
Geopolitical Change Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The important thing for me is for people to recognize what changed in the region, what enabled the potential breakthrough so that policymakers will continue it. It wasn't luck."
"East German border guards tonight were literally tearing down portions of the wall itself, not the whole wall but portions of the wall to make it easier for East Germans to come into West Berlin."
"There is a new China and there is a new world."
"Imagine having technologies that would... solve all the environmental problems... and change geopolitical dynamics."
"China will never ever have power ever again just like Egypt."
"When priguration makes those kind of claims, usually is a sign that a particular place is indeed in the process of being captured."
"If this was the case, Cuba might become a place with the rule of law, civil rights, and many opportunities to help Cubans make money and lift themselves out of poverty."
"The world did change with this new alliance, it is absolutely groundbreaking."
"He created trade between Israel and the UAE for the first time ever."
"We live in a world that goes from explosion to explosion. A new order is being born in the world that buries imperialism, buries the colonialists, and opens the way to a democracy of nations, a multi-polarism."
"The stable geopolitical facade of the post-cold war order crumbled into dust."
"China's rise was exceptional and now fleeting."
"We're going to create a whole new world order. This is exactly what's happening right before our eyes."
"The rise of China since it opened up following Mao’s death..."
"Sometimes it's easy to think that a certain piece of gear is like, 'Oh, that's the solution to this problem,' but a lot of the times, you don't need it."
"The East African Federation would become the biggest country in Africa."
"America will no longer be the singularity. America is going to be one of many."
"We'll see to what extent Ukraine changes that quotient. We'll see."
"The era of the unipolar world is becoming a thing of the past."
"The biggest geopolitical change of this century will come from China, not Russia." - Tony Blair
"If you had said a year ago that Europe will go from more than 40 percent dependency on Russia for oil and gas to less than a year later zero to fifteen percent dependent, that's extraordinary."
"Europe changed forever without the Napoleonic Wars."
"Hong Kong is no longer a semi-independent, a semi-autonomous zone within the people's of China."
"China's success in doing that, is ultimately I think bringing the end of U.S world power by the end of this decade by 2030."
"Brexit is the biggest geopolitical change in the West since the fall of the Berlin Wall."
"The dissolution of the Soviet Union changed everything."
"The period of collapse has begun for the Russian army in all areas."
"We are on the precipice of a truly new world arrangement."
"It may provoke a bit of a tactical shift in how North Korea is behaving."
"The unipolar moment has ended and it ended the unipolar moment has ended and he says that Decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers revisionist powers."
"The old Alliance, the old partnership, the special relationship between Riyadh and Washington is becoming a thing of the past."
"With no Cold War, the world entered into a brave new modern world."
"This is going to change the future of countries."
"The collapse of Russia could be a new beginning that would change global powers."
"Another cold war is happening, the world is changing, and it's changing."
"What seems clear is that the war in Ukraine will be followed by a new war this time of a diplomatic nature in the heart of Europe."
"The Republic of Macedonia officially renamed itself as the Republic of North Macedonia."
"We are due for a changing of the world order."
"How will your life change? How will the United States be different after the dollar loses reserve currency status? I'm going to explain this to you."
"The post-war period saw the growth of powerful movements for independence in Britain's colonies."
"Prepare yourself for a change in world order."
"I think Irish unity is now a certainty and that it is going to happen relatively soon."
"I never gave a two rat's asses about Vladimir Putin prior to the last couple weeks."
"If they are successful in getting rid of the communist regime... that would change the very dynamics of what is happening across Latin America."
"The death of a leader in Asia will reshape the region and the mending of fault lines between nations will begin."
"Once the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency, it's game over."
"The fall of Constantinople in 1453 marked the beginning of Ottoman domination in the region."
"...it's a change of heart it ended the Cold War and it ended that immediate threat of nuclear Annihilation that really hung over the world since the early 1950s."
"Borders that are redefined after turbulent world events or physically creating new landmasses from underwater aren’t the only ways that countries can change locations."
"It's amazing how the divisions of the former Soviet Union have given so many opportunities to so many athletes."
"The proposed East African Federation... will by far be the largest African country."
"We're just going to see an entirely different geopolitical world; the whole world order is going to look differently."
"Isis has collapsed in the Middle East."
"When the Berlin Wall came down, everything changed."
"...the loss of all of Egypt really limits Byzantine options and opens up options for the Arabs more than any other single Conquest."
"How will the map of the world change if they don't beat and push back against these autocratic land grabs?"
"The region increasingly comes together through these peace deals... it's remarkable."
"We're at a turning point in geopolitical and geo-economic systems."
"The tearing down of the Berlin Wall, liberation of Eastern Europe, the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 independent countries... ended the threat of East-West conflict."
"The beginning of the end for the Cold War."
"The Arab Spring may be the biggest defeat for Islamic terrorism that could be imagined."
"The dominance of the US on the world stage, which began after the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, has ended."