
Toxic Behavior Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"If you want to have a drama-free life, you simply don't tolerate people that behave in a toxic manner."
"I'm sorry that I failed you as an ally and your friend. You didn't deserve to be around my toxic behavior, and there is no excuse for it."
"There is nothing more toxic to your soul than repeatedly acting out of cowardice."
"Sometimes when you're functioning with toxic masculinity you don't see that other people become casualties of your ego."
"It's very toxic and for him to have such a big voice and him spreading that out to everybody else, I'm not a huge fan of it."
"We should wonder why we accept toxic behavior."
"Toxic leaders have the luxury of working hard without being abused."
"Difficult, toxic people are equal opportunity offenders."
"This is someone releasing toxic [ __ ] wanting a reconciliation here."
"There is no such thing as toxic masculinity you're either masculine or you're toxic."
"The way those people treated you was atrocious and I'm glad you cut contact, you deserve so much better."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person is going to die."
"Jealousy early on in the beginning is toxic."
"This is not healthy behavior. This is not good. It's not cool. You're behaving like a psychopath."
"This person was hurt... Hurt people hurt people... Insecure, operating out of a very toxic energy."
"Mental and emotional manipulation, scarier than yelling or any other series of toxic traits."
"Possessiveness, stalking, and manipulation - three traits that surely should end any relationship."
"Gene contacting a total stranger to completely assassinate your character to her is severely dangerous behavior that needs to be burnt down to its roots."
"This is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out; this is toxic."
"That's manipulative, toxic, and everything else under the sun. My god, she admitted to that on tape."
"Don't let anyone live rent-free in your mind. That is toxic behavior."
"Gaslighting is a thing that narcissists, sociopaths, and Psychopaths do often."
"If you think that there are toxic men, you have to also believe that there are toxic women."
"It's really just terrible toxic narcissistic too, just insanely narcissistic."
"I don't want to find myself in these repetitive toxic patterns."
"Toxic behaviors are still behaviors and may have been helpful or accepted in the past in what are usually toxic situations."
"But like more than that like I I just like this kind of behavior is just so [ __ ] gross and I want to save anyone else from having to engage in this and be as [ __ ] naive as I was."
"Your relationship would have been a living freaking hell."
"Your manager is seriously crossing some professional boundaries... this guy is really being toxic."
"Charlotte constantly tries to steer Bojack in the right direction and regularly calls him out on his toxic behavior."
"Sometimes we are the toxic ones and no one wants to admit that."
"But in terms of the cards that are really toxic, he doesn't like, he also mentioned the Imperial Order."
"Violence is not passion, and love is not a justification for legitimately disgusting toxic behavior."
"Withhold affection to try and control somebody? That's really toxic, okay? That's a sign to watch for."
"There's no need to be toxic about it. Dan James didn't work out, all the best."
"Shipping is sadly a good example of toxic fandom."
"You have to exclude people from your movement who are toxic."
"It serves no purpose, it makes you become this toxic person not to be around."
"If he's controlling what you wear... leave him."
"What makes him evil is being sick of Rick in his toxic, immature, and sociopathic behavior."
"Just break out of the toxic cycles."
"A lot of y'all are energy vampires. Okay, just draining people for what they can get out of them and then people just stop messing with you because it's so toxic to be around you."
"He's so toxic, he's used to people that have to express and act out their feelings as opposed to communicating their feelings."
"Wanting to be better and other people literally trying to stop people from wanting to be better is toxic."
"Being able to notice the telltale signs and behaviors of toxic people is going to be helpful for you to avoid them, defend yourself against them, and maybe even give you the courage to say goodbye and declutter them from your life."
"Don't be toxic. That's what pisses me off. I hate toxic people."
"He was a manipulator. He always wanted control."
"Gossip and negative self-talk are like poison to our brains."
"I won't let your toxic behavior define my worth, Hannah. I deserve respect, compassion, and understanding just like anyone else."
"If leaders don't deal with somebody who's murdering the office environment and murdering relationships and murdering the vision, ultimately the toxic person murders the leader's job."
"Toxic people have a 'what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine' mentality."
"So these are the people that are specifically toxic, but again, my whole point of reference and I have a fundamental belief in the oneness of mankind."
"The cycle of narcissistic toxic abuse from the perspective of a diagnosed narcissist."
"She encourages Chicken Little to confront his father over his toxic behavior."
"Simplify your life and get rid of these toxic ways and toxic behavior."
"Regardless of how you are going through it personally as an individual, I feel like it is totally not fair to then go around being a toxic person and traumatizing other people for your own personal gain or your own personal narcissism."
"It's the number one toxic behavior..."
"The solution to our selfishness that bears these toxic behaviors that we have here's the good news."
"Toxic people don't even fully understand that they're being toxic."
"Don't engage. Don't give toxic people your energy."
"But I think the biggest realization I had is that so much of Orion’s behavior wasn’t necessarily toxic for every D&D game."
"If his toxic behavior was he threw up at some clubs and had some meltdowns at a CVS Pharmacy, okay. No real harm, no real foul. But when his toxic behavior is raping people and he's changed, oh, oh great, I guess that undoes everything he did, oh my God, amazing."
"Don't respond to low-value behavior. Do not allow yourself to get sucked down to any type of negative or toxic behaviors."
"Toxic people are masterful at turning their bad behavior into a sort of little joke."
"It's not the person who's toxic; it's their behavior that's toxic."
"The best way you can prevent a toxic person from entering your life is by fully understanding what toxic behavior looks like."
"Hijackals are people who will never be pleased because as soon as you do what they ask, they say it's not good enough."