
Chilling Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"In the annals of true crime, some cases stand out as chilling reminders of the darkness that can live within society."
"Finding this case led to more chilling discoveries."
"A married couple stationed at Fort Irwin in California are relaxing at home when suddenly their motion-activated baby monitor turns on to reveal some scary stuff caught on camera."
"Curiosity peered into the hollow, greeted by a sight that chilled to the bone: a human skull, complete with human hair and teeth."
"It's very chilling behind the scenes like activities."
"The Black Coat's Daughter is so well-made, so clever and chilling, it's bound to stick with you long after you finished it."
"There was a chilling gothic clarity about the method by which he killed his victims."
"They experience something that chills them to their core."
"Just talking about it now, it still sends chills down my spine thinking about what he did."
"This was without a doubt the most spine-chilling thing I've ever experienced."
"Chilling is also ecstatic to announce the development of Chilling 2.0, enriching the platform with Chilling original movies and shows."
"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere, and there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
"The way he said it was chilling, we all felt like we could see right through him."
"It turned its head and looked me in the eye, its eyes were black and haunting."
"The screams ended and blood poured out from underneath the church doors in a thick flood, soaking into the earth."
"The little that they were able to piece together told the chilling story."
"The final scene of this first half is chilling to the bone."
"I literally felt my blood run cold; I've never been so terrified."
"The kid wasn't sick, the kid wasn't sleeping, the kid was dead."
"So, go forth my fellow whiskey lovers with your newfound whiskey chilling and enjoy your frosty cool beverage."
"I heard that Ohio call, and when I did, it chilled me to the bone because I was like, 'That's a noise I heard when I was a kid.'"
"A drone accidentally spots something chilling in the middle of this National Park."
"I recommend chilling this for at least an hour."
"You just got to be good at chilling."
"You gotta wrap it with a wet towel here so let's get this thing chilled down a little bit."
"I know what I heard and it gives me chills just thinking about it."
"This time we were fortunate, but next time we'll have had it," says Weir, a chill runs down my spine."
"Our hope shattered by the chilling reality, the whispers, the scratches, they were back."
"Her cocky smirk left her face for a moment. It was chilling the way she looked at me."
"Honestly, it still gave me the chills. The woman is clearly very shaken up, and I think how vague she is makes it all even creepier."
"It's just chilling, it just looks aggressive."
"We caught US a sitter now we're chilling."
"I find it very chilling that while I was playing soccer, someone was driving within 20 yards of me with a corpse in the car."
"There was something about that last line that sent shivers crawling down my spine."
"I froze in my tracks and got chills."
"It was the most bone chilling deep angry howl that I've ever heard."
"Well, honey, looks like I'm going to have to gut you."
"Another fascinating read and one that really chilled me when I was reading it."
"My god this scene will make the hair stand up on your neck."
"It gives me chills every time I watch it."
"The words chilled me to my very bones."
"I feel so good, like I'm chilling."
"If you want to see something that'll actually kind of like chill you and like if you just want to see great film making honestly"
"The result will chill you to the bone."
"I visited your home this morning. I tried to play husband, it didn't work out, so I took a souvenir: her pretty head."
"...it really makes the hair rise on the back of your neck when you read this thing."
"Bundy's story serves as a chilling reminder of the evil that can lurk beneath a seemingly normal exterior."
"This is just one of the most terrifying true crime stories and would definitely make for quite a horrifying documentary."
"The laughter and light-hearted banter of the previous evening were replaced by a chilling silence marking a stark end to the innocence and security that once filled Marty's world."
"I've had my water down here chilling for about five minutes, and it's pretty cold. If I stick my whole pour down there, it's bloody freezing."
"How cold was it? Like way colder, bone chilling cold."
"Chilling post-apocalyptic literature explores life after calamity."
"One of the most exciting things about Chilling is our one-of-a-kind ambient sound menu. You can select and change the background noise of the story seamlessly without impacting the story you're currently playing."
"Now let's talk about the best part about Chilling: it's completely ad-free. That's right, no ads. You can listen to hours of stories with zero interruptions."
"...and that screech was blood-chilling."
"That's when a chill ran down my spine."
"The room went freezing cold and I felt somebody standing behind me."
"That smile sends chills down my spine."
"It's good to chill and that can be productive too."
"Sometimes you just gotta relax and chill... that's the influence of the garden herman upon myself."
"That was chilling, I was chilling, that was like I was looking in the face of the abyss."
"Here's the real chilling part, it fades into a memory, we're back on that roof at Beacon."
Enjoy these allegedly true and disturbing "Let's Not Meet" stories.
"The kind of horror that gives me chills."
"You just give me chills every time, like you channel him."
"This one is the definition of spine chilling it's a captivating story that will leave you with a heavy heart."
"It's a chilling and thrilling adventure."
"A chilling disembodied voice seemed to come from somewhere in the room."
"The rest of the year he's like I don't know on tour, I don't know what he's doing but end of the year he goes crazy beginning of the year crazy rest of the time chilling."
"One child says to another: 'Child hunt tomorrow, Fanny.’’"
"Golden State killer called her up and said remember when we played and hangs up."
"What I saw sent shivers down my spine."
"I love that line in the first one: 'Why us?' 'Cause you were home."
"Come along," a voice answered distinctly, sending chills down Eleanor's spine.
"The scene between Bilbo and Smaug, oh chills. The way that Andy Circus narrates Smaug, like his voice doing that was chilling, absolutely chilling."
"This movie is absolutely bone chilling."
"I was chilled to the Bone, you know, it's even though it's Georgia it's late October it's it's it's not Saskatchewan right it's not New England but still man."
"Oh my god. We're chilling. We are fucking chilling so hard. It's crazy."
"The voice actors not to cut you off but they killed this [__] I Ain going to hold you this [__] kind of gave me chills."
"Honestly, a very chilling story that seems like it could happen in real life."
"The gaunt remnants of the church were both chilling and enchanting."
"He chillingly revealed, 'I was primed. I had made the mental commitment. I was going to get even with my mother.'"
"Chilling is a must-have app for Horror Story lovers."
"It would be a procession and everyone who saw it, they would get blood chills up and down their spine."
"That is chilling that he would take it upon himself to make that kind of a determination."
"We should drink vermouth and write the scariest story."
"The house remains a chilling reminder of the dangers of ignoring the warnings of the Dead."
"But the smile is sending a chill down your spine, isn’t it?"
"These stories will truly freak you out."
"It sounded like Grandma, but it chilled me to the bone."
"The entire room felt ice cold and then she heard what sounded like a female voice right next to her."
"It's my voice, said in the exact same way I'd screamed only moments before."
"The Michigan Dogman was no longer a legend but a chilling reality etched into the depths of my being."
"The last and most chilling piece of the story though, the earbuds that I lost the morning of this incident... I found them the next day on the kitchen counter exactly where they were supposed to be."
"The sight sent a chill down my spine."
"It's one that chillingly sticks with you like no other."
"The sight of that man in the darkness still gives me chills whenever I think about it."
"As my mom told this story, it really made my skin crawl."
"Chills ran down my spine... I forced myself to swallow."
"The memory of that stormy night still sends chills up my spine to this day."
"Honestly, I found the scene of the new ninja being corrupted to be very chilling and Eerie."
"It honestly sent chills down my spine and really creeped me out."
"He simply lowered his gun and stepped out into the street never to be seen again gives me chills just thinking about it."
"Chilling is the new home of horror."
"I really don't know what that was but I get chills just remembering that place."
"We backed toward the door, not wanting to turn away from the fog. Just as I, the last one, was entering through the doorway, I heard the bone-chilling phrase, 'Try to dig him up next year.'"
"That's a real hairs on the back of the neck moment."
"The whole scene was amazing, but knowing that moment gave me chills."
"...the words were clear. They were an ice cold breeze against my skin. 'Help me,' it said again."
"Help me," the first one read, simple and chilling.
"This is a book to be read slowly, mirroring the slow descent to a frozen hell the book's characters experience."
"That's the sound of people drowning, Carl."
"Her response sent a chill down my spine. 'I don't have a basement,' she said."
"...combined these chilling looks with the flood's merciless relentless and almost unstoppable desire to spread and the fact that deadly water is a simple yet inherently spine-tingling idea..."
"It's chilling to think that Jack the Ripper could still be alive today living somewhere out there under his real name maybe he's one of your friends or neighbors or maybe he's you you'd have no way of knowing and that's terrifying."
"...this nice fun wholesome activity is actually a bit chilling when you think about it."
"But oh man, that sent shivers down my spine."
"Paul's Assurance was chilling, a clear indication of how meticulously he had orchestrated this scheme."
"Arguably the most frightening thing about this show is that it's a true story."
"He felt as if a hand of ice had been laid upon his heart."
"He gave me a huge chill down my spine."
"Chapman's chilling response had been to hold up his full finger and thumb and say I could give her a bit like that and 50 doctors could not find out."
"The sinister quality chilled me to the very core."
"It's a really chill day today because the sun is shining, bright blue skies, so we're making the most of just like chilling out."
"'He bore Satan's signature' - a chilling description of Mr. Hyde's appearance, highlighting his evil nature."
"If you're brave enough, dive into this chilling narrative if you dare."
"...it's his only album but good god is it chilling."
"I can't describe the feeling in my veins. It was like my blood turned to ice."
"Lizzie Borden Took an Ax and gave her mother 40 whacks... if that sends shivers down your spine then no, it's not just an eerie rhyme."
"But now that I did that, feeling cool, I'm chilling, you know what I'm saying."
"...the kill where Michael's put all the different knives in the old man's back was so haunting... really made me feel like Mike Myers was like a curious kid."
"This is just absolutely chilling at 183."
"His story is not just a flicker of the past but a chilling breath on the nape of your neck, whispering that not all is Merry and bright."
"I got chills just thinking about that."
"Of all the letters Madeleine Smith wrote, the final one we have a glimpse of is perhaps the most chilling."
"It's just chills from head to toe."
"This frightened a lot of people, terrified a lot of young parents. It was chilling for people who lived in that community. It was a quiet, safe out of the..."
"The tale of the Irvings is actually a ghost story. In fact it's the first ghost story I've heard in a really long time that's actually like scared me & shook me to my bones!"
"But as I approached the tower, I saw something that sent a shiver down my spine: a figure standing near the base of the tower, looking up, just as Clark had described Thomas doing in Teddy's journal."
"This is a story that he retold to me while we both admitted to getting goosebumps."
"The more I think about it, the entire encounter leaves chills covering my body."
"This story never fails to give me the chills."
"He felt his entire body get cold and started shivering."
"No one can know about Bellure, not even the Mary's," her word sent chills up my spine.
"She never fell apart while she was disposing of bodies."
"It was truly bone chilling, a naked ash white skinny man crawled out on all fours."
"this story still gives me goosebumps to this day"
"It's chilling to watch, you know, describe murders dressed as a joker."
"The next story has got to be one of the most chilling stories ever told on the channel here."
"It stopped frozen in fear and got the chills."
"I just need to take a moment to talk about chilling."
"The most chilling part of this experience... her body was floating about four to five inches off the floor."
"It's a story that I'll never forget and something that always makes my skin crawl when I think of it."
"I'm chilling, man, cooling out, Maxing, and relaxing all cool."
"Literally the most chilling words I have ever heard in my entire life."
"The hour is late, that's chilling. It means they don't have a lot of time."
"The howling started, a chorus of bone-chilling howls rose through the night air."
"It really is a chilling house, you go there to hang out with your friends, to eat, to enjoy the scenery, to enjoy the food."
"The following are six true poltergeist stories that might make you shiver next time there is an unexplainable noise incident in your home."
"What a strange and bone-chilling encounter."
"Her beauty was chilling, otherworldly."
"The conjuring is a legit chilling experience."
"This creep factor is off the charts."
"What we captured here was truly chilling and unexpected."
"I think this book is very thought-provoking and it has one of those endings where it just gives you chills all over your body."
"The Helm of midnight by Marina Lostetter is thrilling and chilling, and very spooky."
"It was really chilling, yeah, and really amazing."
"The ending was [__] god tier, like the last [__] sentence it gave me chills."
"Believe me when I say that I find the many similarities to be nothing short of chilling."
"Some of my personal favorites, honestly, these were some of the more chilling stories I've read in a while."
"The Two Doctors... it's fun, it's action-packed, features some wonderful dialogues and some genuinely chilling scenes."
"I'm going to start with the meat filling because once we make it, we do have to chill it."
"It's voice is long and low and chilling as a cold wind from the north."
"It's like being in a nightmare; it's just very chilling."
"This story is truly chilling and honestly just so devastating, traumatizing, and confusing to the family involved."
"These chilling images and hair-raising encounters may leave a lasting and personal haunting in your thoughts and dreams for days."
"I'm in there, they brought me some drinks, I'm chillin'."
"Martha Marcy May Marlene, a film that I don't believe almost anyone knows about, but it's incredibly chilling."
"The unsolved deaths of Gilbert Bogle and Margaret Chandler remain one of the most chilling yet fascinating cases in Australian history."
"Definitely sends shivers down your spine."
"It was so measured, so strategic, that it gave me chills."