
Scripting Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"I feel like scripting has been a huge tool that I've used to manifest/accomplish a ton of huge goals."
"Every movie that you've seen that made you cry or laugh or every TV show you binge watch it will all script it people learn the art of reading from the script without sounding like it."
"There are some seriously scarily good scripters in Arma..."
"This video that I just did took me a couple of days to script."
"It was not an accident, it was not a choice, it was scripted."
"You just happen to say this is not no this is like somebody wrote like a six page script for this woman."
"YouTube it's a lot easier to put together just editing content it's like you can script it and kind of write it so that it it's more of like a stand-up routine almost."
"The characters in the game have powers that are related to their personalities in the script and that level of integration should just be the norm."
"We're about to start coding the actual round script which will begin the round and then we'll have all that good stuff to count down from 10 minutes."
"One way is to create scripts and write your code in here rather than executing them individually on the command window."
"There's nothing scripted Richard, I have yet to see anyone with the production company or the network push a piece of paper or try to tell anyone that they have to say something."
"Everything's fine, I planned this, I scripted this guys, this is part of the script."
"That moment for Vinnie when he scored the goal... it's like it's scripted."
"You can't script this any better if you ask me."
"It's not because I wanted to learn to script only to make make it."
"But instead of you entering them one by one, we put it into a script and it runs auto magically."
"Scripting is writing down what you want to come into your lives but if it already happened."
"Scripting can help you manifest things in your life, and your life will change."
"Scripting is such a powerful form of manifestation."
"Scripting in general, python specifically, I think is a really good one to pick up."
"We finished scripting our player or we finished scripting the movement aspect of the player."
"Bachelor parties get over to be.com I read a script or I create a script ster.com is where you get my picks but beik st.com bdo.com bdo.com for my shout outs ready to roll ready to roll ready to roll."
"It was really sad to learn... they had so much more scripted."
"Learn the script first; it's going to save you a lot of trouble later on and it's going to open up a whole world of options and opportunities for consuming more content."
"Scripting can save us so much time, so it's worth investing your own time in learning even just the basics."
"Script is not executable so what we've got to do, we have to make it executable."
"CloudFormation is infrastructure as code. And it sets up services via templating scripts such as Gamle or JSON."
"I don't think we can script this any better."
"The whole idea behind scripting is to automate something."
"As soon as the script completes, the temp file will be cleaned up automatically."
"There's no reason to not try things out manually and then dump them into the script once they're working."
"Powershell is a powerful scripting language and automation framework developed by Microsoft"
"These scripts are super nice to go through something repetitive like this and unwrap all of these same objects."
"PowerShell is an important component in Windows, kind of like Command Prompt, but way more powerful."
"Congratulations, you have just written your first Bash script!"
"Awk is a very useful scripting language."
"Armed with these fundamentals, you're well on your way to mastering the art of scripting Linux."
"Comments not only help with the script comprehension but also enable you to temporarily disable or exclude specific sections of code without deleting them."
"Multi signature scripts are scripts where the conditions that are defined in the Bitcoin script actually require more than one signature."
"Scripting is the death of Charisma."
"For high-level, in-editor scripting work, it's hard to imagine these sorts of boundaries being anything but an unnecessary hindrance."
"Scripted events like this are often implemented using Sequencer, which allows you to use Event tracks for easy integration with your Level Blueprint and with Blueprint-callable functions on your Actors."
"It is not no Atlanta tea or whatever the case may be, and it's messy as [ __ ] because when you get to the scene, before you get to the scene, the producers brief you and tell you what they want you to discuss during this scene."
"Maybe you should write out what you're going to say at the top of the show, write that out."
"The next script makes me so excited, seriously."
"Unlock the power of being able to script in Python."
"It's clear that PowerShell is more modern than bash and cmd in many ways."
"When you want to perform some complex tasks, interact with APIs, or perform more data manipulation, Python wins over shell scripting."
"Simple tasks? Go with shell scripting. Advanced or complex tasks? Go with Python scripting."
"Instead of doing manual tasks, you can automate as a DevOps Engineer. Write a script that talks to the API of GitHub and fetches the required information."
"Python has rich modules and is designed to handle complex activities in a simple way."
"Advanced topics? Go with Python scripting."
"When you have cross-platform compatibility or when you want to interact with APIs, choose Python scripting."
"Python is much preferred over shell scripting for advanced data processing tasks."
"When you want to write any complex logic, interact with APIs, handle errors, or perform advanced data processing, Python scripting is preferred."
"Scripting is great, it's amazing, it allows us as administrators a way to automate certain functions on the network if we want to."
"What are environment variables? They're a way to store data into memory so that you can then later use that data at the command line or through scripting."
"So once we decoded that, we figured out that it was another PowerShell script that they managed to bury inside of the license, which is again, worst license ever."
"So as you start getting better and you're trying to write these scripts and run them, they keep failing. Why won't it let you run them? Because your execution policy is not set correctly."
"But when you start writing scripts... any error along the way causes the entire script to fail."
"It allows you to trigger scripts and automations but also use it in templates to trigger them."
"Every home assistant user needs to master scripts; they can massively save you time and simplify your automations."
"You are much smarter than an AI... you can build a much better script with more nuance and context than an AI could ever provide for us."
"PowerShell is a very popular scripting language used to perform tasks in a Windows environment."
"Congratulations if you followed along. I hope you found this information and walkthrough on how to write your first script extremely beneficial and helpful"
"Being able to automate and write scripts is an important skill set."
"So here's the task I'll create for you: create a script that will go out to a Palo Alto Networks firewall, grab the configuration, and pull it down and save it, effectively making your own backup process."
"I started scripting after completing the Let's work project."
"If you are writing a Java application, if you are writing a Python application or shell scripting, what you usually do if there is repetitive code in your script, you just try to put that in a function and you just try to reference that function wherever it is required."
"I couldn't have scripted my day any better."
"Scripting and automation has been in IT for as long as it has been around."
"GPU programming is usually not as easy as writing a Python script."
"It should be super easy for us to make an item pickup script."
"Scriptable objects can make it easier to prototype. It can organize your code to make it easier to understand and change for both the coders and designers."
"Scriptable objects make our life easier because we extract that stats information from the zombie and we put it in this data container within our project level."
"Scriptable objects make it really nice for prototyping, and if for some reason you didn't want it to save the values, you can easily write a helper function to instantiate a new scriptable object through code."
"Let's go ahead and create our power-up scriptable object."
"Let's create our c-sharp script player controller."
"Um, a lot of animated shows these days, especially a lot of the gag-based shows, they're not scripted, right?"
"I've been a YouTuber myself but I've rarely scripted videos for my channel."
"You can't write a better script than that."
"We script one on top of the other."
"It's helped me come up with great video scripts for winning TikTok shop and winning TikTok affiliate videos."
"Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language."
"...the scripting, the writing is really what I'm best at."
"So what can I actually do with these values? Well, you can find options for number types in the scripting section."
"One of my favorite things to do on camera is to create a problem and solve it using bash scripting."
"Script set up is a new feature in Vue 3, it became an official feature in Vue 3.2."
"The scripts tab provides some useful tools to assist you when authoring surveys that contain JavaScript functions."
"...the most important thing is that the way you script generates the emotions as if that desire is true."
"So I just took this library and then I wrote a small little Python script."
"From the scripting perspective here, but there is a lot of material out there."
"I don't recommend scripting an answer but I highly recommend scripting bullet points."
"So it's just 1 awk script to do it all."
"The problem with creating infrastructure from scripts is that it becomes really hard to maintain."
"Feeling good, man, feeling productive. Had a good day scripting today."
"It uses a subset of Lua as its scripting language, so you get a rapid and human-readable code base."
"Scripting gives you the ability to send multiple queries and one request to BigQuery. It also lets you use variables and then furthermore you can use conditions and loops to actually manage the flow of execution of the script that you send to BigQuery."
"I always talk so much at intros because I'm not used to being scripted."
"A reasonable player control script."
"Modularization is a really great way to work and make sure that you are keeping your script clean and efficient."
"Only ever work with the channel data you need at a given point in the scripts."
"The script is the outline. Make it your own, but make sure you're saying the same thing how you would say it."
"If you're like me starting out pulling data from web endpoints with a scripting language like PowerShell, this video will help you get started."
"So, we'll create a little script that we can use to do this for us."
"...as you see writing the script is not easy but then you do a lot of work with one click."
"My challenge to you is: create something with Python scripts using Napalm or Nornir. Show what you can do with this code."
"We can see that this entire document was generated automatically from a script that was set up to run through a set of drive cycles."
"...paste your script right here for it to then turn it into a video."
"So the first thing we need to do is just write up a simple script."
"Scripting becomes a way to enhance the hypermedia."
"Can we do something similar with AI scripts where you feed it certain source material and it can generate a script in the same vein?"
"Always try out your scripts continuously, make sure that you don't introduce mistakes early on."
"I'll spend most of my time on the script and the research and I'll storyboard the videos."
"Everything is laid out in a very simple, easily numbered, easily scripted fashion."
"It's really easy to bring assets in; it's very simple to start rescripting."
"I have a way better understanding of how to make scripts now."
"You can run bash scripts and that will save you time from writing a lot of inline code."
"Scripting is writing down future scenarios of how you want your life to go, as if it already happened."
"All the processing takes place elsewhere, so you can write the scripts."
"You can write sophisticated scripts to do pretty much anything on your computer."
"The real power of Qlik Sense lies in the fact that you can manipulate the data using the script editor."
"Python is just so helpful. It's used a lot, but it's also something that someone like me or red teamer could use to write their own scripts to get things done."
"Start with shell scripting, Python scripting, and then go with Go."
"To get started, my first prompt, I want Chat GPT to help me make a portion of the script that just allows me to open a CSV file and display the results inside of Fusion."
"This script instructs Node.js to execute the server.js file when you use the npm start command."
"If you just want to say that something did not happen according to the plan, but you don't want to stop the execution of your script, you can use a keyword called 'warn'."
"I don't think you can script things better than that."
"It's a lot easier to work out problems in a script than it is to just keep redrawing stuff."
"I'm so out of practice of vlogging my process; I'm more used to doing making-of videos where I can write a script and really think about what I'm saying."
"Put your scripts at the bottom, it will be faster to render."
"Automating recon with bash scripting is not just about the automation, it's about the process."
"When you're writing out scripting, you should do something logically like this: gather, compile, probe, scan, and run Eyewitness."
"It's not just about running the script; it's about improving upon it through logical thinking and making it better."
"If you're trying to communicate something to the runner of the script, it needs to be in the help - that's the only legit place for it."
"I think the coolest thing this video is going to be the Linux process monitoring script I write."
"I'm so happy that I found this script and it worked out with no problem."
"If you have any experience in any scripting language, that's great for me; that never hurts in game development at any level."
"So step 1 is of course to come up with the idea for your animation. Work out what the messages are that you're trying to say, write the script and all that jazz."
"JavaScript, the open cross-platform object scripting language for enterprise networks and the internet."
"JavaScript is designed to be used by HTML page authors and enterprise application developers to dynamically script the behavior of objects running on either the client or the server."
"Couldn't have had better timing if I had scripted it myself."
"Once we've got the very basics of dynamic objects out the way, we'll look at how we can script sequences to form cutscenes."
"Hopefully you can use a lot of the techniques that we've gone through here to make your own scripts as well."
"You could not have scripted any better."
"Scripting with absolute clarity is very important because emotions are energy in motion."
"It's a very, very, very performant scripting language."
"Scripting is one of the most important things in actually making a game."
"The moment I log in, I will run a particular shell script which will generate a beautiful HTML file."
"We used to talk a lot about scripting languages... there should not be this gap between real language and scripting languages."
"A shell script is great for a lot of different things; it gives you an easy way to automate things and it gives you a simple environment where you can test things on the command line."
"The scripting is coming from inside the house."
"I precisely string words together for scripts or letters to convey emotions."
"What many of us like to do both in development and for pushing things out with DevOps in production is to script things out."
"The power of the pipeline and PowerShell."
"Scripting languages like PowerShell, Python, Bash are going to be helpful for you in cybersecurity."
"You are doing great, you are getting really close to becoming a full-on scripter and you got to keep going, do not give up."
"Let's assume we create this block and here is exactly how you would implement it in a script or a workflow file."
"I don't know if you could script a better day."
"My videos, I'd say, are about 80 to 85% scripted; 15% is just me talking to the camera."
"The best part about this strategy is that you're spending time scripting and all this time you're spending is teaching you all the skills and the information about your audience."
"If you really do want to set it up so that you can mine rocks, you probably need to add a little bit of a script there."
"Now it should be nice and clean, so let's start from the first script that is the easiest one."
"Now that we've figured out how to use components and scripting a little bit, let's go back into our bird script."
"Let's start to script this with Python."
"We can't script outcomes, we can only script opportunities."
"A migration is just a script. Its sole purpose is to take the database from one state to another."
"Cross-site scripting opens a whole host of different potential vulnerabilities from a security standpoint."
"Cross-site scripting is the ability for you to have a legitimate website... and attackers can inject scripts that aren't supposed to execute."
"There's a lot more you can do with Prodigy as well, and it's fully scriptable."
"And then you have built your first script, congratulations."
"We Believe Lua is the future of scripting for neovim."
"Can we automate this? Should it be us doing this or can we write a script that does it for us?"
"Scripting is something else that I highly recommend; it helps me at least get my thoughts out on paper so that I know exactly what I'm going to say."
"If you ever want to do something with video or streaming audio in a script, GStreamer ships with a command-line tool that's very friendly to scripting."
"Let's deal with invite IDs; I'm going to create a script to generate those IDs."
"Taking code that you've got working and converting it into a script that can be run at the command line."
"Everything by the way is scripted and written ahead of time. We rehearse on Mondays."
"Rick Rescorla is really the master of scripting and practice."
"AutoHotkey hasn't actually been around for that long in the grand scheme of things; the first public beta was released in 2003 and it quickly became popular because the language is relatively easy to learn and the features it offers are extremely powerful."
"This script is easily the biggest time-saver I've created for myself with AutoHotkey so far."
"Bash is not only a shell, it allows you to actually execute shell scripts as well."
"I'm going to show you how to create this Pine Script from scratch."
"jQuery is designed with the functionality for client-side scripting."
"The JavaScript engine that we have in the database runs ECMAScript 10."
"You can write your own scripts based on your personality, your conception of yourself as you're falling asleep."
"Scripting is something that allows you to automate tasks that would normally take a long time."
"I'm really enjoying seeing so many traders improve their scripting and their trading as a result."
"I know first hand just how much Pine Script has helped my trading."
"I may not be saving a whole lot of time writing the script, but it does make for a pretty good example."
"You can't script it any better than that."
"You learn a lot about scripting, how awesome they are, and just in general how useful scripting can be."
"The possibilities are limitless within the Pine Script framework once you master these techniques."
"This is how we could use after script, before script, and main script, I hope this would be clear by now."
"Python's elegant syntax and dynamic typing make it the ideal language for scripting and rapid application development."
"You can build scripts in Pi Revit that behave very much like an add-in."
"Most of you start in a notebook, you sketch something out, then somebody, some engineer comes along and puts it into a Python script."
"Let's dive into the code and see what that looks like when we're actually writing our script."
"Cinemachine gives us that high effort feel without actually having to implement a high effort script."
"Have a go with it, see if you can get some cool scripts going."