
Information Analysis Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If you give him [Faker] complete information, he will win you the game."
"Every piece of information that we analyze has a great impact on our decision-making process."
"There's something more to what we're being told... we gotta be very realistic about what's going down."
"The test of an intelligence officer is not so much the ability to accumulate information; it's to judge between different pieces of information."
"In a world of sound bites, you have to listen carefully."
"Twitter particularly, and Twitter basically mirrors what you see on other things like TikTok and so on and so forth, actually enables us to derive quite a good picture of what's going on."
"This work is like any other kind of training: the more you utilize your information analyzing muscles, the stronger they’ll get."
"There's value in data, but not a single data point paints an actual or fair picture."
"Always look for the truth as best you can, seek out information, think, use your logic, use your brain, use your instincts."
"It was all there. You should have been able to predict it easily."
"Persuasion, negotiation, and looking at the source information."
"This is the information that is required to be able to be an independent thinker, to be a critical thinker, is you have to hear every single side."
"Learn to think critically about the information being presented to you."
"The best thing you can do is start applying heightened scrutiny to all information."
"It's very important as you're reviewing information to see is there real is there really a cause-and-effect relationship here is there a mechanism."
"It's time to pay attention because there's a lot of facts in the charts."
"We have to be willing to question this and really look between the lines and between the pulses of information."
"Just remember it's the same thing don't get too high on hopium take a look at all the information and then go from there make the best decision."
"In the modern age, we can get all this information. The problem is what do you do with it and how do you interpret it?"
"I believe that Rockstar has given us enough information to predict the entire 30 plus hour plot of this game."
"Finding the signal and the noise has become so hard and so important now."
"Cutting through the noise and getting to the signal."
"...we can decipher information for ourselves..."
"I really want to, like, sit down and really unfold the information in front of me."
"Multiple conspiracy theories about it are true and are working in tandem with each other."
"We're in information warfare, and it's really challenging for a lot of people to know what is true."
"It's not about where the information comes from; it's about examining it on its own merits."
"You're evaluating a lot of information and trying to make the best decision with very limited information."
"We all had that moment where you're watching whether CNN or Fox News and are both reporting the same story and they're both telling you different facts and you're going wait a minute like how is that even possible."
"Identify the nuggets, so of all the information you've gathered, what is going to be the most valuable for your specific research goal and pull out those nuggets."
"Knowing this information will give you a better opportunity to calculate your degree of safety."
"Be critical in the way that we look at the information we receive."
"You're supposed to look at all of the extant information, not just the things that you agree with."
"Just having tons of data isn't enough; we have to do something meaningful with it."
"You see how we've been able to extract this information from this table."
"You get to a conclusion because the information points exclusively towards that conclusion and discounts the others."
"We need better data gathering technologies... and perhaps artificial intelligence to sift through that data."
"You have to spend a lot of your time sifting through information and then verifying information."
"Even with no information, you can still do a lot; you can still bring something to the table that is robust, defensible, and allows you to have a solid action plan going forward."
"You can all do them; it's just about picking out the information and knowing what you're looking for."
"It will help you discover relationships within your sources of information."
"With all that information, we can then come up with providing an answer in real time to the client."
"With just a little bit of information, we were able to squeeze so much out of it."
"Critical thinking involves two distinct processes: first, we need a credible source with credible information."
"You can say there is insufficient information here and I'm going to reserve judgment and not take a leap of faith."
"We quantify information by calculating the information coefficient or the Spearman rank correlation."
"Information is key. It's actually simple if you can read and dissect the information."
"If you can extract information clearly and correctly and analyze this information, then formulating the answers becomes very easy."