
Online Identity Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"It seems like the anonymous aspect is mainly for like, all the positive uses is where it's like not safe to use your real name."
"You ain't gonna never see me just put somebody name and don't put their Twitter handle."
"It's become very common for women online to express their identities through an artfully curated list of the things they consume or aspire to consume."
"Avoid creating an avatar of yourself online; say what you mean."
"Adam transformed into the artist formerly known as Sky Does Minecraft by adopting the alias Net Nobody."
"They all have blue check marks and present themselves as reasonable online."
"While relatively small lies aren't the end of the world, it does remind us that we don't really know who people are when we only know them online."
"It is not illegal to find out someone's identity online."
"The Internet takes away credentials... credentials are important."
"I know when I was 13 on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare I would brag about being 15 thinking that was so cool."
"It's like every YouTube channel's name is actually horrible because most people don't start expecting it to become a thing."
"The only way that someone can genuinely tilt at windmills is if they have an erroneous view of who you really are compared with what they've seen of you online."
"Maybe he'll change his name to 1t SC maybe not probably not keep cookin."
"The benefit of being an online person: you always have a friend at a party."
"Your profile picture is your initial introduction, your first impression."
"I don't really hate myself, but I do hate the way I portrayed myself online."
"Going bald has been a point of insecurity for men... it might be the best thing that could happen to you and your online Persona..."
"Google+ ended up providing the blueprint for what a Google account is nowadays."
"I'm sorry, but the most important thing about being an e-girl is that you monetize."
"Twitter is the manifestation of who they want to be in real life."
"Now if that isn't some character growth, going from hiding inside boxes and hiding our online persona to everyone so now having the confidence to reply like this and I don't know what is."
"You would rather be a polished avatar instead of your real self. That's essentially no different from anonymous message board sites."
"Instagram: I have a perfect life. Facebook: I have an okay life. Twitter: I am a hot mess. Reddit: I killed The Hitchhiker in '86 and buried his body in the woods and I've never told a soul."
"This is your identity, essentially on YouTube, which is pretty awesome."
"Having a rare username on TikTok is a pretty big flex."
"The literal concept of a superhero online game seems built into building an alter ego online."
"He's got an anime profile picture, you see these jokers here and it's so easy to kind of forget like how serious this work is."
"There really literally just is not – especially if you're able to make someone – even in the days of verification and the world making sense, even at that point, you could just make the claim that you are a second account."
"I think a lot of people don't put enough upfront investment in the presentation of themselves online."
"The Internet is a place that allows you to make up your own identity."
"Using an alias can offer separation between online and personal life."
"Your portrayal online is exactly who you are."
"Be weird online. There's other weirdos out there."
"Your user profile is kind of like your own personal blog."
"People put on a facade for the internet, and that's like 90% of the people that log in."
"Her online persona allowed her to creatively flourish online, connect with others who had the same interests as her, and even help other people with their own issues."
"Once a YouTuber, always a YouTuber. Amen, hallelujah, sister."
"Bitcoin is winning at the inflation test, appreciating over the last 10 years several million percent."
"I do a bunch of different [] under stupid names. YouTube, it's Penguin Zero. Twitch, it's Moist Critical with a one and misspelled and alternating caps. It's real dumb []."
"Finstas aren't supposed to be taken seriously... they have funny or clever usernames."
"The reality of the situation was that is not a reflection of Who I am online."
"People are not always who they appear to be online."
"God dang Jesse Velez he's 28 years old his screen name is Jose he's engaged and he's a general manager at a major sandwich shop chain."
"I'm a catfish and I'm proud of it."
"Surfshark keeps your online identity safe by encrypting all the data sent between your device and the internet."
"Everyone changes and like that's okay to change and that's okay to grow. I don't know. It is really it just really upset me because I don't want to seem like fake or like a different person online."
"Our digital presence online goes way beyond a profile picture on a website."
"You're an idiot if you think her online persona defines her."
"Deckard who's like this creepy uh guy who's online played by Ryan Miriam from a [ __ ] MDU classic uh the Luck of the Irish ah jump in the morning Julia which movie is it Disney Channel original yes."
"The Mask, aka the curated online self, was equally a protective shield to guard the tiny ounce of personal privacy I had left but also it became the personal and professional brand that I projected into the world."
"I became a vtuber because I was born with an immune deficiency condition called CVID, which does not allow me to be around people. So that's why I became an anime girl on the internet."
"Some people are just ordinary people in the real world, but in cyberspace, they are special."
"My name is Martin, I go by in the little wood online."
"at this point i had no reason to doubt that she was who she said she was everything appeared legit online we had video chatted every other week and called most days i just assumed i got lucky"
"Anonymity is gonna be a big thing and I think that, whether it's enabled by the blockchain or something else, I think that people want to have an identity that's online that might be detached from them as a person."
"...it represents you, your brand, and your business so why would you not want your domain name to look absolutely spiffing?"
"I'm glad I always used an alias online."
"I thought for a minute someone was pretending to be me on here."
"I've found the most nasty, vicious, disgusting internet trolls on there, baby. Every element of what encapsulates Mistress Isabelle Brooks, you can find on Roblox."
"Nobody is what they seem online. Make sure to keep your kids close."
"Curating your online persona has become an art of its own."
"You gotta pay for that username, bro. You gotta."
"To all the other viewers out there, if you care about your privacy, don't use the same names and avatars on different services."
"Just because someone has a furry avatar doesn't make their point any less valid."
"Online, you're a king of some society, some realm."
"Websites are super, super important, no matter what field you are in."
"If you have any badge next to your name, it's so much easier to remember you."
"Lovesick Ellie revolves around this girl who, from everybody else's perspective, just looks like a normal high school girl, but she has an online persona called Lovesick Ellie."
"I'm no different online than I am in real life."
"LinkedIn is an example of a force that makes it difficult for young people to really disconnect their professional identity from their social activity."
"Millions of us have different sides to ourselves online."
"You want your online presence to reflect your in-person reality."
"How we act online isn't necessarily how we act in real life."
"It's about the online identity and community and feeling really present within an immersive virtual world."
"Who is your digital you? Who are you when all accountability is gone?"
"Put a face to the username and make people trust you."
"Where we had once been free to be ourselves online, we were now chained to ourselves online, and this made us self-conscious."
"Reddit usernames are an art form in and of themselves."
"Catfishing refers to the act of someone online lying about who they are."
"Dream's anonymity has been one of the most alluring aspects of his persona online."
"The nature of the internet means that our digital footprint is always out there; you can't erase it, you can't get rid of it."
"I'm Chucky online and this is the Champions League of everything."
"I've told everyone close to me what I do online; my mom and sisters are super supportive."
"Sometimes people look different online versus in person."
"I am who I am online as I am in person."
"Putting good authentic personality into the catfish always helps."
"I choose to have a clean background, I choose to present myself this way online."
"Everybody, your screen name is your name, that way I know that you are here."
"When people have their actual name attached to something, they behave better."
"What we post online is only a representation of us; it's not actually truly us."