
Fanaticism Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"I feared him truly, I feared that the temple of whatever lurked beyond the archway corrupted his mind, turning him into nothing but a zealot."
"This would make the discovery of the marker a force that even the most skeptical scientist would question, leading to faith, which would lead to fanatics."
"The woman walks around with a vax necklace. Tell me this is not a cult."
"Without adaptability, what remains may be channeled into destructive fanaticism."
"For all the people I'm certain you've brought back from their own personal breaks any thoughts on similarities between fanaticism for religious texts and the way our government treats the constitution?"
"Use your Emperor-given ears to listen. Using any other organ is heresy!"
"His followers have continued their descent into cult-like madness."
"You cannot scare a fanatic. The only threat to a fanatic is disillusionment."
"There's nothing more dangerous than a zealot religious person that has no morals."
"A worldview buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism."
"This culture of investing all your free time into someone you idolize has made people overly protective of their favorite celebrities."
"The Word Bearers were just super dedicated to whatever cause they're following and that's why they were so ardent about their Emperor worship and why they're so ardent about chaos now that chaos is answering them."
"It's time for us to burn the xenos in righteous Fire."
"They decide that they cannot stand the thought of their children living in a world without Adolf Hitler."
"We're simply dealing with fanatics who are not prepared to be reasonable and make any sense of compromise."
"A fanatic is one who redoubles his efforts when he has forgotten his ends."
"What happens when you encounter a man who is so fanatical, whose belief system is derived from faith?"
"The man starts to worship the box, and soon more and more people in the area join the new religion."
"This is a new form of fanaticism being that it is religious as well as fascist."
"It's amazing what fanaticism can do when you don't have money."
"I had a guy who thought he was doing the will of god by turning a bulldozer into a tank and ramming everyone who rolled him over."
"The venom just makes them just even crazier when it comes to that."
"If you want to be the best in anything you have to be a fanatic and he was the ultimate fanatic."
"Don't just be passionate without purpose because then you're just a fanatic."
"Palpatine had his Royal Guard hand-selected extremely fanatic and loyal individuals who would do anything to protect him."
"Driven by a sense of purpose that bordered on the fanatical, they fought with a savage determination."
"Once somebody goes into full fanatic, they're obsessed with this person, your people gonna ride with you."
"If he was real I'd throw myself in front of a moving train at the slightest nod of his head."
"Pittsburgh is a very sports-crazy city."
"The fanaticism of these people, you guys, the idea of a mob of people organizing together and willing to conspire and lie and commit terrible acts of violence against someone just for not agreeing with them about something, it's mind-numbing to think about it."
"This is horrific stuff. I mean, but let's keep this in perspective, they did all of this stuff simply because they didn't agree with someone."
"Religion is not the problem. I mean, look at this example that we're talking about with Johan DeWitt. This guy was torn apart and eaten by a mob of people for a political cause, not a religious cause."
"If it's possible to have a religion like Jainism and many other religions that don't have violent extremists attached to them, then maybe there's something that underlies religion that's the real problem."
"The polarized debate between relativists on the one hand and the madman on the other, the Fanatics and the totalitarians, that can be put behind us."
"there's really no difference between any of these psychos other than affect and it really does come down to willingness to be cringely psychotic and to really to put to be a true believer"
"Elrond Hubbard really just was kind of this super nerdy sci-fi buff who took it way too far."
"Sorrow is being generated all over the world by fanaticism, self-interest, selfishness, and these things."
"The sheer chaos of fandom behavior in the age of the internet is so passionate, it is so concupiscent, steadfast and just unwaveringly relentless and resolute that it's almost... well, it's almost religious, isn't it?"
"We're out. This is madness. This is a sickness. This is what this is. That's what Eric tag fans are. They're vaccinated with the wrong vaccine and now the neurons in the brain are fried."
"Fanaticism is doubt shouted loud."
"Philadelphia Eagles fans are fanatics; they're over ecstatic and problematic."
"Finally, stage four: Rabid fan. The victim becomes hopelessly addicted and will stop at nothing to pursue their prey."
"For the first time in history, end time religious fanaticism allied itself with weapons capable of destroying the world."
"They were religious fanatics who didn't just pray for the world to end, they took action."
"People are not just fighting over political issues in the narrow sense; they're fighting over their souls and they become fanatical as a result."
"Fanatics are people who go too far."
"When someone gets way too deep into a thing, we like to joke around that they've drank the Kool-Aid."
"It is a criticism of like staunch zealous fanaticism to a religion."
"Fanaticism has replaced rational thinking."
"Being a fanatic could be dangerous."
"Extremism is dangerous, fanaticism is a form of extremism."
"That's why fanaticism is so dangerous in whatever form you'll call it."
"The Taiping military was full of zealots and fanatics, along with well-trained and level-headed soldiers."
"Black Templars and Sisters to me scream 40K, that's power armor, bolt weapon, and absolute fanaticism."
"I am a severe horror movie fanatic."
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"Once you just say now I'm done, I know everything, that's what leads to people acting like fanatics in the first place."
"At a certain point, it stops being fandom and starts being fanaticism, and that's when it gets creepy."
"If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large."
"...people are acting in the name of God and they'll do anything that they can because it's for something that's more grandiose than law here in the states, here in the world..."
"Fanaticism is a human problem, not a religious one."
"The people who are fanatics, then, are so not because they are too committed to the gospel but because they're not committed to it enough."
"I am a fanatic, and I don't care what you think about me, as long as I'm fanatically healed, fanatically prosperous, fanatically delivered, fanatically happy."