
Medical Success Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The operation, which only lasted seven hours, -- the doctor who conducted the procedure said the operating room erupted in applause when the girls were successfully separated."
"The vaccine was immediately administered to resounding success."
"There are few things in my career that are more gratifying than counseling couples and figuring out a way for a couple that is unable to achieve a pregnancy to get them all the way through that process so that they can have a baby."
"These are not isolated cases. We actually see responses in the majority of patients because we're doing things the right way."
"Vaccines are one of the biggest successes in modern medicine."
"His life was saved by Dr. Shaw's skill and faithfulness."
"The procedure today was really, really successful, and I'm the most excited about that."
"Curing a thousand people of their blindness is a wonderful thing."
"You know what we have to realize? That since the inception of the polio vaccine, there have been no outbreaks because of the polio vaccine."
"The only real successes we have in cancer medicine are really in prevention."
"Even Jake Tapper says that the speed with which the vaccines have been created is 'an unmitigated success'."
"A boy sent home on Hospice is now cancer-free."
"I'm very optimistic about their short and long-term outcome. They've done beautifully and it's really nothing short of a miracle."
"You reversed type 2 diabetes with an A1C of 5.1. That's amazing!"
"The effect of the antidote spray was better than they could have imagined."
"The surgery was successful, he now has extra healing."
"Vaccines have been one of the biggest success stories of modern medicine."
"We're doing it, guys! We're curing people. Look at Lydia Diamond. What an amazing last name you have."
"Finally removed because this doctor is a miracle worker."
"...patients did very well because they had a very low volume low-grade cancer and really were proven did not need any type of treatment."
"I've had 68 treatments with patisserian; this drug has literally saved my life."
"Han had been successfully treating tetanus patients without resorting to amputations."
"The eradication of smallpox is one of the greatest triumphs of medical epidemiology, microbiology, immunology."
"The patient is out of surgery and the operation was a success."
"It's a very successful surgery and it will bear his name forever."
"Thank you, doctor. She did amazing."
"Whatever it is we're doing, it's working. The rates of the final disease outcomes that we care about by treating high blood pressure is working. We're preventing more heart disease, preventing more strokes."
"It was in certain respects a success story, at least from a medical point of view."
"Insulin has gone on to save the lives of millions; by any measure, a complete medical triumph."
"I've done the treatment, 100% healthy, no cancer in my body whatsoever."
"That tells us that the difference could not have occurred by chance, which means the medication worked."
"This is a lot of Neurology we'd call a cure, there not a lot of conditions that we can cure a hundred percent."
"Great results are easy with great patients."
"We have 90 to 95 good to excellent outcomes when we look at hip replacement surgery."
"Hip replacements are one of the most successful surgeries of this generation in all of surgery."
"We know that cementless resurfacing fixation works and it works very nicely."
"With surgery, we were able to halt curve progression and were actually able to improve the deformity quite a bit."
"The vast majority of the time, you leave the operating room and you fix the problem."
"We're really good at treating Hodgkin's disease now."
"Corneal cross-linking is about 95% successful in stopping progression of keratoconus."
"For this patient, the difference between success and failure was the lighted stand."
"We're pleased to say the operation was a total success."
"All the indications are that the operation went well."
"Early diagnosis and proper treatment turned a zero percent survival into a greater than 85 percent survival."
"I've touched many thousands of people and had them reverse their heart disease, get rid of their diabetes, reverse autoimmune diseases."
"He has performed thousands of procedures with life-changing results."
"My cholesterol is normal, no blood pressure, and my diabetes is gone."
"When I can cure something that someone's been suffering with for a long time, I've never seen a happier patient."
"85% of survival from skull operations is a pretty good and excellent result."
"It's almost 100 percent; that's absolutely right, so this is a tumor that has nearly 100% survival."
"85% of survivals from skull operations is a pretty good, an excellent result."
"It also almost doubled the proportion of patients surviving over five years."
"Oh, I've removed the tumor," he said quietly.
"We can cure well over 90% of breast cancers and well over 95% of prostate cancers."
"Outcomes following the arterial switch are now spectacularly good."
"She had a surgery... and it was a huge success."
"I'm so incredibly happy with what Dr. Salama achieved for me."
"First pass intubation success is the most important variable in outcomes of intubation."
"A good functioning hip replacement can sometimes get to the point that you never really, there's times where you forget you have it."
"Primary biliary cholangitis... is the disease which has the best long-term outcomes following liver transplantation."
"We are blown away by the results of this clinic."
"I saw a doctor who correctly diagnosed me and saved me from possibly losing my ability to breathe."
"We've gone upstream and we're now preserving kidney function and really having huge success with that whole story of how do you preserve kidney function. It's been a great journey and very joyful."
"I'm really happy with how this surgery has gone; it's gone exactly to plan."
"If you had any drug, any treatment, anything that got results like this in the context of mental health and suicidality... that's a certifiable medical success."
"This man stayed with us about 90 days, no incident, and his doctor was like, 'Whatever y'all doing, because nobody has been able to get through to him.'"
"You have helped many of my patients achieve remission of their autoimmune problems."
"We saved that patient's life. It's probably the worst airway I've had in that sense, and it felt like a win."
"With a combination of courage and a bone transplant from his hip, Matt made a full recovery."
"Combining immune checkpoint inhibitors works in melanoma because patients almost have like almost 50 percent response rate."
"Observations of several thousand transplants over the past 15 years have confirmed that the methods used have few hazards and have resulted in long-term hair growth in the grafted area."
"Don't worry, Kimari has recovered beautifully; in just 28 days her cancer is gone, and she's doing wonderful."
"I'm really happy with the results, and I think that we actually saved this patient."
"Within an hour, all the patients could walk and never had any side effects at all from the therapy."
"She had this hernia, her stomach was in the wrong place, we fixed it in the right place, and all the problems that she was having because of it got better."
"Addressing neural tube defects is one of the real successes of public health."
"He eventually did get his kidney and he still is alive and well today."
"Mesmer's patients were cured more often and died less often."
"The guy received unexpected positive emotions because for the first time he managed to save the patient in this life."
"It's an example of a great success in medicine. But it's also an example of a great success in biomedical engineering."
"Ling Ran confidently proclaimed that the procedure had been an unmitigated success."
"I'm the luckiest doctor in the world; my patients get well."
"He presided over the first successful cesarean section where both mother and child survived within the colonies."
"The operation went well, now we have to see how the patient evolves."