
Competition Strategy Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"This challenge was all about playing to win."
"Once you get to that place where you're trying to hold on instead of trying to win, you're vulnerable."
"Everybody from this point on outside of the Hopson and Sharifo is locked in for tomorrow's main event. This is all about seeding, where they land, who they're going to go against. Here we go."
"Sometimes you just throw your deck at the opponent and say beat this."
"Magnus is the best player in the world. The more games he gets, eventually he's just gonna outclass you."
"So, in this round, I'm gonna put you into pairs. And I'm not going to split up the pairs this time around because, you know, we've all had our fantasy warfare. That's over now."
"If Steve runs the Olympia and he's in it, that's not necessarily enough to do it. You need to kind of have everyone in on it."
"Teamwork is gonna be the way to beat this guy."
"Maybe a submission but I'm gonna be going for the knockout baby."
"I only win when I actually don't think about it. That's the problem."
"If you can't beat them, you've got to join them."
"Only a fool would enter a competition like this without an alliance."
"I'm the wild card with nothing to lose I'm the guy who's gonna play like a maniac and I'm the guy who is gonna surprise you."
"We're not going to beat him with pocket change."
"This is perfect, this is exactly what we wanted for the challenge Heineken Legends."
"If I fight my game plan, this guy has no chance."
"Can't win it if it ain't here." - Hangman Adam Page
"The reduction of angle... will play a big role in this run." - Analyzing critical aspects of the competition.
"It's almost safer for you to separate yourself from a big pack like that."
"He's able to sense how his opponent feels going into a round, especially given the situation, and he's able to play in a way that is going to make them uncomfortable."
"Fight like you lost the first round, not panic mode but in aggressive mode."
"My strategy is to win the first SOTY boss competition."
"But to be fair it should be factored in how impressive it is that Taylor never really needed to win a competition outside of the final four HOH to be safe in any given week."
"If you can just play your own game and stay in your game, you're gonna have a very good chance to beat me."
"Don't leave it to the judges. Just win outright."
"They ended up finishing the second one and then pushed in and finished the third as well."
"I told you, I'm here to weaken Manchester City, I'm gonna take away points from you, your best defender belongs to me."
"The key to winning this year is also who doesn't get COVID."
"Thank you for being part of our Ferrari show until next year at the Finale Mondiali in Imola when we will do it all over again but before that a whole season of success to come."
"It's not about winning, it's about sending a message."
"Playing from behind, no matter the circumstances, is infinitely harder."
"I always say there's no winner in a prelim; the winner if anybody is the person that expends the least amount of energy to get into the finals."
"People respect you more for who you are, not really what you're wearing."
"Our goal is not to win, it is to do damage and damage is what we will do."
"If you're going to lose, lose as quickly as possible."
"That is how you systematically dismantle your opponent."
"That's a major risk here but there it is, a medkit is found from Rise. He's gonna time the execution there. It goes through. He's also got a chug cannon, another win condition."
"I think that you want that pressure to be shifted to the next guy so rather than wait on it put that pressure on somebody else take the offensive."
"Learn from your opponents. If somebody has something good, you can benefit by adding it to your arsenal."
"I'm gonna pressed cactus now Lord, you guys go for somebody else."
"The team that strayed away from the multi-tank rush ended up winning in the end."
"To me, this is how you'd want to look about seven weeks from a bodybuilding competition."
"If you fall behind or go even in most matchups, that means you may just be run over once the enemy hits level six."
"You don't have to win everything, you just need to win in the end."
"Normally we would save them, but we're really trying to get the W."
"Even if your opponent appears to be better, if they can't maintain through the course of the contest, your resistance wins."
"Sometimes it doesn't matter how you win; it just matters that you do win."
"Being in your prep is much more comfortable than having to think outside of it, especially when your opponent is capable of causing nonsense to happen on the board."
"She's kind of in here a little bit, why? Because Amanda, when they throw heads, straight up."
"It hurts their momentum and the goal of this is to always make your opponent uncomfortable."
"I'm gonna win, I know how to beat this guy, I know the strategy I have."
"If I want to win, I gotta win four games fast, not just one."
"I knew that when I would throw, KSI would throw too."
"Just look how neat mine is. It looks lovely. In fact, I don't ever want to win again. Look at that neat line, man. I'd have to start again. That's reverse psychology right there."
"We're gonna make him nervous and we are gonna show the freaking world why we are the A-side."
"You don't need to destroy your competitors to succeed but... good intentions and love are more important."
"Winning the Premier League is like a 100 meter sprint, and you could say that every three or four strides is a game."
"It's not gonna be off in the next two events."
"The best thing they can do is have Darby beat both Mox and Bryan. The pillars of AEW."
"I think there's a way to beat him and I think JJ can do it."
"I'm gonna hide in the tiniest little spots. My name is Jessica and I'm for sure gonna win because I'm small."
"You have to be aggressive, but you can't be aggressive and stupid at the same time."
"Once you've made your first successful lift in the snatch and your opener, you're going to have to give your second attempt before the 30 seconds on the clock is down."
"My strategy is to be excellent, but not too excellent as to engender the hate of everyone in the group."
"All I want is for things to be as calm, consistent, and chill until 200 meters to go as possible because that's how I win races."
"When the other side is losing, you don't stop them; you let them continue to own goal."
"He's gonna have to hope that Yamato makes some mistakes in the chase."
"First and foremost is having a good navigator."
"She was the only housemate who was never nominated for eviction."
"It doesn't matter how you do in the heats or the semis, just get to the final and then nail it in the final."
"They say you lose it on day one, but you can't win it on day one, so you're riding the hunt of things."
"You can't rely on brains or brawn alone here; you need something different."
"It's round one. Nothing's decided today. I'm gonna race my race at my pace, do my thing, and see where that puts me."
"We cannot take a chance, we cannot race hard, we got to think Championship."
"You have to attack their weaknesses."
"You're gonna win the finals by how you run in the trials."
"It's not about who's winning at 600 meters, it's not about who's winning at 700, it's not even about who's leading at 799 meters. All that matters is that last meter and where you're at."
"The World's Strongest Man is a long competition, it's not won or lost on the first event."
"It's not over until it's over because you've got a quick paddle back out, you can find space in this big lineup."
"It doesn't matter what strategy you have; if you can just stop your opponent from what they're doing, you're always going to have a chance."
"I gave it all I had in the lead position, he was right there with me, and while chasing, I just tried to mirror every move he made."