
Expenditure Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"Americans are now spending an average of $322.88 every year on skincare, totaling an incredible $15,000 in their lifetime."
"Humans are doing great; they've wasted 13 of my very expensive missiles."
"I decided I'm gonna spend a crazy amount of money on much newer iPhones."
"In the fitness niche, people will spend thousands of dollars on improvement."
"I'm not at all saying I didn't use Robux or I didn't pay to win. I used a lot of Robux, but I also played this game for like three days straight."
"Why did the Illusive Man spend billions of credits trying to resurrect Commander Shepard if all this time he had access to this Hot Topic space ninja?"
"We pay more than anyone else in the world for what we get."
"It's because he makes more they make more money than they spend."
"When is it ever ethical to spend $20,000 on a computer game?"
"I've luck Tinley pulled out my wallet emptied my bank account for the Kingdom Hearts all in one package."
"Well, you know, they're still around, I can spend something on them."
"Beyond what I ever imagined I would be spending in a mobile game."
"Spare a thought for the people who pay for these pixels."
"If it cost $400,000, it cost $400,000, they're right. I don't object."
"You spent over 1/4 of a million pennies just on Amazon. I know I have single-handedly made Jeff Bezos richer on my own though."
"This game's like pretty new, they might add that and then we look back on this and really regret how much money we spent."
"Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket."
"With all the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a charade and Witch Hunt... you have not spent even a short moment examining massive election fraud that took place during the 2020 presidential election!"
"You wonder why on earth you'd be mad enough to spend thousands on a Swiss watch."
"I'm nervous, I feel like it's wasting money, I do it at these stores I don't think it's just wasted money as like eBay but alright."
"I've never spent that much on concert tickets in my life; But of course, I'm very grateful and blessed that I am able to do that."
"May your income always be greater than your expenditure."
"I spent a thousand on this [ __ ] hair makeup."
"Sensitive information... how much I spent on buying secret items."
"I was in a position where I could spend $100,000 every day if I want - you know wouldn't hurt me."
"That's the best ten thousand dollars we've ever spent for sure."
"You spent all of this money, enjoy the build quality."
"Just have fun with it. Let me have joy when I go to spend ten thousand dollars on Call of Duty points."
"That American military, with that unthinkable amount of money spent, is little more than the biggest terrorist organization the world has ever seen."
"It doesn't work, but you know, it doesn't mean that we didn't pay for something."
"Yes, these two siblings bought the same $275,000 car on the same day."
"If you ask me, I think that 10k went right into Darth Vader's pockets."
"I spent over 50 thousand dollars in about a five minute span buying into a stock."
"367 dollars is going to buy a lot of bullets."
"A hundred rupees? Well, that's a good start for replenishing the 3000 which I had to spend recently."
"This will be the best money you've ever spent."
"Men spend their money on what they care about."
"When you have higher interest rates spending starts to cool down."
"It's gonna force you to purchase more in order to actually get true use out of the $15 gift."
"This all looks really, really sick...I'm gonna spend way too much money today."
"We're spending a trillion dollars in America on healthcare, which is not healthcare, it's disease management."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying how stupid the candy cane ban is. You spent 15 bucks for being mad about candy canes getting banned."
"You got to spend money to make money. I don't care what it takes."
"We spent probably like 200 or more IRL dollars to get this. We needed to experiment, but guys, this experiment is over with. I'm so happy."
"Putin's massive military expenditure in the conflict."
"Mrs. Wilmoth spent all that spaghetti money and she spent it good."
"Holy moly, our budget is 37 million, so begins the shopping spree."
"There are a lot of things that you can spend money on."
"Everything that you're working so hard for and spending all of your money on, it's all just a big rental anyway."
"This company brought in $536 million but spent $2.3 billion. That's spending over four dollars for every dollar of revenue."
"I've just spent the most I've ever spent on a car."
"Ever see a game on Roblox that cost money and you're like, should I get that? Should I buy it? Is it worth it? Well, I'm here to tell you today: 10 amazing paid Roblox games that you might consider buying."
"So we spent a lot of it on the dark side, monohull power yacht."
"I'd rather die and look back and go, you know what, I'm glad I spent that money to make my quality of life better."
"The quality has been amazing so far, and I feel way less bad about the excessive amounts of money I've been spending on cartoon tits."
"It's not just about how rich you are, it's about what you're gonna spend."
"The total spend on this Peugeot 3008 is £1,003."
"The guys who are flying private, they're spending between like 30 and 50k per month."
"We got another like 14 that we still have to order. There's gonna be so... This is ten. There's gonna be twenty-four thousand dollars in aftermarket parts going on the floor within the next month."
"I've ordered 700 worth of Japanese food, candy, and drink."
"I made it out of Target. If you're wondering, yes I did spend a lot of money."
"Tony, you are expensive. It was like 500, Tony, you are."
"People work hard all week to spend their money on two things: one is having a good time, and the other is watching Newcastle United."
"The real tax on the American people is what government spends."
"If we hadn't spent the vast sums of money in perfecting ways on how to kill each other... but that's a whole another story for another day."
"Assess your financial situation... determine where your money is going."
"You're paying 50 a month for a [expletive] discord."
"You are paying to be an actual like [expletive] stain on a piece of toilet paper."
"It was just a smidge over two thousand euros."
"Over one billion dollars was spent on the mall we're visiting today, and after only 30 years, it's already facing redevelopment in the wake of critically low occupancy."
"The taxpayer gives the train companies 175 million quid a month yes and this is not enough money."
"Overall, our annual cost was $99,500 for all of our mods."
"We're reacting to Simon's ten thousand dollar versus one hundred dollar hotel."
"That was practically all the quarters at once."
"We have spent $2 trillion in Iraq and fighting Iraq. Two trillion. Thousands of lives, right? We have wounded warriors all over the place. These are the most incredible, these are braver than all of us in this room put together."
"They've clearly spent quite a lot of money on the build, making it look super stylish."
"In 2010, Coca-Cola spent more money on advertising than Microsoft and Apple combined."
"I didn't go out and buy a big sports car, I didn't have anything extravagant."
"This is the world famous Myrtle Beach. I paid a lot of money to be here, not just sit down and watch the seagulls."
"How good was series 12 actually? Oh Christ, no, we're not made of money."
"Sometimes you need to spend a little to get some."
"The feeling I get with this is that you are definitely where your $60,000 are going if you buy a car like this is to Performance."
"Step One is managing your income and expenditure. Try and get the best job you can and try and not spend money on things you don't need."
"When you spend more, you get a better performance."
"Good speakers, you spend more, you get a better performance."
"Booze is definitely something you spend the money on because people had so much fun."
"We've been spending too much on trying to come up with all kinds of different dark matter particles."
"When we spend 60 million, you must deliver."
"You don't need to pay Lin that ridiculous amount of money because nobody pays him good money to send him to school so he can actually learn some things..."
"If you're spending nine thousand dollars on liposuction, you really didn't need that."
"When you start spending a million a month on vacation, called the burn rate, you're digging into your principal."
"I spent $200 bucks for front-row seats to the show of a lifetime."
"His personal home is going to be a state-of-the-art luxury high-end home, no expense spared."
"It takes guts to spend $230 billion on a World Cup."
"You're going to buy a heck of a lot of fuel my friend."
"If people go and spend 60, they're not kidding themselves they're going to be having these sort of exquisite raw materials."
"I just spent 10 K on this moment."
"I used all $30 of the food and beverage credit plus a couple more."
"Every expenditure is this worth my light is this worth my love and there are things that we are expending our life force on that don't light us up they don't fulfill us."
"This promo is gonna very efficiently suck the soul out of all my coins and training, but you know what? I am damn glad to do it. It's gonna be a banger video."
"I wasn't doing super well right I maybe was doing 15 20k a month of revenue uh or something like that and I paid 10 000 to go to the ted conference."
"I spent 5000 plus dollars on this freaking bag."
"Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?"
"We've spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of our people."
"I just love it super easy and then you don't have to spend, you know, like the two dollars every time when you're going to spin to rent some shoes."
"Are these cars the right way to spend 65 Grand?"
"Sometimes you pay a little more money for things that are special to you."
"This is the best $50 I've ever spent."
"Have you ever thought about buying but it was just too ridiculous to spend your own money on?"
"Seven hundred billion dollars a year spent building mostly point-to-point integration code."
"Anyway, the question I had that I kind of have the answer to is: how much was all of this? Ever since I started looking into sessing, I've always wanted to know how much they spend on things like this, even if it's just a rough estimate."
"If you've got to lose a little money to have a little fun in your car, that's okay. That's what it's for, right?"
"People spend a lot of money on weddings."
"You worried about pissing away money? We're paying for this insanity."
"Wow, I just spent a lot of money but it's all mine and I'm super excited."
"You can throw a hundred and forty million dollars at a [ __ ] movie and it can still look like [ __ ] trash."
"We brought 20K for this weekend, looks like we may go through it on day one."
"The days of spending $200 million on a film like the Marvel's are over absolutely over."
"The literacy business model is to make you spend as much money as possible."
"That was the best 10 bucks she ever spent in her entire life, probably."
"...each month Pablo's organization spent $90 million just on bribing the top officials of other countries."
"So we thought that it'd be a bit more sensible if we spent our money on something that we need for this year. Our Christmas and birthdays is that we're gonna buy a new kitchen."
"I've spent enough money on my wedding dress that I kind of needed to pull in the reins a little bit, because it was getting a bit crazy."
"I just hope at the end of the day, we've added enough value to justify the spend."
"He bought two pizzas for himself."
"Life is worth living, and I'm not gonna not spend money on something that creates a lot of fun memories for me."
"I had to pay $2,000 over invoice, so I ended up getting it for $114,000. It is more than I swore I would ever spend on a vehicle, and I have not regretted a single minute of it."
"One thing we know is that the War on Drugs hasn't worked. The billions of dollars that the United States has spent on the War on Drugs has actually had the reverse effect."
"You people are so busy having a great life that you're spending 84% of your income on the life category. Wow."
"I spent over $600 on Christmas decorations, so I'm going to get this decorated."
"Dana Jacobs spent close to $200,000, half of the insurance money she'd collected."
"Best $45 ever spent on a high-energy dog."
"We were spending a lot of money on the road just because we were covering so many kilometers and the fuel was so expensive."
"This might actually be the one, blow the bag."
"I have spent quite a bit of my own money on wigs and mannequins lately."
"TV advertising was the penultimate expression of a marketing campaign. It was expensive to make, expensive to air, and that's why it cost so much money."
"The kids are going to really love this area but do bear in mind it is quite pricey so make sure you keep an eye on their cards when you get on the cruise ship and make sure that they can't go spending money without you knowing."
"A budget makes you aware of what you're spending money on and how much it actually costs."
"It takes a lot and winning helps just to kind of soften the spending on the hobby."
"...taking into consideration that when we're like thinking about whether it's worth it, by golly yeah it is. Like that would have cost tens of thousands of dollars to do what we did."
"You see a lot of money get blown though, the majority of them, yeah, you see a lot of people burn a check, yeah."
"Best 40 pounds anyone has ever spent."
"It's probably about $115,000 us in Parts."
"Damn, 100 plus million dollars for 11 minutes."
"That's kind of the point of a hobby, spend an unholy amount of money so you can have fun and learn something interesting. Shouldn't be profitable necessarily."
"Cash flow is key - are you winning or losing each month?"
"The manufacturer is not looking to spend any money that they don't have to spend."
"...you could go balls to the walls Go full out and drop 5 grand on espresso machine for your house and still come out ahead after just a couple years..."
"It's not about saving money, it's about absolutely where your money is actually going."
"It's not about the money, it's the principle. How stupid that is $1,800 for that."
"You spent a thousand on one of them certain [brands], gave me a smart business move."
"The real question is: how much are you required to spend one way or another, directly or indirectly by taxes, by lending, by inflation?"
"Costing UK taxpayers 4 million pounds per week to store it all."
"You bought extra love for 80 bucks."
"I really wanted to know why, why am I paying so much money for basic items."
"I calculated how much money we spent."
"Number one, it may be that many retirement planning tools are modeling or overestimating the cost of retirement if we assume a fixed level of expenditures and assume that that increases over time, that might be overprojecting the actual true cost of retirement."
"Before I moved over, so yeah, it made me smile when you said, 'Hey, you're already paying for this stuff anyway.'"
"...if things are going well, it is okay to spend more than that sometimes..."
"To make this all possible, Zenith has spent millions of dollars, as a matter of fact, in the past two years over $20 million has been spent by Zenus in their new manufacturing plants."
"The excursions and activities...are worth every penny hands down."
"If it's too fancy, means you spent too much time on design or it's some VC startup that spent too much money on designers."
"Americans spend over 33 billion dollars annually on weight loss products without much success."
"If that four trillion dollars or so that we're wasting on largely avoidable diseases were redirected, everybody in America could afford to eat incredibly healthy food."
"So far the extra money definitely goes somewhere and it's to the Quality."
"These cost a ton. Actually forgot how much this was, but this is a lot of packs. I think 120, something like that. It's like a case worth."
"This guy goes through 10 grand a week like that. I'm talking about a lifestyle piece."
"A lot of people are spending a ton of money in the movie industry."
"A billion dollars was spent because 'Rings of Power' marketing has been a disaster right from the start."
"I actually came back from this cruise with the lowest onboard spend that I've ever had on a cruise."
"I sense a climax coming on. Yeah, look, we've got to spend the budget somehow."
"Even if you take it to a $30 date or $3,000 date you still paying in the middle that's 100%."
"...the proportion of the overall budget that's spent on Rider salary..."
"I'm not spending thousands and thousands of dollars on some of these items to just be on some rapper [ __ ] and wear it once and throw it away like that's stupid as [ __ ]."
"I already spent all my money on the other one."
"Wow, this was totally worth all the money. That was fun!"
"We spend trillions of dollars on things that are just bad."
"NATO, multilaterally as compared to what each of us spends on defense is just a tiny, a tiny pittance."
"I've spent hundreds on Valorant personally. One gun skin can cost $60, and I've just bought the prices. It's absurd."
"You can burn through money on Facebook ads quicker than anywhere outside of Vegas."
"I think I spent twenty thousand dollars on Genshin Impact last year."
"Expenditure without reserve produces the sacred."
"If you want to spend a bit more money, you get to the Challenger, which is still true American Muscle and feels giant."
"...there's companies spending 400 quid for a pair of bib shorts and you think it's mad."
"So, 31 pound 16 is the most you can spend on a journey from London Heathrow to Newcastle."
"It's just the coolest thing we can spend money on."
"That was worth every single f*cking penny."
"You have to be smart with how you spend it."
"It was reported that before Season Three had even aired, fans of the show had already spent over $121 million on the Avatar franchise."
"Beyond anything regarding money being spent by this committee or any others to the protection of this country, you have to look at the totality of these cartels in providing the authorities we need. That is our real issue right now."
"The budget for Friday? Million dollar."
"Already with the million-dollar houses and with this 10 million dollar check, I think we can safely say 50 million gone just down the drain on luxury items."
"I see [people] buying $500 shoes, I pay 1600 for some Giuseppe's."
"And then with ten thousand pounds out of my pockets, I then get to sit happy as a clam poor as a clam as well."
"I think that's the bravest £7,000 I've ever spent."
"I spend my money on wrestling figures."
"20 million. A third of which was spent on effects. Crazy."
"65 million dollars was thrown into this piece of [ __ ]."
"This quickly became the most expensive single event advertising campaign. No kidding, how much money they spend on this? 100 million dollars just to tell you about rapture on May 21st, 2011. How the heck did this happen, Harold Camping?"
"We spent just over 500 today on food which is absolutely insane."