
Tough Choices Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"If it comes down to it at the end and I have to be the monster, I will sacrifice myself."
"I appreciate the consideration. You probably should have shot me though. Would have been better."
"Donna can actually see the Doctor's pain now. She thought it was so simple a choice he could easily make, but now she understands why it's such a tough choice."
"There's only one thing you can do with your hand, and it's pull the trigger."
"Some of you are going to have to fire your friends if you are going to come into 2023 strong."
"Either it's going to be medicine or food, and that's a big decision."
"Dealing with unexpected refugees and tough decisions."
"He made a tough decision and he stuck by it."
"Decisions and outlook have a degree of finality to them."
"I admire and respect him greatly for making a tough decision."
"I've got three kids, so basically I gotta leave one behind. Tough call, but I'll do it."
"Hard decisions have been forced to have been made for the survival and the success of this quest."
"The hardest choices require the strongest wills, but you made the right choice."
"It's like picking out which gun you want to get shot with, you know, because it still hurts."
"Dr. Fauci said, 'If hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU.' But that choice doesn't seem so tough to me."
"You feel caught and you're in between a rock and a hard place right now."
"Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to put food on the table."
"I respect them for making the hard decision that they had to."
"Levi praises Armin for making a hard decision to keep his comrade alive."
"If someone has to make the decision as to whether they will feed their family or pay their mortgage payment, I suspect they're going to make the choice to feed their family first."
"The only solutions will be truly painful for us all. That doesn't have to be our future."
"I don't consider myself a rat. I consider myself, you know, when it came down to that, making a hard decision."
"Would you rather have a kid to transition or a dead child that's what I tell parents admit it's like a hard reality but there's so many trans people out there that if they hadn't had the opportunity transition they would have killed themselves."
"Real friends want to fix you, even if it means leaving for your own good."
"I don't want to sacrifice a relationship, but I also don't want to be unhappy."
"Being tough is making the tough decisions to make sure you're here to handle your responsibilities."
"Having integrity means holding onto upright moral principles, even when faced with difficult decisions."
"We're gonna have to make a fucking we're gonna have to make the hard hard choice coming very very soon."
"Was it an easy decision? Absolutely not. It was actually a very difficult one."
"A good leader has to make tough decisions, that's why he or she is a leader."
"Jon must let go of his innocence and weakness, must make hard choices, and 'do the things that must be done'."
"I think if you try to run a popularity contest and you don't make the tough decisions, that's difficult." - Jamie Dimon
"I thought it was kind of a mean move to be like, 'Oh by the way, Mando showed up and he brought you a gift but you can't... Here's a really dope lightsaber too for my Master Yoda. Choose.' Like, oh dang, what? That's brutal."
"Sandra was in a tough situation and she made a tough choice. There wasn't really a win-win here, but overall, it does hurt her a little bit."
"Sometimes you need to prune a few branches in order for the tree to live, even if some of those branches are your friends."
"Sometimes survival means making tough choices."
"Even if it means going against the people you love."
"A good leader must make tough choices," Lexa said. "Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
"Annie was already in a tough spot, being a warrior of Marley who wasn't indoctrinated, and with Reiner putting the entire mission on her shoulders, it was only made worse."
"It is a parent's responsibility to make tough choices, tough choices to protect their child, tough choices to protect their other children, and tough choices to protect the community."
"Sometimes hard decisions must be made. As a child of the nobility, you learn that at an early age."
"Sometimes you have to make decisions that will hurt your heart but heal your soul."
"It was probably the best but the hardest decision that you've ever had to make."
"Hate it had to be you, but it wasn't gonna be me."
"You have to make difficult decisions when you love someone."
"It's the most difficult decision of whether it's safer for a child to remain with their parents or whether that child should be taken away forever."
"Hard times require hard decisions."
"This woman made the most difficult decision she ever had to make."
"People are going to do what they need to do to survive, whether it's stripping, or escorting, or pornography."
"It was like medicine. It wasn't nice to take, but it was the right thing."
"It's his heroism, both his kindness and eventual willingness to make tough choices, that accomplishes a lot."
"If it comes down to people that I love getting killed or... I know what my choice is going to be."
"Sometimes we got to make the decision to break family ties and take care of who needs to be taken care of."
"Sometimes you got to do a bad thing for the right reason."
"It's an ugly decision, but it's the right one, and you were right to point out the problem."
"It's part of the job. It's always inconvenient, lonely. People get hurt. Heroes have to make some tough decisions."
"Sometimes heroes have to make the hard decisions."
"We can be all of these things tomorrow if we will make the tough choices today."
"It's like you're torn between a rock and a hard place."
"That's been the best decision but hardest decision of my life."
"They are there to make the hard decisions."