
Corporate Challenges Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The empire built by Walgreens over the past 122 years seems to be crumbling down in 2023 as losses continued to mount."
"The ongoing popularity of this Urban myth remains a big headache for the company to this day."
"LucasArts had many problems but they also inspired a generation."
"You have people with absolutely no training starting unions and beating up historically wealthy corporations."
"Maybe they were very close to actually getting those done before the eventual layoffs."
"Instead of focusing all their efforts on just a handful of stores in one town, Starbucks bosses are left playing an impossible game of whack-a-mole trying to stomp out efforts to unionize that are cropping up everywhere."
"Questions about how companies that have done business in the globalized world are dealing with something that has not been seen in a long time, which is a major war in this way."
"Production issues and massive PR issues aren't the only thing that contribute to such a rocky three years for this company."
"But if the foundations of our future are defined by data... why are most companies still so bad at understanding it?"
"It may not only be 5G, but Huawei can't even purchase dedicated running memory."
"It's actually a problem for business everywhere."
"Russia is on the back foot right now...they need the companies...to be delivering as much productivity as possible."
"It's a damn shame because it pains me to see Blizzard go through this kind of turmoil when they have so many amazing IPs that they could leverage."
"Quiet quitting is when organization lose skills and abilities without actually losing headcount because people aren't going above and beyond anymore."
"Bioware is in trouble and the easy culprit to blame is publisher Electronic Arts."
"Disney's massively in debt... Disney Plus is not gonna be the end-all be-all."
"A day of reckoning is coming... next CEO with a lot of mess to clean up."
"CD Projekt as a company is fighting for their lives."
"This is perfect, this is exactly what we wanted for the challenge Heineken Legends."
"Looks like the problem is Omega and Omega they're really strong in the area that customers are caring less and less about."
"Even major multinational companies cannot stop piracy, so why the hell can you?" - TotalBiscuit
"Microsoft Studio behind Halo faces a reboot on years of turmoil."
"Threatened to go to Texas, Delaware is making it hard to unincorporate or leave."
"The real competition now is who's gonna get rid of their owners first."
"It's not working anymore they have lost 900 million dollars in their last eight releases and just a week ago their stock price hit a nine-year low when it fell below 84 dollars in 2023."
"However, both automakers have been dealing with a major L."
"It's been a bad week for the Walt Disney Company."
"CDPR lost their way and paid the price, just as Night City consumes those who embrace it."
"Google's sales are flat to down from cloud, and then they're getting sued by the government for antitrust."
"Sony is the biggest hurdle to widespread adoption of cross play across all games and platforms. It's not a 2k problem, it's a Sony problem and it needs to change."
"Disney, unfortunately, has two really bad problems right now."
"Blizzard's recent turmoil paints a broad picture of changing corporate culture."
"I think things are looking very, very bad for Disney, and I don't know if it survives this."
"The earnings of companies have plummeted... they can't see beyond today."
"Until you work out what exactly these that went wrong with these things I really don't see SpaceX moving forwards."
"Picked Bob J Peck... allowing himself to be Mao Mao by woke employees."
"The scandal started to threaten all that hard work that had been done."
"One way or the other, it does seem like times are about to get pretty lean for Blizzard Entertainment."
"It's difficult to send somebody out from your company who's a public relations person or anything right because these are serious allegations."
"Success for Tesla was never a foregone conclusion, and they've had to overcome numerous challenges along the way."
"These are some wild times in the world of the Walt Disney Company."
"The end is quite near... Peloton just announced they're only giving themselves six months right."
"Do we have any risk of innovator's dilemma, and is this the CEO who can lead us through what is likely to be a tricky moment?"
"The partners weren't given very much time by Nvidia is the real takeaway here and it sounds like they didn't have enough time to put the cards together."
"Nintendo encountered legal battles with their peripherals."
"Everybody was pitching in together and even as the organization was getting their ass kicked we were all doing it and rising up together."
"The tech industry in general had a really bad week with layoffs."
"It's no secret that the U.S is trying to kill Huawei for a long time."
"Everything could be better but it's too big wrestling was not meant to be promoted nationally with publicly traded companies that have to worry about hurting people's [ __ ] feelings."
"GameStop is different. We inherited a bunch of Legacy everything and under investment across the entire business."
"Square Enix finds itself at a crucial crossroads."
"Schultz's fight to stop a Starbucks barista Uprising... revealed a lot about billionaires."
"Corporate's gonna scratch it out from under us like a rug like they always do like they always do but that's our pit."
"Intel cannot keep letting delays destroy what could be good products."
"Twitter has a really good record because Twitter was fighting really hard and has lost every time."
"Could the news possibly be worse for Disney?"
"I want to be the person that says, 'Hey, I'll take bat on that, they can kind of try to come at me if the companies want to try to come at me and say something, that's fine, come at me.'"
"The fact that they're coming back and saying look we need three years that tells you what's going on."
"To say that Activision Blizzard has been facing legal troubles would be an understatement."
"We have big rulings that can absolutely nuke Disney."
"CD Projekt Red's downward spiral has continued."
"Xbox quickly found themselves in a situation all too familiar to them."
"BuzzFeed was a company that was aiming for infinite growth and at a certain point that's not possible anymore."
"Every company today is struggling to map to this digital age but they all get slowed down by their immune system."
"Quality over the last few years has been a major, major issue for Ford."