
Rewatchability Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Absolutely unreal reaction. It is a moment that you're going to go back and re-watch over and over and over again."
"Each aspect of this film is strong and confident about what it is it's got interesting and memorable themes and uh yeah I loved it I'll watch it again."
"It is a creative and rewatchable love letter to cinema."
"The Saw movies are some of the most endlessly rewatchable, chaotic, and fun films I have ever seen."
"Watch those two films and give Jordan Peele's movies a rewatch because you'll find a different meaning in them every single time."
"If I rewatch it 10 times, it'll still be great. 10 out of 10. I love it so much and I loved it. I loved every second of it."
"One of the most rewatchable films inside of the MCU."
"The biggest magic trick he pulls is that you have to see his movies multiple times."
"It's very rewatchable, and it's very memorable."
"I could watch this movie a billion times and never feel bored... I'm just enjoying myself the entire time."
"I would be hard-pressed to name a movie to me that's more rewatchable."
"I would watch it again... I thought it was brilliant."
"City of God is captivating though I think I've watched it half a dozen times and each time I watch it so yeah yeah just get straight into this and watch it right to the end."
"AI is really deeper... worthy of re-watching."
"Batman Begins is just so powerful and endlessly rewatchable."
"I enjoyed the film. I would watch it again willingly."
"Even though as far as rewatchability goes, I think Rocky 4 is the most rewatchable of all of them because that single-handedly ended the Cold War."
"I think when I review anything... I want and done or is this the movie that can keep giving... loved discovering new things every single time..."
"This movie has definitely got some rewatchability."
"Unlike most twists kind of movies, Shutter Island' is designed for multiple viewings."
"Some movies suck on a re-watch. You realize there's like nothing going on."
"The best kind of film you can make is one that maybe somebody's interested to look at a second time."
"Gilmore Girls is long enough that when you're done watching it, you could just start right back up."
"I also really love when a movie is a totally different experience the second time you watch it and this is one of those movies that you're gonna want to watch twice."
"It's satisfying to watch over and over again."
"This movie is a huge rewatch ability factor."
"What is more rewatchable than Vanjie's exit?"
"It's a great movie and I think it's totally worth it and I enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch it again."
"This is a film that lends itself to being rewatched, it rewards you for re-watching it."
"For a big whodunit it's amazingly rewatchable revealing new layers of itself each time you watch it."
"Jackie Brown is my favorite Tarantino movie and I think it's largely perfect and I've seen it easily ten times."
"Effective storytelling gives your audience something that they can re-watch, scrutinize, and analyze over and over again after the entertainment is done."
"Definitely some good rewatch value in this, I would say so."
"It is one of those most re-watched looped dramas."
"Love this movie, definitely gonna watch it again."
"Overall a really fun time... I would like to watch this again."
"The Matrix is so rewatchable, even more so because the sequels are terrible."
"For someone who grew up in the 90s, Mean Girls is highly rewatchable."
"I realized how much rewatchability JonTron's videos have."
"We all have our faves that we can watch again and again."
"...if a film manages to bamboozle audiences with an all-time rug pull, it's pretty much required to quickly watch the picture again..."
"Martin is the most rewatchable right now."
"Starship Troopers is just a highly rewatchable satire, lots of fun to watch."
"What movie is the best to re-watch? Yeah, Step Brothers."
"This is a really fun time, very rewatchable."
"It's one of those movies where you can re-watch it and always get something out of it."
"this movie has a lot of rewatch ability I could watch it over and over and over again"
"This is my most rewatched movie in the entire franchise."
"I make movies that you can watch over and over again."
"I feel like this is actually a rom-com I could go back and watch over again."
"I can watch it over and over, the sign of greatness is when you can just fire something up once a year, twice a year, three times a year and just never get tired of it."
"it's iconic and watch it again and it's actually even cooler than i ever remember"
"I think this is a movie that is only gonna get better every time I watch it."
"Is the best the most rewatchable of the Disney Live Action remakes so it comes in at number one."
"It's definitely one you can watch over and over again."
"I feel like this really um rewards you for rewatching a lot of this is such a good example of."
"That's one that you could re-watch and see more things now that you know how the story kind of comes together."
"...a scene that begs to be rewatched as it's almost impossible to fully appreciate the animation and writing on the first few watches."
"The characters were simple, the plots were convoluted, but it was also endearing that even when I knew every plot twist and punchline, I could re-watch them again and again."
"As much as I love Breaking Bad, I didn't find a ton of rewatch value in it."
"These movies are meant to be rewatched over and over again and enjoyed multiple times."
"...a movie that is just eternally re-watchable to me and the best example of Christopher Nolan's strengths as a filmmaker."
"It's just as amazing on rewatches."
"There are certain movies out there that you just normally don't re-watch, even though you love them and you think really really highly of them, but they kind of impact you on another level."
"Under the Silver Lake is a puzzle of a movie that you could easily watch multiple times and still find interesting details."
"The rewatchability... It's fun to take somebody who hasn't seen the movie and basically watch them watch it."
"Predator, I feel like just has more re-watch ability for me."
"Already with 3 watches the film seems to be getting better and better and I only rank comic book movies among the best if they can be re-watchable and highly detailed in a unique way."
"It's really without a doubt endlessly entertaining, super rewatchable, just a flat-out phenomenal sci-fi film."
"This is one of the few films that I watched three times in two days."
"Mel Brooks does a really good job at having things in there so that you could watch something multiple times and pick up something new each time."
"This movie has a high rewatch value. Probably a 9.5."
"Rogue One is a movie that's better on a rewatch than it is the first time you see it."
"Casino is such a blast of a movie, it's one of his most rewatchable films."
"I would watch it again multiple times. It's one of those movies."
"I enjoyed this a lot. Like, this is one of the ones I could watch again."
"It's not a movie that I'm going to rewatch very often... but I did want to pick it up to add to the collection."
"The train scene is the most rewatchable. It's just a flawless piece of whatever it is, four minutes, five minutes. Everything's good about it."
"A movie like Cloud Atlas warrants repeat viewings like no other."
"I think it has a lot of rewatchability too."
"I thought it was really funny the one time I watched it and then I never felt the urge to watch it again, which isn't particularly a good sign when you don't want to re-watch a movie."
"I actually think the series becomes better on a second watch."
"It's got great rewatchable value."
"I really enjoyed watching it. I think this is going to be a movie that I can see myself re-watching every single year."
"This movie was intense and I definitely will watch it again."
"I think this movie would do really well on re-watches."
"This movie delivered. It gave me so many satisfying moments that I'm gonna re-watch again and again."
"I wrote down very rewatchable movie I can see myself re-watching this um because I don't know it's just so intricate."
"It's one of those ones that's incredibly rewatchable."
"This is one that I could see myself re-watching this is one that I enjoyed more than a handful of those films."
"The sheer entertainment value of the film makes it an easy and rewarding rewatch."
"This movie might be the most rewatchable Quentin Tarantino movie for that alone."
"Home Alone, probably one of the movies I've rewatched the most in my life."
"I feel like this is a movie you watch again and then you pick up on jokes that you missed the first time."
"How does a movie that's this unsparing about addiction become a rewatchable?"
"It's dense. You can watch it several times and be seeing little things."
"This was so much fun I'm so glad we came across and did this Trilogy I will absolutely be rewatching these."
"One of the cool things about this show is that people on repeated viewings can spot stories that have just begun."
"It's well worth watching and it's still good on several re-watches."
"There's a reason so many people quote, reference, and rewatch this movie over and over."
"There's a good rewatchability to this one, especially with all these little nuggets you wouldn't catch the first time."
"I think this movie has so much re-watchability because of that twist."
"Bruce Willis was dead all along" adds to the story, adds to the rewatchability of the story.
"I really love movies like this, movies that really force you to go back and watch it multiple times."
"It's the type of movie that you can watch 16 times."
"...every time I rewatch more I fall more in love with the show Breaking Bad is a show where I loved the experience but with Better Call Saul I find myself loving it even more after the experience."
"It's one of those movies that if it comes on TV I can't help but get invested in it all over again."
"It's the funniest show I've ever seen and it gets funnier each time you watch."
"The further you go in, the more you understand, the more you want to watch, and you also immediately want to go back and start over to see all of the little things and how they tie together in a meaningful way."
"I love this movie, I've watched it so many times in my life."
"I enjoyed it all, and this is definitely a movie I can see myself watching again and again and again."
"Click was hilarious, I will watch it again."
"It's so good you want to watch it again."
"It's the kind of show you can watch and then watch again and still find new things."
"It's a perfect movie for people to rewatch."
"Out of the Past... with a story that isn't straightforward and goes off in lots of tangents and has you questioning lots of things, these are the ones with the most re-watchability."
"This show was definitely one that I think if you like AEW, you can watch and re-watch and not get bored with it."
"We hope you enjoyed this, watch it again, you'll see something different every time."
"I watch shows for enjoyment, they're my first time, and if I miss something, I don't really care because I could watch it again."
"It's just so fun and so good to have around that re-watching it always makes me happy."
"It's a shining gem of a show with enough detail to it that fans of it will probably get even more out of it the second time watching it."
"The most rewatchable scene... this is the most entertaining movie the last 50 years."
"Get it right, and it can make repeat viewings extraordinarily rewarding."
"It's the movie that in the last 15 years I've probably rewatched the most."
"Sometimes you don't really know how you feel about a movie till after you've seen it a couple of times."
"It's the definition of rewatchable."
"I would love to watch Secret Superstar again, I'd love to watch PK again, both of those movies are very rewatchable films for me."
"The Dark Knight is definitely a film that I could watch over and over and over."
"I really enjoyed them again, I think that they are kind of timeless."
"I will definitely watch it again."
"Clue is one of my favorite comedies because I can watch it over and over again and still laugh at the jokes."
"It's so timeless, I've watched it recently again for the uptick time, a lot of Pixar stuff you can just go back and re-watch instantly."
"I'm going to buy it because it was good enough that I'll watch it more than once."
"I would love to watch this film a second time."
"It's a great show, you can re-watch it and be like, 'Oh, I completely forgot about this stuff.'"
"Draft Day is both amazingly bad but yet relentlessly rewatchable."
"It may be mostly a somber story, but as is the case with other Darren Aronofsky movies, you can't help but want to re-watch it multiple times for the opportunity to enjoy something new."
"I appreciate a thriller that I want to go back and watch over and over again."
"It's a pretty good movie, I would watch it again."
"It's a movie that I have probably watched six or seven times and each time I take away something new."
"This should be one of those movies that every time you go back and watch it, you notice a little bit more."
"The movie has to be great in of itself and once you know the twist, the movie still has to be rewatchable."
"This is as rock solid as an anchor and still entertaining even after countless re-watches."
"I love a movie that when you finish it, you immediately want to go watch the whole thing again."
"Bender's Game is definitely the most rewatchable and is actually my favorite out of all four of the DVD films."
"This is definitely gonna be one of those shows that's going to be very rewatchable."
"I can watch that movie over and over and over."
"It's fun to watch... It's not traditional fun, but it's... It's rewatchable."
"It just gets better the more you watch it."
"I was entertained, I watched it twice and I was still entertained the second time around."
"Just infinitely re-watchable if you're a fan of Looney Tunes."
"That's the type of movie you can watch every day."
"This is one of the rare cartoons that I almost always want to go back and re-watch it immediately after finishing it."
"The writing of the show was so wonderful that people can watch it and re-watch it over and over again."
"This is something that I could watch and then watch again immediately right after."
"We'll also be recording all of these live events here too, so you can go back and watch whatever parts that you see fit."
"I would watch this again, simply for the pure entertainment value."
"The ending was just evil, no matter how many times I watch this, it never gets old."
"I love Star Wars, but for whatever reason, that series is like the thing for me; I could just re-watch it over and over again."
"We can have not only transformer movies that make good money and sell a lot of toys but we can also have movies that we're willing to go back and actually watch again."
"It's such a blast for me to watch over and over again, I never get tired of it."
"I would watch it again; I didn't hate everything about it."
"This is the end, one of my favorite comedies, probably still holds up in terms of re-watchability unlike Ted."
"Next Friday was a classic, and you will even want to watch that more than once."
"Catch Me If You Can, I love that movie so much, that's another movie I feel like I could watch over and over."
"Would I watch it again? Absolutely."
"I actually prefer The Pianist as far as a holocaust movie goes... I think it's a much more rewatchable film."
"For me, it's Back to the Future. It really is. I think it's far more rewatchable."
"Everything to get to the end, and then the ending of course, makes this movie easily rewatchable."
"It's one of those films that I can watch over and over again."
"I associate rewatchability with comfort food."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is another one I like more every time I watch it."
"It's a movie that on par watches you can appreciate more and more because it's also a really technically well-made film."
"I can watch that movie again and again."
"This is the season that I would re-watch over and over again because it's so messy and it's so good."
"It's a fantastic movie that I can really watch over and over again."
"I just think there's some movies no matter what the topics are that just lend themselves to be more rewatchable."
"The Batman for me probably has more rewatchability."
"I'm not gonna say it's the greatest movie of all time; it's still like pretty bad, but when someone says, 'Yo, would you watch it?' I'm like, 'I'd watch it again.'"
"It's a drama that I could watch again and again."
"TENET is made to be rewatched and appreciated over time."
"They've become permanent fixtures in global pop culture and as with all fine art can be enjoyed again and again, touching us with something new upon each viewing."
"Every time you watch it, no matter how many times, you see something you didn't catch before."
"Top Gun Maverick is so rewatchable, it's so entertaining, and it's the most formula predictable film you've ever seen, and it doesn't matter one bit."
"I think it is a really special film that is so rewatchable, it's so entertaining."