
Contention Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"My entire contention with you was saying it was creepy."
"Look you understand what I'm saying I understand we're saying all right look there is a point of contention that the Clone crowd should have the right to build it exactly how it needs to be built okay all right."
"Goddamn your generation really picks random hills to die on."
"If YouTube is going to arbitrarily shut his channel down when he broke no rules, I think there is a claim here."
"We're not to be pretenders; we're to be contenders."
"There's a deep calling to each other despite the contentiousness."
"The Bears have the weaker argument at least for now."
"It's our contention they had the opportunity to do that but they failed."
"It means to endeavor. It means to struggle. It does not mean the same as being contentious."
"This is probably going to be a point of contention throughout the day."
"Susan's financial success inadvertently became a source of contention within her family Circle."
"Rubs, sauces, and smokers alike are all subjects of heated contention."
"I don't think there's any contention that filmmaking is an art form."
"The danger point is when we tend to gravitate towards always contending and knowing that we must contend for the faith... Or we tend to say, 'Well, no, we don't need to be contending, we don't need to be bold, and we don't need to be standing our ground.'"
"...the tension never drops in that contention between those two characters and those two ideologies."
"It's been a fun season to watch and these guys have played themselves into contention throughout the course of the year."
"If you contend, you get anointed by the spirit."
"People want to argue about everything."
"...only by pride comes contention..."
"That's just contention for state."
"This country is deeply divided and worse mutually contentious."
"...the biggest problem to scaling on multi-core is memory lock contention."
"We live in one of the most politically contentious moments in American history."
"Coaching in the states is also a point of contention for many, myself included. Oftentimes, youth soccer coaches in the US put more emphasis on the result of a game than they do on the technical development of players as individuals."
"Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty?"
"We are gonna contend for our region."
"Truth is being fought over today."
"I found it necessary to remind you that you got to contend for the faith."
"We must earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints."
"The main bone of contention was Tibet."
"Without contention, how will we recognize who we are?"
"We have this interesting source of congestion or contention."
"We feel like we're in the mix right now."
"Our understanding of the multiplicity of history advances with contention, even as all master narratives find themselves critiqued and sometimes eroded."
"We're all going to die on some battlefield. Why don't you earnestly contend for the faith?"
"I had necessity to write to you to encourage that the people would contend for the faith."
"Defensively they're contenders, yeah they're still contenders."
"How can we contend with an intelligence which reads our very thoughts?"
"Too many lords can't stomach the thought of Ramsay as their lord."
"This is a Liverpool side to be considered a genuine contender."
"Amy Slayton is a YouTuber to be contended with, okay."
"High probability is not fact, and that is where many of us drew a bone of contention."
"Fantastic win for Arsenal, title contenders we will see."
"Woe is me, my mother, that you bore me, a man of strife and contention to the whole land!"
"We must stop these contentions amongst each other."
"It's a phenomenon almost as old as time itself and today it remains as by far one of the most contentious topics in all of modern animation fandom."
"Remember Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil over the body of Moses, did not even bring a railing accusation against him."
"Contention is spiritually unhealthy for us as individuals. We’re robbed of peace, joy, and rest."
"One mind there is, but under it two principles contend."
"Freedom to me was a huge bone of contention through my whole life."