
Hypothetical Question Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"What do you do if you win eighteen point three million dollars? It's the 'you won at life' you know."
"If you could have the family you wanted, what would that look like?"
"Would you pee your pants for a million dollars?"
"What would the world look like if we all came together?"
"If the legacy media wasn't part of this recipe, how would the psyche of our nation improve?"
"Is there even a point to killing Liam's wife?"
"Last question Rachel Horton if you can know the absolute and total truth to one question what question would you ask."
"If you can pick any player in NBA history that you've never had on your team to play for you, who would it be? Well, Chamberlain."
"If everybody took a drug that boosted their intelligence five points, would religion survive?"
"What if God said that if you curse, you can finally be happy?"
"Do you think Papa John says the n-word when he does rap songs in the shower?"
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"What would you do if you knew you would succeed and had a decade to pull it off?"
"Ask any parent if they would trade their kids for a bigger house or a bigger career."
"Would you sell one of your eyes for a million Dolans? Would you sell both for 50 million?"
"If we had an elven History Month, would elves suddenly pop into existence?"
"Could there be a society like that? What does that mean?"
"Jesse, would you punch god in the face if you could?"
"Would you rather get paid a million dollars right now or $6 every month for the rest of your life?"
"Wouldn't you be the most selfish person in the world for not murdering all of your children before they turned eight years old?"
"Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no video games?"
"If I lose Slick, yes or no? The answer to that is yes."
"What's the first thing you would do with money? What's the first thing you would do? Comment down below, now that's a comment right there."
"What if you were the director of your own life?"
"If you absolutely had to have one of these superpowers, which one would you have?"
"Can you imagine a country that irrigates plants with salt water?"
"Can I build the championship team around the worst quarterback in the NFL?"
"What would you do if I didn't go to the gym and I lived an unhealthy lifestyle?"
"Would you rather make Call of Duty exclusive or have all of your competitors pay you at least a billion dollars a year? That's why it doesn't make logical sense."
"What kind of girl would do you for a million dollars?"
"Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more games?"
"What if a good person does decide to give up on society and become bad? What exactly would they do different?"
"If I said to you, 'Do you want free money?' you'd be an idiot to be like, 'No, I don't like free money.'"
"Name me one world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping."
"Would you rather have a penny a day now or would you rather have thirty thousand dollars seven thousand years from now? Cheers to that!"
"Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to experience the buzz without any downsides?"
"If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?"
"What would you do if you had all the money in the world?"
"Would you rather have $30 million or 30 loyal friends?"
"What do you care most about if money were No Object, how would you spend your time?"
"If you could revive one person from the dead, who would it be? Well, for how long? That's like a more important question."
"Would you rather witness the night you were conceived?"
"I'm just asking, would you date a good-looking, funny, multi-millionaire?"
"If you were only able to eat one of these giant kinder eggs, which one would you wanna eat?"
"What would you guys do with a hundred and forty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty two dollars and ninety three cents?"
"Can I stab someone with a popsicle? Wait a minute, that is a sharp popsicle."
"What if racism got cancelled? Why not make things better?"
"You ever take off your gloves? I think it'd just be weird to take 'em off."
"If you ask a murderer if they're gonna murder you and they say 'No', they're not allowed to murder you anymore."
"How many fifth graders could you be in a fight outside the school gates?"
"What would you do if you had the ability to freeze and unfreeze time?"
"Would you rather have a pet bat or a pet spider?"
"If you could return to one period in American history..."
"If you had super strength but only when picking up one object, what object would you choose?"
"What if Macaulay Culkin should make a comeback?"
"Could you be friends with a robot?"
"Would you rather stay forever at your current age or be 10 years younger forever?"
"Who would you put in your Hollywood Rushmore?"
"If you could go back in time, where and when would you go?"
"You had a chance to change it, would you?"
"Would you rather be able to turn your head like an owl or have a neck that telescopes up to the length of a giraffe's neck?"
"It's your last meal on Earth, what do you order?"
"I'm going to travel through time, guys. If you could travel through time, where would you go?"
"If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
"I always loved that question about if you could go into the future or into the past."
"If someone were going to buy you a gift, what would they buy you?"
"Would you rather invent a new gadget or discover a new species?"
"If you had 10 billion won in your hand, would you quit everything?"
"Would you rather be the only person that doesn't get to live forever or be the only person that lives forever?"
"I would really like that, would you have a kid if you suddenly got that kind of money?"
"How would we be where we are today if they had given up?"
"If I gave you a magic wand and you could decide how much money you made every single month that would make you feel like you're living the life of your dreams, what would that number be?"
"Wow, if Elon gave you a free trip to space just to avaganda, would you say yes?"
"What would you do for 15 million dollars?"
"If you could wake up tomorrow and feel really confident and really great in yourself, in the body that you have now, would you do it?"
"Would you rather speak to animals or speak all human languages?"
"If you got to pick a country to be born in tomorrow but you didn't know your race, gender, socioeconomic status, and what disabilities you may or may not have, what country would you choose?"
"If you could eat any food from one country or region for the rest of your life, what would you choose?"
"If you had a question and you could ask it only once, where would you go to ask it?"
"What would you do if you had a hundred million dollars?"
"What would you do with a million bucks?"
"If you had $8,000, how would you spend it? Maybe a motorcycle, or a car, or 27 Oculus Quest 2s."
"Would you rather have a car that can fly or a car that can go like a boat turns into a fly? Fly, yeah, I agree."
"If you had a time machine, what single change would you make to a movie?"
"Imagine you are in the final hours of your life; you could be granted anything. What would you ask for in these moments?"
"If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be? Taco Bell."
"Would you rather be able to fly but only straight up, or be able to be invisible but only whilst holding your breath?"
"Would you smooch a ghost? Heck yeah!"
"If you had a million, would you spend it on your passions?"
"Would you rather have hair for teeth or teeth for hair?"
"If God sneezed, what would you say to him?"
"If you had one hundred dollars to spend right now at this very moment, and you could only spend it on one thing, what would you spend it on?"
"If I had a pill that I could give you and you would never be unkind again, would you take it?"
"If you found $100 on the street, would you pick it up or would you keep walking?"
"If you could steal any planet, which planet would you steal? The moon."
"If you won a billion dollars, what would you do? The first thing you might do, or what the dumbest thing?"
"If everyone committed to live and love like Jesus in their community today, would the world be a better place?"
"Would I recognize my grandma if I never met her and only saw pictures of her?"
"Would you rather be given $50,000 straight into your bank account or $500,000 in pennies?"
"Would you rather have one real get out of jail free card or a key that opens any door that you want but you can only use it once?"
"Would you rather eat a hot dog or a burger without a bun?"
"Would you want to be able to read minds?"
"If I won a million dollars, what would you like?" His son said, "A train set."
"Would you rather be poor with the love of your life or be rich with the person you hate?"
"If you could have dinner with anybody living or dead, who would it be?"
"What would you do with two hundred dollars? That's the question you should be asking yourself."
"You wake up a billionaire, but not with money. What do you have a billion of instead?"
"If you could hang out with a ghost, who would it be? Probably Patrick Swayze from the movie Ghost, I guess."
"If you could go to any country in the world, where would you go?"
"Would you rather have an assistant with the intelligence of Einstein but no access to the internet, or an assistant that's just above average intelligence, knows everything about you, and can use the internet?"
"Would you rather eat only vegan food for the rest of your life or have your wife sound like Fran Drescher?"
"If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?"
"But seldom is the question asked, what if that wolf was actually a good doggo?"
"What would you do with 2.7 million, that's a good question."
"Would you rather be able to build anything but not be able to fix things, or be able to fix anything but not be able to ever build anything from scratch?"
"What job would you never want to do?"
"If I could meet one famous person in the world, who would it be?"
"If you could go back in time, where would you go?"
"Would you rather be smelly but rich, or nice smelling but poor? I personally would rather be nice smelling but poor because that's what I am right now."
"Would you rather eat whatever you want and never gain weight or never have to sleep? Definitely eat whatever I want."
"Ask a person what they would do if money wasn't an option."
"Would you rather be a duck-sized car or a car-sized duck?"
"If you had the power to go back in time and change something, would you?"
"If you can stop me from aging or stop yourself, who would you choose?"
"What would you do if money was no object?"
"If you could be quarantined with one fictional character, who would you choose? That is a great question."
"If you had a time machine, what's the one moment in football history you would go back in time and witness live?"