
Product Enhancement Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"At Apple, our services are actively working to help our customers get the most out of their products and to enrich their lives."
"I'm going to share with you guys the best tips and tricks to get the actual best experience out of both of them."
"There is a chance obviously we could see this new iPad Pro again with a new chip with a new display some new refined features and specs inside."
"There has been some nice enhancements with what they've done with the Opus reversion."
"Perhaps more importantly, or equally importantly, is the fact that it fixes, man, this just feels so much better."
"I really like the added floor space there and there are some really cool extra accessories that are also included with this."
"Incremental improvements but overall a substantially better experience."
"God knows what type of eyes she would bring to an overall product."
"Increase gloss, add slickness, and make maintenance a breeze."
"To make a really good car great, what you actually have to do is just imbue it with character."
"JL Audio: where we don't replace, we augment."
"I think that's how it's gonna be with Boxabl. We're just gonna keep improving the product."
"We can always improve something that's already good, right? We can always make it stronger."
"This just makes my lashes look so big and volumize and it also curls them."
"Chili's been around before but they've enhanced it and they've added compatibility with a bunch of new games."
"They look and feel and sound better than ever."
"Even beyond just adding enough content to make it feel like a good value, it’s nice that Nintendo went the extra mile and actually created something genuinely special."
"Mio levels up your water with incredibly bold flavors."
"They went above and beyond with things like double the video encoders like who does that? It's promotion."
"It certainly has made an appealing vehicle even more appealing."
"Apple wasn't messing around. They're like, 'We're not even gonna double the performance, we're gonna give you pretty much 2.25 times the performance.'"
"One of the most exciting parts of the viper pack is the new viper officer this is a very cool deco treatment of the viper bringing in more ranks to your troops and giving them you know someone to give the commands give the orders."
"They literally put an M2 Chip in this thing."
"Chevy has their sights set high in an attempt to really raise the bar when it comes to a wide variety of offerings. There's more safety technology, rias amenities, the new hatchback is a welcome addition..."
"This watch takes what is already a very premium outdoor focus sports watch... and elevates it to another level."
"Just wonderful little updates here and there."
"A big step forward already from design in the front. It looks definitely more likable but stronger in general."
"This is getting a massive blow up compared to what we had before, much more detailed."
"This stuff just seems really modern and sleek...everything is kind of a step up."
"A customer had a great suggestion she really loved what you did with that black spider vein running through there."
"I do like all the little features that they have added."
"Immediately, it changed the whole look of the car and I was super happy."
"...it literally takes existing lights and makes them better."
"Anyway, but it's finally out and uh you can see here the finished product once the kit is installed this will unlock your figure's true potential."
"If Mido could get those numbers to glow, oh man, the nerd effect would be mind-blowing."
"I think probably the happiest day of their life, and the product that you're putting together for them is probably enhancing that and helping that, isn't it?"
"Yeah, this thing sounds much better with the Lex pipe on it than it did, but yeah, it's hard to beat that."
"With it, we have a solution for you to be able to take your grinder to the next level."
"We're really psyched to have this new kit from Fortune Stuff."
"It's a fantastic way to take a basic product and really elevate it."
"Now when you have AI, you actually have AI to reinforce the strengths of your product because your product is trained on more data."
"It offers a lot of additional functionality from the original unit that makes it really stand out."
"Promoting the nutrition of beef products... is the most important thing that the beef industry can enhance and do a better job of."
"FP30X is definitely on the right track."
"Having video within the product page is absolutely huge."
"I love the way that this product just really brings out all the wood tones in this piece."
"The champion of long wear just got better."