
Navy Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Wearing the navy cap meant that I was part of a bigger force, part of something that was bigger than myself. Just being able to say, 'Hey, the people, the RDCs that trained me, taught me, I'm able to say, 'Hey, I'm part of the U.S. Navy just like you are now.'"
"A lot of sailors, once they're able to put these on, a lot of them lose their voice because they're crying, they're teary-eyed, their eyes are all red. Like I say, it's a big moment for a lot of people."
"Our Navy's force structure should be built and designed to protect our national interest or achieve specific diplomatic goals."
"Party time! Rum stowed away, sir. The tot of rum for every man."
"Carrier qualification was the process of training pilots to land on and take off from aircraft carriers."
"The US navy, the largest and best equipped in the world, would be the deciding factor in a global war."
"A culture of Safety is central to the entire Navy submarine community." - Thresher Memorial dot Org
"The key is it'll be able to get to opposing ships quickly, be launched from Navy aircraft, and is intended to operate alongside rather than replace non-hypersonic solutions."
"Many high and low-ranking officers of the Baltic Fleet Command were also discharged from the navy."
"This is fascinating. Viper is getting Shipwright, which means his Navy is going to be cheaper to produce."
"Rigorous exercises like those of the Navy's top gun school."
"Your United States Navy's battleships are so absolutely ridiculous."
"The tic-tac UFO case of 2004 is very, very important. It's an object that is well-attested by US Navy personnel, doing things that just are not supposed to be possible."
"The U.S. Navy has finally acknowledged that videos appearing to show UFOs flying through the air are real."
"The crew of the USS RC Hudson did what the service is always done: they rescue people in a desperate situation."
"Returning to port between two alerts or operations is strange."
"Britain's royal Navy was the most technologically advanced and supremely efficient force in the history of Naval Warfare."
"The world government is a massive organization, and within the Navy in particular, there are many reasonable people to be found."
"I think any 13 or 14 year old influential kid watching this, millions of kids are going to want to join the navy and fly airplanes, which to me is a huge win. That's awesome."
"The Norway Navy has barcodes on the side of their ships so when they come back to port they can Scandinavian. Wow, cheesy."
"The Imperial Japanese Navy is one of the few navies where you can actually look at the relatively rapid rise of a blue water Navy from practically nothing to Major World player in the span of a few decades."
"The discipline required by the crew of a royal Navy very much in line with your natural feelings about such things."
"Athens relied on trade for wealth and her Navy and City walls for security."
"The skyhawks had served the navy well."
"The US Navy has become the most dominant maritime force since World War Two."
"London's wealth allowed it to finance the most powerful navy the world had ever seen."
"Not only did the French bring credibility to the American cause, but of course they also brought military supplies, and most important of all, they brought the French navy."
"If you ever feel useless, remember that Mongolia has a Navy."
"Saving lives on this patrol has finally made me realize something I've never quite been sure of before. I love the Navy."
"...minimal money, maximum fun that's what the Navy's all about and I think that the modifications today prove that."
"Late in the century they modernized their Navy to such an extent."
"He managed to collect over 100 navy items and 126 different navy blue acrylic fibers..."
"And to our fellow Americans, be confident in the knowledge that your United States Navy has the watch."
"To tackle the nation and the National Security challenges of the 21st Century, we need our Navy more than ever."
"In a fierce battle, the fleet of the fen Royal Navy was destroyed by the incredible power of the PowerHouse Nations Fleet."
"Anything to do with U.S. Navy is high class."
"The Navy's job is to pretty much win Wars at sea."
"What we do as a navy, what we do as a military force, the most important thing we do is to prevent another war."
"This Avar navy was manned by the Slavs."
"The consequences of Putin's Invasion have created a different kind of problem for the Russian Navy and its submarines."
"The Royal Australian Navy was a very small Fleet now."
As President Teddy Roosevelt once said, "A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guarantee of peace."
"They really opened my eyes as to like just the different things you can do in the Navy and like how what they do on a daily basis protects us every day."
"I'm over the data science group and within this group, we build machine learning models for the overall Navy. Specifically, we work within the financial function and we get essentially customers from all over the Navy who come submit a use case."
"We always talk about great whites, tiger sharks, bull sharks, but none of them can say they successfully committed hit and runs on a superpower's Navy."
"The United States Navy controls all of the oceans in the world, something that no other state in the history of humanity has ever achieved."
"I wake up every morning, and I'm like, 'Am I really in Navy boot camp?'"
"Accusations of Raeder and the navy’s close ties to right-wing, anti-republican reactionary groups continued through the 1920s."
"Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor in 1933 was welcomed by most of the naval officer corps."
"...first ship to join the Royal Canadian Navy's Pacific Fleet in 25 years."
"Food has been a cornerstone of the US Navy since its inception, playing a vital role in recruitment and retention of sailors."
"During this phase, sailors and other personnel are allowed to jump into the ocean for a refreshing swim."
"The Navy said no more, you're only going to do red air, you're only going to do adversary. That's when we were kind of leading up to becoming a VFC or flying the F5."
"To all the gallant Sailors of the U.S Navy, we extend our heartfelt gratitude; you are the pride of the Seas, the Protectors of our nation, and for that, we salute you."
"They will build this navy because Dany is going to be charging across the south of Essos with all of her navy, huge army, and dragons."
"The Royal Navy boasts a rich history dating back to 1546, making it one of the oldest and most distinguished navies in the world."
"The Algerian Navy ranks as the 15th largest navy globally."
"The Republic of Korea Navy has undergone significant development in recent years, emerging as a formidable maritime force."
"The Royal Australian Navy has played a role in nearly every major conflict it could be involved in, showcasing its commitment to national defense and international stability."
"The United States Navy boasts the most formidable navy globally."
"The Royal Navy took it, sorted out both of the problems before it's been sorted out the American Navy didn't use it."
"In the Navy, officers and men know how to avenge the loss of those who are committed."
"Son, I've been in the Navy for 40 years."
"Because my father was in Panama and he was stationed there in the Navy plus Noriega gave me two big books to read on him I thought he was going to quiz me at the end of it so I was a little nervous so I actually read them all but funny."
"The Royal Sovereign was handed over to the Russian Navy as part of a diplomatic agreement between London and Moscow."
"At that time, she stood as the largest vessel in the Soviet Navy and continued to escort Allied convoys until the conclusion of the war."
"There's all kinds of video that because the navy people whoever somebody released them I was kind of tracked they did."
"The future of deterrence: a Royal Navy that's not just at sea but of the sea, safeguarding peace with a watchful eye and the silent promise of protection."
"The Royal Navy stands prepared, armed not only with ships and sailors but also with a dual arsenal of technological Supremacy and Adept diplomacy."
"Not only did they have a Navy, but it was a modern equipped Navy and it was very well led. And of course, it was able to land several decisive victories against the Italians."
"From the earliest days of our navy there have been times where sailors have had to go ashore and fight on land."
"He sacrificed his career for the good of his sailors."
"She's the first lady diving in the Navy."
"Congress may provide for and support a navy. Would it make any sense to say just because the word steamboat is not contained in the Constitution that therefore the use of steamboats by the nation's Navy is unconstitutional?"
"I want you to stick around and see how things can be accomplished when they're done the right way, the Navy way."
"To control the far seas away from friendly bases, the US Navy needs survivable ships that can defend themselves when isolated and away from home."
"To the finest crew in any man's Navy, the men of PT73."
"You are hereby officially commended for your splendid performance in the KO Straits operation. Your resourcefulness, your daring, and your coolness under fire were in the finest traditions of the United States Navy."
"The crews were well trained, the ships were surprisingly well maintained."
"That's a man's loyalty for his Shipmates, that's what makes the Navy go."
"Now these are Navy challenge coins. These coins are earned, they are not given away."
"The S-81 Isaac Peril is a groundbreaking submarine that is set to launch a new era for the Spanish Navy."
"The Navy is actually a fighting force with some considerable esprit and talent in the craft of breaking things and killing people."
"...let's stop insulting the Navy as if they're a bunch of cowards who hung Marine Corps out to dry; it's simply not historically accurate."
"It's my patriotic duty to join the Navy."
"The US Navy officially forms, Congress orders the construction of a naval fleet."
"This forgotten naval battle became a tale of triumph for the US Navy."
"This particular yard period is the only major period that the battleship got during World War II after she was fully in commission during the Pacific War."
"Clayton always loved the Navy, even as a little boy."
"The Navy... confirmed that three recently released videos by the military contain evidence of unidentified aerial phenomenon."
"They belonged to the Royal Navy, carrying on the honorable traditions of Grenville, Nelson, Rodney, Drake, and Jellicoe."
"The proposed investment is a testament to the Navy's unwavering commitment to keeping America safe."
"The USS Gerald R Ford takes Center Stage as a magnificent spectacle within the U.S Navy Fleet."
"It's really cool how this place is; it's a navy town, it's a huge port here on the east coast."
"You get the real feeling of being a sailor and being in the Navy which is being part of a crew."
"HMS Daring is the Royal Navy's latest high-tech warship for the 21st century."
"The ceremony with the raising of the White Ensign... that was very poignant."
"The young sailor that joins the navy today is a higher caliber than those that have gone in the past."
"Britain's role in the world is diminished, but the Royal Navy still feels it can influence the four corners of the globe."
"The navy needs defence for the 21st century, with a ship that's new, with technology that's never been to sea."
"No matter what his job or where his duty, he is the Navy's greatest single asset, the individual man."
"This is the American Navy in Vietnam, moving quickly where and when needed, displaying the flexibility of modern sea power."
"The US Navy probably has the most unique rank system in the US military."
"The ultimate enlisted rank in the Navy during the Second World War was the Chief Petty Officer."
"We're not looking for a fight, but the best way to avoid a fight is to develop the most powerful and deadly and competitive Navy possible."
"Some say they're rugged individualists who sail their own course, others say they're the backbone of the Navy."
"The chief is the highest ranking enlisted man in the Navy, at the top of his profession."
"That's Navy life at sea—the love of it, the respect of it, the commitment to it."
"This is where it began for our Navy; this is where the American modern Navy started."
"Your resourcefulness, your daring, and your coolness under fire were in the finest traditions of the United States Navy."
"We're talking about the pinnacle of naval innovation right here."
"It's a historic first, an aircraft carrier deploys under the command of a female captain."
"He later bravely joined the Royal Australian Navy aged 17, determined to conquer his fears of water developed after almost drowning."
"The United States Navy just confirmed it, and even stranger, many people don't seem to be talking about it."
"The British k-class submarines were an awesome attempt to create fast and powerful vessels."
"The future is bright for the Navy submarine force."
"Imperial Navy starships are very well armed and feature a variety of extraordinarily powerful weapons."
"The Imperial Navy fleet is an extension of the Emperor of Mankind's divine will and is therefore sacred."
"Opening the big book of Royal Navy names is always fun."
"Being a Navy officer is not simply a job or 9-to-5 occupation; it is a lifestyle."
"The United States Navy is the most highly capable, most technologically advanced Navy in the history of the world."
"As naval officers, the responsibility you're given is tremendous."
"On my toes, efficient, alert, real Navy."
"You will succeed and have job satisfaction and learn so much in the Navy; you just have to put in the work."
"The US Navy achieved a massive evacuation, managing to load 91,000 refugees."
"The Royal Navy went into World War II as the joint largest navy on the planet."
"The Japanese Navy took a very offensive mindset, thinking that they were going to be charging out and engaging a numerically superior opponent."
"This is a Navy floral midi dress in 100% cotton. It's a beautiful dress."
"Warrant officers began as a Navy tradition dating back to the 13th century with the development of the nascent English Navy."
"To address this, literate and experienced mariners were granted a warrant from the Board of Admiralty to act as specialists and leaders in certain departments of the ship."
"Finding its lineage in the naval tradition of appointing technical specialists under commissioned officers."
"That's what makes the Navy go. That secret weapon that carries a man through shot and shell, fearless and unafraid."
"The US Navy responds with impressive precision; 5,000 sailors swiftly turn off their electronic devices and deploy advanced electronic decoys to ensure safety."
"The combat information center is like the brain of the aircraft carrier, a special space that's set up and equipped with instruments to collect, show, and share information about combat situations."
"It is through this meticulous show of power and resilience of its brave sailors that the US has maintained its dominance in the blue waters."
"An aircraft carrier serves as the centerpiece of the U.S. Navy's fleet."
"A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"With the dedication, bravery, and hard work of the sailors on board, these massive ships are able to fulfill their mission and protect the country."
"They succeeded. To date, the Navy calls that the Fighter Weapon School, and it's known as Top Gun."
"This low level of casualties shows that both France and British navies were learning from the discoveries of the Age of Enlightenment."
"She had just been refitted at one of the yards where the Navy proudly licks its wounds and they are healed."
"You're a credit to the Navy, sir."
"Steeped in millennia of tradition, Iran's naval ships navigate the waters with a grim determination."
"We need naval leaders who can live by an ethical code."
"I looked at where all the navy bases were... every navy base, what do they have? A beach town."
"A name that has served the United States proudly since the Continental Navy."
"I'm about to join the Navy and really excited about it."
"The Seabees have added another frontier to their long list of conquests in building the Navy's spaces in all parts of the world."
"USS Cavala, the Avenger of Pearl Harbor, was part of many significant wins by the Navy."
"Perhaps Cavala's most significant contribution was sinking the Japanese aircraft carrier Shokaku."
"Napoleon had wanted to join the Navy, but his skilled mathematics led his teachers to suggest that his future lay with the artillery."
"I had the privilege to serve in the United States Navy, so I'm a U.S. Navy veteran."
"The Navy is my life; that's probably why I never got married. You might say I'm married to the Navy."
"Corvette or frigate, it's still a warship."
"I really wanted to represent him and I really wanted to represent the Navy."
"From its earliest days, the U.S. Navy has been armed for one purpose: to maintain freedom of the ceilings."
"Joe Price was the very best of what you say you stand for, and he's gotten the very worst from his government in the Navy."
"Not a lot of opportunity in my hometown. There's just a lot of bad things that you kind of get yourself into, so to get away from that for me was definitely a big thing of joining the Navy."
"I'm interested more in the Navy than the Army because of the opportunity that they have."
"The Coast Guard is that hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war."
"The tests took place off the coast of Florida, and the navy says it complied with protocols to ensure the safety of marine life."
"San Diego is a port where many of the great ships of the United States Navy put in."
"Destroyers wore the nickname 'tin cans' proudly, for none better suited these ships whose 3/8 inch steel decks creaked and bent in wave troughs but rode out storms like corks."
"I give you a toast to the finest crew in any man's Navy."
"The USS Gerald R. Ford has a food service division that features a huge team of culinary specialists."
"The average carrier commissary is equipped with the same sorts of cooking equipment as a state-of-the-art restaurant but has many more customers than even the busiest restaurant."
"The flight deck is perhaps the only place on an aircraft carrier where something is always happening."
"This was the beginning of one of the most vivid pages in the history of the Russian Navy."
"The ball cap is really a nice item to have for the navy."
"Deployed to this dangerous theater of operations on active duty for four months, these are the men and women who make up the crew of Her Majesty's Canadian ships."
"It's a pleasure to meet somebody from the Navy for a change."
"I'm Shaniqua, your navy transition coach, and this is where I help you navigate life both in and out of the navy."
"The Navy really is the tentacles of the U.S. military."
"Earnest young men see in the modern United States Navy an opportunity to equip themselves for a real career."
"Actually, did you know that in the Norwegian Navy they put barcodes on the side of their ships? So that they can Scandinavian when they come into port."
"It's the most perfect navy, it really is amazing."
"These warships are the workhorses of modern navies."
"When a US Navy ship comes from deployment, the first sailor allowed off the ship are sailors whose wives gave birth when they were away."
"The sailors are fed and paid, trained and brutally disciplined, and imbued with the fighting Naval Spirit of Britain."
"When you're in the Royal Navy, you're gonna come up against tough times... You've always got to have a positive mindset."
"She's the only vessel in the Indian Navy's entire fleet to retain dressing ship status after retirement."
"The Navy sent thousands of men ashore to help survivors, including some of California's crew."
"California joined other old standards for the Battle of Surigao Strait."
"I'm a navy skin diver attached to the explosive ordnance disposal program at San Juan, Puerto Rico."
"The most important role of the Navy in peace time was to enforce sea lines of communications and keep them open."
"The United States Navy proved its value during World War II especially in the Pacific."
"China has built the Navy that people said they were never going to build."
"This is the Sailors Creed I had to learn and recite every single day with my division."
"They saw Iron Bottom Bay and gasped at the spectacle of so many ships, such a vast armada cleaving white crisscrossing wakes in the water."
"I joined the Navy, and that kind of allowed me to get out and explore."
"The history of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard goes back quite a way as far as US Navy facilities are concerned."
"Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944, dawn D-Day, the Navy laid down a barrage that was heard round the world."
"The Navy's involvement was staggeringly stupendous in its share, the amount of money spent, the personnel, the fantastic drive, the achievements of the Navy."
"You underestimate Vietnam's Navy."
"It is comforting to see in this evening's audience a veritable pride of admirals - suggesting that the Navy endorses this sweet affliction that Mr. O'Brian has caused us."
"I joined the Navy because I wanted something completely different."
"A desire for revenge animated her crew; the Helena craved action."
"The people who crew submarines are the best of the best; they are the Navy's elite sailors."
"I'm actually in the navy band, and I play the trumpet."
"If you're going to join the Navy, you should have full expectations of going to a ship."