
Honeymoon Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"I once worked for a really generous boss who gave my husband and I a pretty hefty check that helped pay for a lavish honeymoon."
"Since our honeymoon was a really great adventure for us to unplug and go out and explore, do things that we've never done before."
"Glenn and Bessie introduced themselves to the Culves, explaining that they were honeymooners who had been rafting on the river for 26 days."
"I just recently got married so I'm still on my honeymoon."
"Shall we go on our honeymoon? Yes, we should honeymoon to the relief, that's sweet, sweet relief."
"We honeymooned in Fiji and got to meet a lot of fun Australian and New Zealand people."
"This is the coolest way I think I've heard of somebody doing a honeymoon."
"It's gonna feel like a honeymoon every day."
"What if everybody lived in the world of a honeymoon every day? What if that was today you woke up and said hey I'm still here and the garden is beautiful and life and all that?"
"I had arranged to take 12 days off for a honeymoon and go to Hawaii right so it was and it was Valentine's Day that that weekend."
"I've always considered honeymoons barbaric, throwing two people together on a trip before they become properly acquainted."
"Consider this an advance on your honeymoon."
"They wanted it to be an amazing vacation, and so what they decided to do for their honeymoon was to go to Seychelles."
"Things I assume about a honeymoon: You get a little drunk, maybe take a bath, test out the bed."
"The honeymoon perks are real, so if you are on your honeymoon or going on your honeymoon, you should definitely milk the trick."
"...to be honest this is like the closest thing that we have had to our honeymoon in a very long long time and I can't wait."
"We both made our solo honeymoon amazing."
"This honeymoon is full of love, definitely. Love's, like, look at this, the Empress and the Queen of Swords."
"I think it's a really neat idea to put money towards someone's honeymoon. I do too."
"He sold his motorcycle and he actually rented a car the next day so we could go driving around town. That was our honeymoon."
"...if you're really looking to get away and have a magical honeymoon-like experience..."
"The honeymoon period: where your significant other apologizes, makes promises, and believes in his own fantasy."
"Wife and I went to Mexico for our honeymoon. I had the idea of buying a bottle of tequila and drinking a shot every anniversary. It broke on the way home."
"So we went to the honeymoon and yeah, just spiraled from there... it was crazy, there was a lot of chaos that didn't make it to TV."
"Albania, the honeymoon capital, where love blossoms amidst stone's throw from Greek islands."
"We're just gonna enjoy this, our first time in Hawaii, and it's just going to be a great time. But, uh, come to find out on our honeymoon, I don't know how we found out or how you told me, but Savannah, it comes on her period."
"Our marriage is perfect. It's like an endless honeymoon."
"They say the honeymoon is supposed to be one of the best times of a person's life."
"One reason why nicocado seemed so happy was because he and Olin were quite literally in the honeymoon period."
"Come with us on the second stop of our honeymoon in beautiful Italy, more specifically Sicily."
"I'm gonna say Hawaii has been my favorite so far we went to Maui for a honeymoon spent 10 days there absolutely gorgeous."
"We did a cruise to Alaska for our honeymoon and that's that was beautiful that's some place that I want to go back."
"We had our honeymoon and began married life together. It was like nothing and everything changed."
"That's the poop pipe from the honeymoon suite. All our secrets."
"We had a lovely time. It was the beautiful first step of our honeymoon."
"It's the honeymoon, honeymoon. We're gonna be making memories."
"I feel like I'm on a honeymoon every time I come back here."
"Fields and fields of flowers. Now I know where to take you for a honeymoon."
"Congratulations on getting married by the way, Jamie. Enjoy your honeymoon."
"Nayara Springs Resort: teeming with tropical charm and wildlife, a true getaway for honeymooners."
"Our honeymoon was beautiful, amazing, absolutely loved it."
"My wife and I went to Japan for our honeymoon."
"We've put you up in the Swan Suite. It's a perfect honeymoon suite with a patio that opens right out onto the beach."
"I'm currently in San Francisco on my honeymoon... having an amazing time."
"I went there for my honeymoon and so that was already a really good start because it was just incredibly romantic."
"It isn't Niagara Falls, but a honeymoon's a honeymoon."
"I'm now happily married and in Kaumau, Italy, for my honeymoon."
"My in-laws surprised us with upgrading our honeymoon to a five-star hotel."
"The case can be summed up in this way: A betrothed couple boarded a boat for their blissful honeymoon and began a bewildering bout of bad behavior involving a barrage of busy beverages."
"Holy cow, this reminds me of my honeymoon."
"If you are coming to Maldives for honeymoon, if you are planning, then I don't think there can be any other place better than Maldives."
"It was what honeymoon dreams are made of."
"Now I'm gonna go back to enjoying my honeymoon with the love of my life, who loves me endlessly and sleeps in the same bed as me."
"I think it's very romantic, a skiing honeymoon."
"This is the one and only honeymoon we're ever going to have."
"We are married, this is our honeymoon."
"One couple with the most points at the end of the show wins a fabulous second honeymoon."
"We're going to Mexico right after the wedding, we're going to Mexico for a week."
"The honeymoon stage is definitely real."
"Welcome to what is undoubtedly the most unusual, unique campsite in long, long honeymoon history."
"This would be an unreal place to come on like a honeymoon or something, this just feels magical."
"During the marriage ceremony, two become one and they go on a honeymoon to find out which one."
"A honeymoon for me is just about relaxing and not having to be anywhere or feeling obliged to do anything."
"We're going to Hawaii and Florida for our honeymoon."
"I'm on my honeymoon, just got married today."
"It just felt like I was on a honeymoon, I wish it never came to an end."
"It's fun to plan a wedding and there's a big party, and then after that, you go on a honeymoon, so it's like, 'Hey, we're still having fun'."
"I'll take her around the world to spend a honeymoon."
"I'm so excited to use this on our honeymoon with our trip across the country."
"I explained to her that the honeymoon was more fun if there were just two people."
"We're going to our honeymoon is Washington DC."
"Whether it's a honeymoon, a mini moon, a vacation, a holiday, whatever you freaking want to call it, do it right after your wedding."
"This honeymoon has honestly been incredible. Like, I have never felt so relaxed."
"Opportunities to go abroad or on vacations are rare, but above all, a honeymoon is an event that happens only once in a lifetime."
"I just wanted to have pictures of us as memories since it's our once in a lifetime honeymoon."
"I want you both to remember your honeymoon as long as you live."
"Hey, hey, wifey. First actual day in Jamaica."
"It's perfect 'cause we're on a honeymoon, and we found a husband and wife one."
"Honeymoon plans, tropical, definitely."
"Our honeymoon will be an unforgettable moment in our life, so I want to prepare carefully for it."
"This is going to be an unforgettable honeymoon."
"Darling, nothing's going to spoil this honeymoon, I promise you that."
"Welcome to your new honeymoon suite. Oh wow!"
"We are headed to Maui for eight days for our belated honeymoon."
"Every honeymoon needs a witness, and this one's got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Wow, there's seven of us, which is a lucky number."
"I honestly tried vlogging my honeymoon but it just didn't really happen because honestly I was just in the moment."
"Our honeymoon in Hawaii was truly like a dream."
"We were worried that we might not be able to have our honeymoon, but now that we know we can, we're super excited."
"I wanted to have a honeymoon. I know that our marriage isn't exactly normal, but still, you're my wife."
"I want to go somewhere where we've never been before. When I think of the honeymoon, I think of relaxation and just like massages and food and a view."
"It really is like the perfect location and we can see why it's so popular for people on like their honeymoon."
"We weren't planning on going on a honeymoon this year, but we decided that we needed to take a few days to focus on just ourselves and each other."
"We're going to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and I'm so excited!"
"She had a wonderful time on our honeymoon. Everything was beautiful, and she was just very happy."
"We had the perfect wedding day and enjoyed every minute of our honeymoon in Punta Cana."
"We're going on our honeymoon in August."
"We're going to go straight to our honeymoon, and that's another reason why we've tried to be very financially conscious with our wedding."
"It's so surreal to be married and be on our honeymoon."
"We had the best honeymoon ever. It was truly better than we ever thought it could be."
"We just booked our honeymoon flights."
"Why not go everywhere for your honeymoon?"
"The honeymoon was both necessary and special to me."
"Someone's honeymoon should be the most wonderful time in their life."
"Our honeymoon was gifted to us by a wonderful friend."
"Opportunities to go abroad are rare, but above all, a honeymoon is an event that happens only once in a lifetime."
"We finally decided on our honeymoon destination."
"Hey, trip to Alaska, remote cabin, honeymoon, you know, hey why not."
"How good is that! This is his honeymoon, folks."
"Chanina joked that this was probably one of the most unusual honeymoons that anyone could imagine."
"We were on our honeymoon and didn't have a lot of money... someone found out we were newlyweds and anonymously paid for our stay."
"If this is a once a lifetime honeymoon, I think it's worth it."
"Every year, 50,000 newlywed couples spend their honeymoon alongside the beauty of Niagara Falls."
"Guys, literally, this is called Honeymoon Bay, that's kind of ironic because we're on a honeymoon for 24 hours."
"The dream of Honeymooners, the yearned for destination of millions."
"We finally went on our honeymoon that had been delayed for three years by the pandemic."
"I am going on my honeymoon in a couple of weeks."
"I'm going on our honeymoon end of this month which means I will almost definitely be poolside with a pina colada in one hand and a book in the other."
"It's like a honeymoon, you know, like a really beautiful, harmonious connection where both people feel heard, both people feel seen."
"We just got back from our honeymoon in northern Italy; we went to Lake Como. It was awesome."
"We're doing a staycation for our honeymoon."
"Hey everyone, it's Jessica, and today I am still in Paris on my honeymoon."