instant and frictionless transactions from account to account anywhere in the world."
"Welcome back everyone, I'm Nick, and this is Swiffle Thinking where we cover all things Swift and SwiftUI related."
"What makes enums really incredible and Swift and really powerful is that you can associate data with each case."
"Optional is a type, a very very important type, it's an enum."
"The code I'll be teaching you how to write is called the Swift programming language."
"Now in the next lesson, we're going to dive right into Swift programming."
"Make sure your language is set to Swift, and we're going to be working with SwiftUI."
"This is by far the best way to be doing asynchronous code in Swift."
"We are going to dive in as deep as we possibly can into the Swift language."
"Swift Playgrounds is more than enough if you want to get started with making apps."
"Let's just get started with making an app."
"Let's add a text box or text field."
"I'm happy to have you join me for yet another lesson inside of Swift development."
"The arrows of Sri Ram from his Kodanda bow went faster than Garuda, in fact, faster than the mind and faster than the wind."
"I didn't notice the runtime, it flew by and I loved every minute of it."
"This year, for the very first time, I am organizing Swift Tutorial Conference."
"You need to learn them if you're working with Swift, and it is very advantageous if you can really master optionals."
"It's a promotion; a promotion function signatures in Swift always works."
"Equality and hashing... understanding them is the key to understanding how sets work and how equation generally in Swift works."
"It's important that we all learn how to use these syntaxes that are available in modern Swift."
"In Swift, there's a distinction between mutable and immutable variables."
"Swift has this cool operator called for-in."
"To create a new function, we're going to start with the keyword func."
"A struct is basically a container for data."
"Let's open up Xcode and write our first few lines of Swift together."
"Hi and welcome to a very exciting new Swift tutorial."
"Enumerations in Swift can have associated values that are dynamically added at the time of creating an instance of that enumeration."
"Pattern matching in Swift is very powerful."
"Inside a throwing function, you can try statements without having to wrap them within do and catch."
"I love Swift; I think it's the best language by a long, long way right now."
"Hopefully you found today's content helpful and useful in terms of improving your coding with Swift."
"Swift's main design goals have always been safety, which I will say is criminally underrated in the programming world."
"With the power of these new Swift features, concurrency is a lot easier."
"Swift takes entire classes of programming errors and effectively translates them to compiler errors instead of runtime ones."
"Now with this latest version of Swift, all of these problems can be forgotten because now you can use async await functions to replace this whole completion handler architecture."