
Spiritual Bond Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"They feel connected to you across multiple lifetimes."
"Your souls speak to each other. That's what a soul bond is."
"Whenever your twin flame experiences a shift in emotion, especially when this shift in emotion is directed specifically toward you or toward the connection itself, you are capable of sensing this shift."
"With the six of cups, they feel this really beautiful love and soul bond for you."
"Your soul mates or twin flames, there's going to be this instant recognition between you both."
"The Covenant is not a contract... but in a covenant, I am yours and you are mine."
"What unites us as Christians is the blood of Christ Jesus."
"This is a love beyond all other loves you've ever known, whether it comes into a 3D relationship or not."
"May the glue of the Holy Ghost, that three-strand cord, be wrapped around the whole family right now."
"Your connection represents true love... magnetizes you through all the obstacles... into oneness."
"My love for you is an eternal covenant, my commitment is unwavering."
"They want to give to you, to create a beautiful life together."
"Our connection goes far beyond human understanding."
"There's a spiritual connection, an unbreakable bond."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"Love conquers all. What God put together, let no man tear asunder."
"The love of God is sticky, it wants to cling to you."
"This is a very Divine and deep connection between two people."
"There's a really beautiful powerful spiritual bond that I think both of you will have trouble letting go of."
"The unity of the church is inseparable in charity and in truth."
"You have a past life card, some of you had like life with this person, that's why when you meet them, it'll be like an instant recognition of them."
"This connection is the key to finding inner peace within both of you."
"They feel a very special spiritual bond with you."
"What God has brought together, let no man put asunder, including you."
"A soul connection is not just a mere coincidence or a product of circumstance; it is a deep spiritual bond rooted in the fabric of our existence."
"They are one with you on deeper internal levels."
"It's a deeply spiritual connection, very much sanctioned. You two are meant to challenge each other, to see the best and the worst in each other."
"You are in blood covenant, you are covered by the blood."
"This connection is deeper than just something physical, bordering on a spiritual type very deep connection."
"There's a deep spiritual connection between you two."
"You guys are soul mates, the love is real, you guys open up each other's heart chakras."
"This is a connection, a spiritual connection, a bond that you have with an energy. If you haven't met this person yet, you are connected with this energy, you're connecting with your soulmate."
"Your souls have known each other before."
"There's a deep soul connection, intuitively connected to one another."
"When you two come together it's almost like your souls merge together, it's very Divine, a very spiritual kind of connection."
"There is nothing like having someone connect to your energy directly."
"My spirit is always with you... Do you still love me too?"
"You will still feel them when they're thinking about you."
"It's meant to represent a spiritual bond between you and Sigma."
"At the root of this connection, it's like you guys are ancient, many many lifetimes have your paths crossed, and it's love every time, you guys are truly Kindred Spirits."
"There's something very deep here at the soul level between the two of you."
"I think if we only limit the context to physical interaction, there are soul ties that physicalities cannot stop."
"He wants somebody who's gonna love him no matter what situation they're in."
"...he calls you brother he calls you sister that's my brother that's my sister."
"Our bond was formed over hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes."
"Our relationship with Christ is a matrimonial bond. He is the groom, the church is the bride."
"Every relationship in this earthly life will fall short if it doesn't and is not grounded and founded on that relationship with one another."
"The strength of the bond you have... transcends the physical plane."
"This is a deep and profound bond that two men have for one another that is glorifying to God that is not sexual."
"I love this man and I'm in covenant with him, I'm knitted in spirit."
"God's love is like the glue that holds his family together."
"A piece of paper is not important to me. Marriage to me is making a commitment to the person and to God."
"It's a very strong spiritual connection."
"You two do connect with each other deeply on a very specific beautiful soul level."
"There's a friend who stands closer than a brother."
"Covenant relationships are meant to last a lifetime, built into our lives as living stones intended to create a dwelling place for the Lord."
"He might become our best friend, He might become the closest person to us in the whole wide world."
"Love is something based in faith... it's your soul bonding with another soul."
"Alice and I just hit it on a spiritual, music, and friendship level."
"We too are a part of your providential plan, bound to the pages of these books by the way of your spirit."
"Both sides complement each other and grow together; this is the original purpose of the spiritual contract."
"When you believe you guys were brought together by the universe, by God or whatnot, it gives the relationship more meaning."
"A chord of three strands is not easily broken; that is you, your partner, and the Lord."
"Our souls are in constant communication with each other, often beyond our conscious awareness."
"I know we have a spiritual connection."
"As soon as you guys touch, the souls both say 'mine'."
"The physical intimacy of the spouses becomes a sign and pledge of spiritual communion."
"We have a very deep soul connection and it's almost as if the physical didn't really matter."
"They feel a strong pull emotionally and spiritually."
"You guys are very psychic, a lot of you give this person faith."
"You are like a second spiritual mom to me, and I truly appreciate your friendship."
"You might be dealing with your twin flame or higher vibrational soulmate."
"You have a very deep soul tie with this person."
"There's a soul contract here; you guys are already together in the 5D already."
"You have a soul connection; you have a past life connection."
"Thank you, Spirit, for this time that we have together. It's a blessing, it is an honor."
"You can decide not to be with your twin flame in this connection in this lifetime, that is your choice, you can walk away, but the bond will always remain."
"This is a very deep connection, it's divinely orchestrated, and it's meant for you."
"A connection twin flame, divine counterpart, whatever you want to label it, but it's a higher form of connection."
"When we love from higher states of consciousness and from our soul, we create a different kind of cord."
"Mating for life, two hearts intertwined, connected, spiritual connection."
"It's a spiritual relationship; you guys share the same essence or energy in some sense."
"Having ancestors meant having a divine lineage and thus sacred rights exclusive to your family through which the family was bound together spiritually."
"You're about to connect with someone who is tied to your soul purpose, your life purpose."
"The heart center is really the seat of the connection between twins; it's where we hold each other, it's where we keep each other."
"You're definitely heading towards the divine counterpart here, someone much better."
"The connection is connected by this bond that really can't be broken because the goal of the twin flames is to learn from each other in this lifetime."
"They feel this true unconditional love for you."
"The love is the energy which connects you with your soul and the universe."
"Your higher power will never desert you and is always waiting for you to remember the sacred partnership that you share."