
Ghost Stories Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"The dark shadow of the ghost slowly became apparent. It had a pale face with scary soulless eyes and chapped lips."
"The Legend of Chloe: the ghost of a girl that haunts Myrtle's Plantation in LA."
"Savannah, Georgia, is said to be the most haunted place in the United States of America."
"Mary Heaster maintained throughout the rest of her life that she had been visited by her daughter's ghost."
"The Tulip staircase ghost: providing a chilling glimpse into the inexplicable."
"This prison is haunted, and the paranormal activity is totally legit."
"You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. You're in one."
"Some think that this could be a lost soul of a poor slave attempting to escape a cruel master in a bygone era."
"What are we to make of these stories? They are certainly compelling but like the majority of ghostly sightings, they are anecdotal."
"That's why they're legendary. All right, thank you for bearing with me folks, let's go and see a ghost train."
"There's a graveyard in the Coronet Highlands where you can find ghost Pokémon lurking around at night."
"The entity that should really be feared is the lady in Black who can be seen gliding around the Mansion or running through the Acres surrounding the house terrifying all that come face to face with her."
"Who or what is haunting Willard library?" - Ghostly images
"At this point, the myth of ghosts and seances is inextricably linked to Sarah Winchester's story."
"It was a ghost that attacked him that night, tossing him into the wall."
"What happened once we trap a ghost, its hold on people is broken and usually things go back to the way they were."
"Throughout Germanic and Celtic mythology, there are numerous tales of ghostly black dogs, haunting canines that are anything but man's best friend."
"Locals believe the girl haunts the spot and frequent reports have been made witnessing the ghost lurking around the tunnel."
"Men beware, if you visit, don't stand too close to the edge, as the ghosts are known to seek revenge."
"This Sky High Tower is said to be haunted by The Souls of those who fell..."
"Casper: 'For a flick about a child ghost, this comedy drama based on the Harvey Comics character of the same name was surprisingly wholesome.'"
"They're dealing with ghosts, hauntings, and cursed objects."
"Honestly, a ghost story is the last thing I would think to include on this list... but wow did I ever, it's completely atmospheric."
"It said Room 11 is haunted by her ghost and those that have stayed there say they routinely hear rattling doorknobs."
"Visitors to the estate claim to have seen ghostly white figures in the night."
"Others claim they've seen a middle-aged man with a white mustache sitting at the bar."
"Could this old speakeasy still be haunted with the ghosts of yesteryear?"
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"The haunted mill: a deleted area with traces left behind in the game files, spawning ghostly rumors."
"Probably the most haunted hallway in the world."
"We are dedicated to all things paranormal haunted mysterious unknown you can't explain it but we want to talk to the ghost in the dark especially Matt he loves them that's why he's here."
"The island of Poveglia, believed to be haunted by the ghosts of patients and victims of disease."
"Probably the most famous ghost in American history is the Bell Witch."
"Resurrection Mary is likely the most famous example of the vanishing hitchhiker type of ghost."
"There's an apparition who's actually more famous for his accomplishments in life than for being a ghost: Abraham Lincoln."
"The House of Death: New York's most famous haunted property."
"Asian cultures are vast and ancient full of folklore... some of the creepiest urban legends and ghost stories come from."
"I never believed in ghosts... but here is my story."
"A classic one we have to cover: a ghost story."
"Tiktok viewers were left creeped out by these videos uploaded by flat 7 ghost."
"Death by meteorite is now a thing, so are meteorite ghosts, who knew?"
"The ghost of the brown lady is said to be floating down the stairs in this painting."
"Everyone has spooky ghost stories but not everybody has chill ghost stories. Well, I do."
"Old Salem jail...stories...too gory to be true...turned into luxury apartment Flats...the ghosts...still around."
"Regardless of one's stance, there's no denying the chilling allure of such stories, especially when they emerge from a place as historically rich and enigmatic as Myrtles Plantation."
"This next clip is certainly one for the books, a couple in California had a rather unusual ghostly encounter in their home."
"That's my long-ass story of the haunted house I lived in as a child."
"So it seems as though the soldiers that died in the hospital down the street took a liking to the hotel and continued to haunt all the visitors who enter to this day."
"Welcome to an unexpectedly extremely haunted experience in a very, very unlikely place."
"The bell witch may be the most well-known ghost story in Tennessee."
"Ghosts have been with humanity since the dawn of civilization."
"The legend of Resurrection Mary persists, punctuated by reported sightings and eerie encounters."
"Everyone's ghost books in the ghost realm were everything."
"For over a year, Diiego has been claiming that his apartment is occupied by the spirit of a little girl."
"Are you brave enough to pay the ghosts a visit?"
"So, could this be the spirit of Shannon, the Victorian-era ghost that haunts the theater? Let me know what you think."
"The family heard footsteps in the attic despite finding no one there, so a ghost inhabitant was very much possible."
"This is not just ghost stories, these are very real incidents."
"I think that this could be the funniest [ __ ] stuff ever with the dad as the ghost."
"Never in my life have I as a grown man been so terrified."
"Mimikyu was only recently identified as a Pokémon. Previously, people thought it was just a ghost wearing a cloth."
"The Moundsville Penitentiary is known as the most haunted place on Earth."
"Apparently, one of the girls who believed she could talk to the ghosts placed her iPhone on a little shelf in the closet."
"In the 40-plus years since his death underneath the archway tenants old and new have discussed sightings of John Lennon's ghost in the Dakota."
"Everyone seems to have a ghost story to tell... these tales draw you in, wanting to know what happens just in case it ever happens to you."
"A heavily complex story where a group of friends encountered more spirits and shadow figures than we have seen in ever, a combined decade doing this."
"A Ghost Story - It was one of the most emotional experiences I had at the theater last year."
"This story means so much more than... ghost stories."
"When you finally find a ghost, try to help it make peace with itself, and when you do, you'll finally graduate to second-degree scout."
"His story is one of the best ghost stories I've ever heard it is so good so even better than mine I promise you like his is really good."
"After that, there were no more footsteps or apparitions. There was a peace that filled our home."
"Legend told of a woman's ghostly face appearing just below the surface of the waters, luring young men to their deaths."
"The story of the Bell Witch remains one of America's most frightening ghost stories."
"By far the most famous ghost at Banff Springs is the Doomed Bride."
"Mary Lake is an example of how not all ghosts are to be feared, and they simply wish to rest and even make the living feel good while in their presence."
"Some will deny that she ever existed, but others will swear that her ghost haunts Moss Beach to this very day."
"I'd be like hey you want to stay in this haunted hotel and they'd be like yeah I'm a skeptic not for long I do that everywhere I go."
"The ghost of the cemetery's first undertaker will appear without saying anything, revealing your own death to you in a vision."
"Green ghosts: A ghost that anyone named Kyle would absolutely love."
"There's a famous Highway ghost centered around Highway 28."
"Welcome to California own ghosts ooh spooky oh you're scaring me oh my god!"
"Ghosts and hauntings seem to be a relatively common part of the human experience."
"There are many wonderful ghost stories connected to the sea."
"It's not uncommon to see apparitions in a cemetery but red-eyed demons? Highgate's another level, my friends." - Adding a spooky twist to the history of Highgate Cemetery.
"Ghosts stories did exist in the medieval period, but not only some of these may appear a little bizarre and not really match with our expectations."
"The Mercy Brown case has been inflated over the years, visitors still claim from time to time to see a ball of light hovering over the grave accompanied by the tiny voice of a girl: 'Please help me, let me out.'"
"Haunted graveyards in America: subscribe for more ghost stories!"
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I love a ghost tour."
"I told the story of the New Jersey Devil, the horse bat that haunts these woods, but there are also a bunch of ghost stories."
"Year after year, these 999 happy haunts beckon fans to indulge in their afterlife celebration and become a member."
"It is easy to assume that this is the figure of Fair Rosamund, but some witnesses claim to have seen a pair of apparitions in long flowing garments enter the abbey ruins, then slowly vanish."
"Another specter in gray, thought to be a man, is seen gliding along the periphery of the Abbey grounds wearing a hat that looks like a top hat."
"I'm not sure if it had many owners through the years, well I love ghost stories and so did my date, we didn't find them so much scary as thought-provoking and entertaining."
"Witnesses claim that on somber nights, a spectral train materializes near the Tay rail bridge ruins, recreating the chilling moment of its collapse."
"Wow, every single haunting says that she's nice."
"Throughout her life, Edith Wharton wrote ghost stories."
"Some say the trauma and pain that happened within these walls kind of left an imprint on the jail, leading to the supposed paranormal activity."
"Perhaps the most famous ghost story in all of Scotland."
"Taking into consideration its ridiculously fascinating, notable, and progressive history, and coupling those with a string of ghost stories and urban legends sure to leave even the bravest with bad dreams."
"From a ghostly bride haunting the side of a road at midnight to a piano playing itself in an abandoned church, these videos raise some questions you might not want answers to."
"Whispers of the past echo through the streets of Chester, where history lives on as ghostly apparitions."
"He also found out that our street was on a site of an old orphanage. Needless to say, he wrote the book and we're in it along with other ghost sightings in the area."
"Eight out of ten ghost stories can be explained, but it's the other two that you've got to worry about."
"The triangular field ladies and gentlemen is one of our more famous ghost stories as far as what's happening out here."
"Ghost stories kind of throw me off kilter because there are no set of rules that can Define what the ghost does in the story."
"Over its lengthy existence, Sea View has been shrouded in a number of ghost stories and local legends."
"The whole thing about 'don't ask a ghost too many questions or it's going to get you' is pretty typical ghost story stuff."
"I am always here for a theater ghost as discussed like I really really really am an Alaskan theater ghost like mate sign me up that sounds spooky and cold and spooky again."
"This ghost town is said to be haunted by the ghost of Dirty Annie, still roaming the empty streets at night as its ghostly protector."
"Guests have also reportedly seen ghostly children playing throughout the restaurant and the second floor washroom is said to be haunted as well."
"For unsuspecting viewers, it's enough to make you scream and to an urban legend quickly spread, claiming that the figure was the ghost of a young boy who ended his life in the house."
"It has all the elements of a classic ghost story: an old haunted house, furniture moving on its own, eerie sounds, and strange voices that come from nowhere."
"Ghost stories become particularly intriguing when the places these benevolent creatures choose to haunt could give them little to no reason to seek Eternal Vengeance."
"I have a few scary ghost stories out of my life, two are mine and one is my battle buddy's."
"It's often a common ghost story that miners say stay behind to keep their co-workers company."
"This is one of America's most prominent ghost stories, and I think that's super interesting."
"Anybody that knows Cerro Gordo knows that there's three main ghosts around town, and probably the most famous among those was a guy named Alphonse Benoit."
"Like many of the other colleges we've covered in the past, Queens is no stranger to campus ghost stories and classic urban legends."
"I love ghost stories, I don't mind if they're pretty simple as long as they're still entertaining."
"People to this day are still told stories of The Ghost."
"Years later I get told that they had both seen a little girl in the house too."
"I've always been a big fan of ghost stories and spooky things."
"It's believed that on the anniversary of the battle of canny on the 2nd of August the ghost of Hannibal can be seen floating about the battlefield along with his Army of Ghosts."
"I'm having people over to my apartment for Halloween, and I've realized that I don't know any good ghost stories to tell. I want to set the tone for the evening with something scary, spooky, but I'm at a loss."
"The figure in white with dark hair slowly emerges from under the trampoline, then just vanishes into thin air."
"...at some point in the night we were all sitting around the fire and swapping ghost stories."
"You can never have too many collections of ghost stories... they're super fun to read."
"Every single book I'm picking up has a stunning cover. I just thought this sounded amazing. I'd never heard of this like children's kind of ghost story with witches in it so this was like made for me."
"The Sixth Sense changed the game in a lot of ways, like scream did, at least in the ghost genre."
"The Lady in White is perched above, and no one below seems to take any notice."
"Chillingly, the Great Smoky Mountains have long been surrounded by an astounding and spine-tingling assortment of ghost stories, native tales, and eerie folklore."
"Telling ghost stories was a popular pastime around Christmas especially in the 19th century."
"He's probably a happy ghost that doesn't like unhappy times."
"Unlike other ghost stories full of malevolence and darkness, the tales of Jane's ghost here at Chawton are delightful rather than dreading."
"You better start believing in ghost stories, Mr. Batman; you're in one."
"Ghost stories are funny rather than scary."
"The trouble is not all the dead will stay quietly asleep. That's why we have ghost stories."
"The town of Belbrook is sometimes referred to as Ohio's Sleepy Hollow because of all the ghostly legends that originated there."
"Please keep making your ghost videos; they really are the best."
"Our library is well stocked with priceless first editions only ghost stories."
"Wraiths are creatures of fate and passion; so long as the two continue to meet and intertwine, there will always be another ghost story to tell."
"The Haunting season: ghostly tales for long winter nights."
"Who doesn't like a good ghost story, right?"
"The following are six true poltergeist stories that might make you shiver next time there is an unexplainable noise incident in your home."
"We started around a campfire, spooky ghost stories."
"I myself am a bit of a skeptic, but I've had some weird ghost experiences."
"Ghost stories are timeless and terrifying."
"Who doesn't love a delicious ghost story?"
"It's a modernization of traditional Japanese ghost stories told through a modern lens and, more importantly, a feminist lens."
"You can't get too many ghost stories in October."
"Legends can also turn into ghost stories and vice versa."
"I always had a strong feeling that one of the ghosts haunting my workplace was Florence Lisandro."
"Nearly 100,000 visitors per year come to the Whaley House to experience the rich history and terrifying ghost stories within it."
"If there was one reason above all others that stood out as to why most people believe that the ghost of someone comes back to haunt the living, I'd say it would have to be for revenge."
"It's like if someone has a ghost story where they're like, 'Look, I don't even think ghosts are real, but here's the one thing that happened to me that I couldn't explain,' I'm always very interested."
"It's kind of like a combination ghost story and history story."
"I thought ghosts were meant to be scary, not happy."
"The best ghost stories are usually the ones where fact and fantasy converge."
"What better place for ghost stories and legends."
"Telling ghost stories during December was already documented by 1589."
"It is always Christmas Eve in a ghost story."
"I didn't really believe in ghosts until I lived here."
"My whole life I've said this is bogus; in fact, the ghost stories that I heard of it felt practically impossible."
"This amazing cave network has so many ghost stories; the man-made system is over 20 miles long and is 8,000 years old."
"All old river towns have unusually good ghost stories and more ghost stories than most other places."
"I don't think you're ever too old for ghost stories."
"I love to hear ghost stories, I like to hear about everything paranormal."
"This place is so notorious in the Paranormal because the amount of ghost stories coming out of this place is just insane."
"Ghost movies done right are one of my favorite part of the horror spectrum."
"For centuries, there have been stories and testimonies of ghosts and eerie occurrences said to take place in these locations."
"It's got a great look like something out of a classic horror film, but it's also steeped in history with myriad ghost stories."
"If you have any ghost stories or paranormal experiences, weird experiences, weird people experience, send them right here to this email address."
"The homeowner was eccentric, to say the very least, but they were very convincing in their tales of the ghost cat that haunts the house."
"It kind of felt cool that we had our own haunted house stories."
"Can you imagine being fast asleep in this bed only to wake up and find the ghost of a man in old-fashioned clothes sitting at the foot of your bed?"
"You believe in ghost stories, Miss Turner? You're in one."
"If you do, and you fancy a ghost story, come with me on this little walk."
"Stories about ghosts, poltergeists, apparitions, and things that go bump in the night are as old as time itself."
"This notorious haunted hotel has accumulated plenty of ghost stories."
"There is no culture in the world which is free from ghosts or the fear of ghosts or from the belief in ghosts, and there never has been."
"We were excited to spend the night eating s'mores and telling ghost stories."
"This is our series of ghost tours and terrifying tales in London."
"Whether it's the wind outside or the ghost that has just wandered into your room that causes the temperature to drop down to chilly, it's time to cozy up to a couple of ghost stories."
"This is a part of London that seems to breed ghost stories."
"Real ghost stories from real people."
"Welcome to real ghost stories online, real ghost stories, and real people."
"They're here for the ghost stories."
"This is a night when all we do is tell ghost stories, nothing else."