
Life Achievement Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"What do you do if you win eighteen point three million dollars? It's the 'you won at life' you know."
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."
"Live with the most positive outlook. That's the biggest achievement."
"I think it might be the greatest victory of my life."
"You're gonna achieve everything you want in life so stop stressing about it."
"Your whole life to get to yes, we let legends are born."
"A measure of a lifetime of work and purpose."
"I have never felt more accomplished in my life."
"He had an incredible career as an actor and lived to be 103."
"I cannot thank you enough. It's the privilege of a lifetime."
"40 years old and I haven't done a thing I'm proud of."
"I felt like for a long time this was a huge life goal."
"Life is measured in achievement, not in years alone." - Bruce McLaren
"Wrinkled skin, like Beauty, like you're, like look at, like it's like wow. Congratulations, like you're getting through this life. Where we look at it."
"I was so excited... my whole life has been made."
"Before you can achieve anything in life, you have to overcome your internal conflicts."
"This year has honestly been the best year of my life."
"Ruby just graduated and got a job. It was like one of the best days of my life."
"Getting fit again was the hardest thing I've ever done."
"He made it to 92. So that's a pretty darn good run."
"Probably the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life is give birth."
"I won life, yeah. You won the big one, you won the big award."
"It was worth the search. It was worth the 30 years that it took me to do this."
"Self-awareness is important for whatever you want to achieve in life."
"Every great life has to be earned; it can't be lived on the backs of others."
"Hey, kudos to you man because you are literally living the American dream."
"Some people spend the entirety of their lives trying to achieve their wildest dreams, and I am so thankful to say that I can count myself lucky to be amongst those who are living their dreams each and every day."
"That was like everything in my life I had worked up too was for that moment."
"She lived a good life, she got to see her kids, she was extremely successful, the name became symbolic and legendary."
"After having accomplished her life's purpose."
"Never forget where you came from or how many people had to sacrifice to get you where you are."
"This is, uh-- to me this is the pinnacle of my life."
"The greatest achievement of my life is the fact that I'm okay with failing."
"I have achieved the American dream and there is a part two to this."
"Eventually there'll be a knock on your door and life's going to be standing there and say congratulations you're a success."
"You waited a lifetime to get here, and now you're here."
"You've done it! You've worked hard all your life, you've put in your time, and now it is finally time to reap the rewards. You're retiring, congratulations!"
"I've lived and seen through my lifelong dreams. I've done it."
"Being an amazing father and a hell of a dad, I think that is the biggest accomplishment a man can have in their life."
"I want to be able to get to heaven and say I did everything I could do."
"You passed, there's a major transformation coming through."
"She fulfilled everything she could probably accomplish in her age and without no regrets."
"At 100-years-old, I guess Ruth practically was a celebrity."
"I never thought I would get to this point in life where I get to talk to you on this stage."
"...it was the best thing I've ever done in my whole life."
"If you die of old age and you die free in that life, you’ve really accomplished something."
"It was one of the greatest feelings of my life."
"And though it may be just once in my lifetime, I'm gonna do great things."
"She was able to become a cosmopolitan, which is something that most people are not able to do in their lives."
"Without some sort of discipline, you're just not going to be able to do anything in life, anything special."
"It's the proudest moment of my life when you won that championship."
"I've climbed the mountain of life, and I'm at the top."
"My life is a million times better than what I've done in my career."
"Never in my life, this is the pinnacle."
"My life's pretty much complete now, die a happy woman."
"The greatest accomplishment in his life was finding that one person to spend the rest of his life with."
"Once you purchase an Accord with the V6, you'll honestly know that you just made it in life."
"It is by far the best thing I've ever done in my life, by a long way."
"These people have worked their entire life, let them chill out."
"If you die of old age and you die free, you've really accomplished something."
"I want to be able, when I'll be 85, to say to my grandchildren, 'Well, I did it unassisted.'"
"To come out of here on top, be the winner, it would mean more to me than anything in this whole world."
"It was the best thing, one of the best things I've done in my life."
"I've worked my ass off my whole life to make sure you get to do something like this."
"...this man waited with dignity for his entire life to become the monarch of this country."
"Kingdom success is balanced achievement in the areas that matter."
"It has been an absolute honor and privilege, the greatest honor and privilege that I've had in my entire life."
"To win something like this, it means the world. That is the biggest thing that's ever happened in my life, other than being born."
"Being a mom is probably one of the greatest things I've ever done with my life."
"The most important thing he had ever done in his entire life was to have Lisa."
"We've worked full-time our life, this is the reward of work, you know, and that's why they call them the golden years."
"It's probably the greatest thing I'm ever going to be involved in."
"It's the most fulfilling creatively fulfilling thing that I've ever done in my whole life."
"I'm pretty proud of this, it's taken me 30 years to kind of pare everything down."
"I had the American dream happen to me."
"You've won the most important game of life, which is as a dad."
"The culmination of my life and we found it, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"107 years old, that is an achievement."
"That's the greatest moment of my life."
"Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives."
"Because to get where I'm at today, I took the meanest route."
"The greatest reward in life is having your baby."
"He'll be buried the richest man on earth."
"Anyone in Hollywood, to some degree that's working in the industry, has already won the game of life."
"It's a life dream come true, to be honest."