
Identity Confusion Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We have more information than ever before, but with the lack of a narrative to identify with, we only become more lost in the midst of this information."
"Am I Scott Cawthon? You're right, I don't know my own lore."
"What do you know? Wait, are you my dad? But papa."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred."
"No one's murdering you, dude. You're O.J. Simpson."
"Sometimes when you're a werewolf, it's hard to remember which one it is, you know?"
"Alvin immediately asking who the heck he is. Shouldn't it be obvious by now, bro?"
"I know, it's weird at TSA and stuff like that because they'll be like, 'All right Taylor, come over here,' and they're like, 'Which one?'"
"This is sort of thinking it's me but most of the time not... that's another challenge with this."
"Russian agents killed three men they said were saboteurs sent by Ukraine; a report says they were just gamers in costume."
"Destiny is a fact. It is, oh, I don't recognize the name."
"Do we know if that's Flash Thompson losing his mind or is it legitimately Spider-Man?"
"I don't feel like a boy I don't know what to do."
"Is he trying to say that they're the same person? Or that they're related?"
"It's weird when people come up to me and are like 'Oh my God, you're China,' and I'm like, 'Oh my God, yeah, I forgot that I was even on Love Island,' you know what I mean?"
"My name is Dustin, sometimes I see Justin, I see dude thin, I see dirt then."
"But there's this confusion-- location, address confusion. Which, I live between the two ears."
"Simply watching it was no longer synonymous with being the walrus."
"Some of those people with the Oath Keepers could have been BLM."
"I thought it was Vernon for a second but no it's Mingyu."
"Everyone's like you're a Leo right? Yeah, and then you go, you Gaslight them, you gas, you double down, you're like Leo well like no never said I was a Leo what are you talking about." - Sam
"Other people will be confused as to whether you're the old Taurus or the new Taurus."
"Recognize her in the present day? You might be confused."
"I simply am not there, Howard. It's Bateman, Patrick Bateman."
"No, this is Patrick. Do you want it to be one? That's actually a good answer."
"Why do people think I look like William Celiba? What have I done wrong with my life?"
"I am not saying it's alive but imagine if you took a person and told them their name's John Smith but you said from now on you will tell everyone your name is Bill."
"When confronted with images of his doppelganger in news and media reports living out his life and assuming his identity, SCP-1447-2 was unable to explain the anomaly and asserted that he was the true original version of himself."
"I think there's a growing number of people who don't know what side of the aisle they're on."
"What even is a spine? I get called a cow where all the time. Why magic? I don't have one. It's like a calcium worm."
"Our job is to shelve our own bias acknowledge that all bodies are unique and to take into consideration an individual's preferences budget lifestyle morals culture and unique health conditions and concerns."
"How can you not know who you are when they can't even?"
"I'm not sure that it's a beard i'm trying to think of what it could be called though it's a it's called a beard actually."
"Curry isn't soup, he's a basketball player, not wrong."
"Wow, that's awesome! Let's see if I can go in. Ready? Yeah, Jamesy, you don't look like me, so it doesn't recognize me. Perfect!"
"Photo negative Mickey isn't an entertainer who was driven mad when it was trapped inside of its own costume. It is a living suit that believes itself to be human."
"I don't remember. I don't even know who you are."
"Armenians are men, Armenians or men, should I say Armenian X?"
"Who am I? You are not able to recognize me anymore. It’s me, Joseph!"
"Never you see Annette Louisville in me, the new trauma."
"It's like it's me the whole time, everyone is Toby with the club."
"If these my family doesn't see me as black, what am I?"
"I think on the one hand it's very strange for them to repeatedly attack the conservative party as liberals a liberal party um and yet they get upset when they are labeled as a far right party."
"There's a very fine line between werewolves and furries."
"No, you let go of me! You're not my husband! Why are you doing this? Let go!"
"I literally people said, 'Michael, who's she?' Oh, that woman there, yes, Madonna."
"My name is Marlin? You silly, silly Spy Ninja."
"How would we differentiate you from FaZe Banks though? It might get a little tricky if we have you both in the same room."
"Oh baby, shra shra! You're the Irish one, right? Is there a Grace in here? Is there a Grace after you? This would—you not be having one of those Graces now."
"You may ask yourself, how did I get here? This is not my beautiful cake."
"He is not a... there's no American that's that's the truth."
"I'm not what's his name from the Beatles, Ringo Starr. No, the other guy, John Lennon."