
Divine Voice Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"But I believe that there's one voice, one voice that stands above every other voice, and that is the voice of the Lord."
"For the Lord to say that, it obviously means that he's speaking. That same voice that spoke to Lazarus, still speaking. That same voice that told a storm to be still, is still speaking to us now."
"The Lord is speaking, his voice still has power. We simply need to open his word and listen."
"The greatest difference between the voice of God and the voice of man is this: God's voice is what comes from His own mouth. It is all the truth, and it is full of authority and power."
"The voice of God has radically changed my destiny."
"When the noise of life becomes quiet enough, you could hear the still voice of the Lord."
"The voice of the people is the voice of God."
"I just had a dream where I went to hell and I heard the audible voice of God."
"Who's grateful for the voice of God? Who's grateful for dreams?"
"The voice from the cloud said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.'"
"Hear the mighty Voice of Truth quiet in power."
"I believe that hearing the voice of God is the strongest way to align us with who God has ordained us to be."
"The voice of God is always coded, whereby it is not the way I am speaking to you, the voice of God needs interpretation, translation."
"It was the voice of God seducing and commanding to be heard, the everlasting miracle of that interstellar metal."
"The more you listen, the better you'll be able to recognize God's voice."
"The voice of the Lord is powerful, majestic, and truthful."
"O Immortal Teacher, I bow to thee as the speaking voice of silent God."
"But you know what else there is? There's not just the voice of the devil in this world, there's another voice in this world, and that's the voice of the Father."
"The voice of the Lord is what we need just as desperately as the Word of God."
"Listen for and obey the voice of God in a fully surrendered life."
"God's voice is more important than my issue."
"The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God, and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact."
"I felt this incredible peace and that in that same voice again came into my ear and said, 'You are now home.'"
"When I read from the word of God, this is different... this is like a voice from heaven."
"Yea, today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
"His voice is joy, his voice is wisdom, his voice is healing, his voice is peace."
"The more you think about what you read, the more you become familiar with His voice."
"The day that you hear His voice, harden not your heart."
"It's time to silence the many voices and hear the still small voice of God."
"When you have a soft heart, you can hear the voice of God."
"Your own ears will hear Him right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,' whether to the right or to the left."
"God's raising up a holy people that know the voice of God."
"How important it is to hear God's voice."
"God's voice is always positive, uplifting, encouraging."
"Other sheep I have that are not of this fold... they will hear my voice, and there will be one fold and one shepherd."
"It's never too late when God speaks to you to begin again."
"The voice of God... it's not an actual voice... it's a voice that you hear with your spiritual ear, your inner ear."
"The more you practice hearing Him speak to you, the more you'll be able to hear His voice."
"We need that spiritual ability to hear your voice today."
"I spent my life on his voice, and is that not the joy of the prophet?"
"Every time you read in that Bible, you are hearing the voice of God."
"See that you do not refuse Him who speaks."
"When the sound of many waters is the voice of God, a waterfall is not a gentle thing; it's a very powerful thing."
"God has really used him as a voice and most of the themes of the churches that they use today."
"Shame doesn't originate from God's voice; shame originates from voices who say that they are speaking for God."
"We live in a world of so much clamor and chaos... We want to hear from God Himself."
"That your voice may be heard, that your justice may be accomplished, that your truth may be proclaimed, that your mercy may be found."
"I have given you the most divine singing voice in the western world."
"The voice of God making a definitive statement about Jesus's identity and mission."
"When they say that this person's voice is anointed, that is what they mean when they talk about Fantasia."
"Behind every statement of Scripture is the voice of God."
"It's only in the silence that we truly hear that still small voice of God."
"My flourishing has gone into overdrive when I started to hear the voice of God in the depths of my soul."
"Prophecy is supernatural revelation or the voice of God in any given situation that brings forth edification, exhortation, and comfort."
"Heaven opens, and you hear the voice of God."
"His voice is like the sound of many waters."
"Thank you for talking to me, God, today, for teaching me to recognize your voice."
"The voice of God is not heard, it is discerned."
"In a world with so many competing voices, our Heavenly Father has made it possible for us to hear and follow His."
"The more time you spend with God, the more you know the voice of God and the language of God."
"We could be at the foot of the mountain and actually hear His voice and still want a man to rule over us."
"The voice of conscience is the voice of God."
"Lean into my still small voice amidst the chaos, and you will surely find me."
"The voice of God expressed through the voice of man."