
Hidden Costs Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It's not just the initial purchase that can be mind-bogglingly expensive; it's also the ongoing and hidden costs of home ownership that can drain your wallet if you're not careful."
"He wasn't in it just for the money because, as he explained, big bucks often come with some serious strings attached."
"Being poor is not just expensive, but incredibly costly in non-financial ways."
"If something is extremely cheap for you, it's probably because it had a really high cost somewhere else."
"It's masked convenience; it seems more convenient, but it's just adding more problems, more things that can go wrong."
"When you buy a widget for $1 from China, you do that because there's nine dollars of hidden cost on the back end of it, some of which is manifested in a global pandemic that causes a global depression."
"Inflation is really just a hidden tax and it is theft."
"The cost of low prices is higher than most people even dare to imagine."
"Earn it. Free anything that's free comes with a bigger price."
"Loot boxes are hiding within the in-game purchases label."
"Robin Hood trades are not free. When you pay for order flow, you're probably charging your customers more and pretending to be free."
"The federal regulatory system adds what he characterized is sort of a backdoor invisible de facto tax on poor and middle-class Americans."
"We were bribed with free stuff, but then the question is, okay, well that's free, but what is the cost? What is the price that we have to pay for what we think is free?"
"Beware of hidden costs that aren't immediately apparent to the buyer."
"You should all feel free to do the things that you want to do and create how you want to create."
"There's a lot of added and hidden costs that you might not think of and we have some of the experience to cover and bring up to you before you hit a brick wall."
"Depreciation is such an insidious covert car ownership cost and here's how you can cut it in half."
"Free transfers are like getting a free car. You still gotta buy petrol to use it." - Rest Up Build Up
"If you ever see a man in your dreams that's offering you things without telling you what you need to do in return, do not accept what he gives you. It is unlikely to help, and the cost is more than you may first think."
"Nothing is free, especially when it comes to gaming."
"The most expensive cost in life is the unseen price that you pay on the information you don't have."
"The idea about inflation that most people don't understand is it steals from them insidiously, it steals from them at every level, every purchase they make, every bill they pay, every dollar they save. Part of that's being stolen from."
"When we move away from putting in the work and instead are focused on silver bullets or on strategies that are just not ideal and have a lot of costs, costs that we can't even identify fully right now, we're going to head into trouble."
"Amazon Prime... the entire purpose... why is it that now we're also having to often pay?"
"There are so many hidden costs when it comes to having a baby."
"The clothes are cheap, but what's the real cost?"
"Don't be fooled by headlines; extremely cheap houses often come with hidden costs."
"The tax is not in the price tags."
"Part of the way mass incarceration persists in this country is by keeping the true costs of it off the books."
"Customization, integration, and data migration can be hidden costs in ERP implementation."
"There's a lot more to it than just a free lunch."
"Indeed not all things are free; some results come with hidden price tags."
"The unforeseen cost of civilization."
"Most of us don't capture all of the hidden expenses in our fixed cost."
"Cheap food is incredibly expensive by many measures."
"Owning a home is more than just paying the mortgage; expenses such as property taxes, utilities, and home maintenance add up extremely quickly."
"Free might not be free, so just be careful."
"Always despise the free lunch, because it comes with a hidden obligation."
"Paying more than the price you see on a price tag in a shop due to taxes."
"Food isn't cheap at all; it's very expensive. It's just that a lot of those expenses are carried elsewhere."
"The real cost of the meat isn't reflected in the price that you pay."