
Financial Transactions Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"A deal isn't closed until the money is wired. And it could fall apart at any minute."
"You gotta put some money down... to let the seller know that hey you're serious about it."
"Market order: instant execution at the current price, like one-click ordering on Amazon."
"May your lawyer pay you when they're supposed to..."
"FarmVille maker to sell for 11 billion dollars."
"The vast amount of of uh exchanges that happen today don't involve you know a truck driving up to one bank loading up a bunch of paper money and driving it to the other bank."
"It's just a simple way to transfer value with no intermediaries."
"The only thing that matters is now. Once you pay, that's in the past."
"The only pro I found... is that if you want to send money on the weekend... the banking system never closes."
"I have some very good news we sent out 80 million deposits and less than 1% had even little problems."
"We will have no name if you pay 44 billion dollars for a brand."
"One person's gain is equal to another person's loss."
"Being able to spend dollars over the lightning network and be able to receive lightning network payments as dollars is an experience that has a good market."
"Travis knew how much money Joe was sending Jeff Lowe out in Vegas. It wasn't a hundred here, a hundred there."
"I said, 'What, right now while we're on this call?' Yeah, it's kind of, it's on Bloomberg terminal."
"We need to go cashless and that's going to happen."
"There's irrefutable evidence that in starting in 2010 there are emails saying that Joe Biden owed money to Hunter because Hunter was giving him money."
"And even do payments to send money to friends, with things like Number 26, Square Cash and Alipay in China."
"For every buyer you need a seller and for every seller you need a buyer."
"Ripple partnership live to Philippines, generating transactions."
"The idea of tracking behavior using financial transactions is not new. In fact, the government uses financial tracking as a way to identify terrorists and support for terrorist groups."
"It was a celebration of coach. We lost the game but I will say this: the first thing I did, I sent Harrison Barnes 200 bucks on Cash App. The worst cash send. You will not be happy about it."
"We all know the headache of sending money: long lines, high fees, wasted time, too much wahala."
"If there's higher levels of trading volume, tons of transactions, that means there's going to be a lot more fees that are collected by the pool."
"Whoever can hand over the check fast, boom, from minute to minute."
"Your money makes this possible. Check some money orders go to PO Box 57196 Washington DC 2003-0196. The Cash App is dollar sign RMUnfiltered. PayPal is [email protected]. Venmo is RMUnfiltered. Sale is Roland at RolandSMartin.com."
"This is the type of person that actually earns his commission."
"Bitcoin's annual settlement volume has officially surpassed Visa's."
"Metadata is more important than the transaction itself."
"Teleporters for teleporting your island to different locations? Yes please, I like that."
"I think going cashless... would stop a lot of the nefarious stuff that goes on."
"Blockchain allows us to get rid of the intermediaries, the middleman that we need in order to ensure trust between two transactions."
"The earnest money is yours, they backed out of the contract."
"A loot box game is anything that offers a randomized in-game reward for real-life money."
"Ethereum settled over six trillion dollars in transactions in the past 12 months. Ethereum is hitting new milestones by the week."
"It's all about the control buried towards the end of this report is this nugget on who would control these transactions."
"Cut the check... hundreds of millions... and they cut the check."
"For all the people saying stop with your [ __ ] math equation, stop with your anything, just call it what it is, a robbery." - Brian Campbell
"A lot of the news in the mainstream media about GoFundMe freezing their money was completely untrue."
"Just because you paid back the money doesn't mean there's not a fraud here."
"Bitcoin's network moving 45 trillion dollars in 2021."
"Even in a bearish market, you guys still tip."
"Blockchain turns this notion on its head it's distributed database behaves like an open ledger to record and organize transactions."
"Communication on Twitch is one of the main functions, and it's as simple as opening your wallet."
"Their future is not just people transferring money between themselves."
"It's not going to keep you from being able to exchange."
"If you tell somebody if you do this I'll pay you and the person does it, you gotta pay them."
"It's about moving value flawlessly between other ecosystems."
"Of course XRP is the most used crypto on uphold debit card."
"A common question I've been getting a lot recently is how do we actually sell? Like what do you actually do when you sell? What avenues are you taking? What platforms are you using?"
"Lightning represents the protocol that allows billions and billions of people to transact with each other."
"People put money into a bank as well as borrow it out. They gotta have security."
"Sending money should be no more expensive than sending an email."
"I will always take the donations from super chat if you want to to apply later but it takes like 30 days I can't do it immediately so it won't go up into the counter whatever 560."
"Wow, 4.4 billion to buy really sent this market for a spot right back up."
"His situation deepened when it was revealed that DreamWorks had paid Sir Alfred a large sum to acquire the rights to his story."
"You can't cash out crypto to cash on a DEX, can you?"
"Nobody cares how they're getting the money to you, they just want to get the money to you."
"Ultimately the rest of the 7 million divorce settlement was paid directly to you, right over time."
"Let's get the 1K, we'd prefer you guys sending it if you're gonna send any money."
"The money must be made in 100 deutschmark bills."
"You need a crime for it to be corruption, and other than that, it's just money that may or may not have exchanged hands. I'd argue neither of those matter."
"You can send money instantly... it is much better inherent privacy than the base layer."
"Bitcoin is estimated to have processed around five to seven trillion dollars worth of value."
"Literally every single person... is going to have to have their shares purchased from them."
"The contents of that bag is all the money you were paid back."
"Cryptocurrency transaction should be faster than a cash transaction and certainly no slower than a credit card transaction."
"I don't even know, is that yours? Your money? That's somebody else's money transporter."
"Are you seriously, would you please just approve the wire transfer?"
"Transactions equal reflections at a mass scale."
"It's where the count whenever a case settles, that the money that is paid from the insurance company or individual from the defendant is put into that client trust account."
"Blockchain technology is a revolutionary force transforming how we handle financial transactions and store data."
"I know but your payout's like, just call it 16 plus a three percent fee you're at like 15.50."
"Donald Trump did in fact reimburse Michael Cohen for the $130,000."
"Meghan Markle's Foundation paid Michelle Obama's Express PR person nearly $110."
"Before you make a final decision on the lender that you're going to work with, you want to make sure that they are actually going to report the transaction to a business credit agency."
"The payments were about $252,000 in that month."
"Prototype make it easier for stakeholders to grasp the system's look and feel, especially valuable when dealing with complex financial transactions or investment portfolio management interfaces."
"You are still going to have to pay this little bit of sales tax money to the store who was later going to pay it to the state."
"The trail of transaction is so clear that you don't need centralized third parties to validate."
"Most places will take Mastercard."
"If you don't have enough funds to pay back the loan, the entire transaction gets reverted, and so there's little to no risk of losing money."
"Nine trillion dollars worth of transactions happened on that platform last year."
"This is where you'll receive all of your payouts from Airbnb and Vrbo."
"Now we have successfully set up our code to be able to reach out to the Coinbase API and get our primary account transactions."
"The ACH system is a very secure and reliable system; it's very useful for batch payments such as payroll payments or recurring payments such as monthly bills like rents or utilities."
"It's sufficient enough that you can pay a lot of different parties in the flow of whatever interaction you're part of."
"Capital and revenue expenditure is inherently a risky type transaction."
"I'm just a computer program, and I don't have the ability to buy or sell Bitcoin."
"Every single time interest is changing hands, someone is making it and someone is giving it."
"Once it's in your wallet, you can easily transfer it directly to people without having to go through a bank."
"Anytime a call requires money or a transaction involves some kind of exchange of a token or anything that has financial value, you're going to have to sign that particular call."
"Did you receive, sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any financial interest in any virtual currency?"
"It's a startlingly easy way to get actual payments where somebody could actually give you actual money."
"You must choose a forex broker that has services that will enable you to easily deposit your funds and easily withdraw."