
Interpersonal Understanding Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"The single greatest step you can have is to be able to put yourself in the mindset and the point of view of other people."
"It's a little bit too literal, but I don't know, maybe they'd get the message."
"It's just interesting to see the other person's perspective."
"Curiosity about people, including those we think we know well."
"Above all it was the failure to grasp the simple truth that other people are as real as you."
"Every single individual that you come in contact with has programming like we do."
"You're able to read between the lines of people."
"When opposite sides live in the same house, you have to understand the position of the other hand to be willing to compromise."
"Listening is not just paying attention to what you're saying, it's empathy."
"You're well aware of their intentions with you, you're also well aware of what this person is capable of doing in this relationship."
"Pain is pain, you should never minimize someone else's suffering."
"Empathy-free: They don’t emotionally understand how other people feel, due to being effectively 'empathy-free'."
"I do feel like someone's career and their experiences gives you a little bit of insight into who they might be as a person."
"In order to understand a person, you have to really understand their context."
"Philip seems to be the only one who understands his brother's nonsensical lexicon."
"Every communication is two conversations—the verbal and the nonverbal. When the two conversations are not aligned, people believe the nonverbal every time." - Dr. Nick Morgan
"You need to remember that there is a real person behind the text that you're getting and the text that you're sending"
"I hope that they understand I was not trying to hurt them, I was just trying to live by my beliefs."
"Every relationship has balance where you have to like kind of figure out what your partner needs and like what you need from your partner."
"Understanding that people just have very different value systems is the easiest way to explain."
"You don't know what people are dealing with."
"Everything I never told you reminds us of the importance of recognizing other people's struggles."
"Sometimes it's important just to get somebody else's perspective."
"It helps you understand yourself better, helps you understand other people better."
"You need to look at situations from other people's perspectives."
"You have to be open-minded and willing to try to understand what makes other people themselves."
"You're incredibly intuitive, and I feel like you understand them in a way not a lot of people do."
"People having different experiences doesn't invalidate others' experiences."
"You can offer your input, but try to understand where somebody else is coming from."
"Ultimately, this is about empathy, about putting yourself in someone else's shoes."
"You're really intuitive you kind of just get things."
"Little by little, we're trying to understand the good in each other. That's the reason why we can move forward without feeling despair toward our situation."
"I really try now to try to understand the other person's perspective."
"Being able to understand what other people want and what other people want to talk about, this isn't some magical brain secret that only neurotypical people are capable of experiencing."
"I commend Officer Beskin for having the courage to carry out her duties without showing bias or favoritism."
"I want people to understand the concerns of others more accurately. I want people to be more empathetic towards one another."
"The only thing that will ever have value is if you understand people."
"Understanding what people mean and communicating effortlessly."
"How can you hate me if you don't even know me?"
"We've learned each other's vibe over the years."
"Let's assume that everyone who is dishing it out did it out of ignorance rather than out of some kind of ill-will."
"They're already kind of into you more than you probably think."
"I want to engage on the Heart level I want to engage where what do you believe what was your experience as a child growing up how were your parents why do you believe this."
"One of the things that I learned was that, you know, only seven percent of what you actually say is down to your words."
"Capricorn people have a really good way at like seeing the inner soul of somebody, I don't know how to explain it, it's kind of like they kind of understand why people do the things that they do."
"Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality."
"Learning how to coexist with another individual... learning not only how they think and their lifestyle preferences but also how to communicate effectively."
"You're gonna see eye to eye and you're gonna love on each other."
"Ultimately, these points come down to a lack of empathy and understanding."
"So once we get this understanding we now we're wasting our time on people anymore."
"Put yourself in their shoes... really understand because... they actually can."
"Be much more open-minded and very careful and kind of like cognizant mindful or introspective about assumptions you make about people."
"And ultimately, it doesn't really matter. If you want to know somebody and understand them, you can only treat them empathetically. That's what matters, right?"
"Transparency allows you to humanize people a lot more... it's really important to see people as human."
"Don't make assumptions. You don't need to figure out everything about this person's sex life or whatever it is."
"Live life with an open mind and an open heart and understand the person you're talking to."
"It's probably better if you can accept what they prioritize."
"It's not that wild to say that she actually believes this. I feel like she's kind of actually said it."
"The most obvious lesson he can teach you is what women's sexual desires can be."
"Empathy is the capacity to figure out what another individual will think, feel, and do based on you taking the data of their experience and running it through your own calculator."
"Empathy should be at the heart of all discourse."
"Don't assume something means the same thing to somebody else."
"Never met the guy but guarantees made an opinion off clips and lies. I never understand people who make decisions about people without meeting them."
"People are just different, very different and it helps."
"All people would have empathy for one another."
"Always two sides to every story, you know? Somebody can tell you this person is this way, but until you get to know that person, you might not know..."
"You're comfortable with somebody when you can make them mad but then be fine the next day."
"That's the thing, you know who you're dealing with."
"People are complicated and multi-dimensional."
"I don't think he's a bad person fundamentally for this situation."
"She understands the type of person she's dealing with."
"Everybody you meet is fighting a battle that you don't know about."
"Stay humble and you'll understand people better, understand yourself better, and do better things in the world."
"You can know a person more than they know themselves."
"Does he understand what you’re truly asking of him? Do any of them?"
"You don't have to say something to mean something."
"There's a different connection here than the average connection, you just get each other on a deeper level."
"It's understanding how the other person is wired."
"I'm getting to know the perspective of my counterparts to understand the mindset."
"Don't take it personally because you don't know what's going on in their day, you don't know what's going on with their hormones."
"At their core, you know, they're a human just like you."
"But understanding where they're coming from and not having certain expectations is gonna be really beneficial."
"My mother knows you better than you know her."
"Seek first to understand, then be understood."
"It’s crucial to understanding ourselves and others."
"Even if you disagree on certain parts of the conversation that's swirling around, you're like okay, I disagree with you but I still like you because I know you."
"People only seem different when you don't know them, then when you get to know them, like, 'Oh, you're just like me.'"
"Both parties probably want to come to a place where they can understand one another better."
"The problem in this entire situation has always been a matter of empathy."
"It makes me look at these people in a completely different way."
"We all have lots to learn from each other if we listen."
"Under active listening is a really inner perhaps it's the greatest man when one can listen totally without any defense without any barrier then one can look then one can listen."
"Trying to understand each other is more about having decent conversations."
"Just be aware that if you're a young person or if you're an old person that a lot of people are just kind of living in a I don't know about a different world but they don't see things the way you see them."
"You are naturally empathetic and understanding of others' feelings."
"The biggest cure to hatred is actually knowing the people."
"You oftentimes understand people better than they understand themselves."
"What are you thinking right now? You always were clever."
"Empathy is necessary for us to move into the future."
"Communication styles are crucial. Understand them to avoid unnecessary conflicts."
"Nobody is your enemy... I have the best relationships with some of our most dangerous people because they see me as a human."
"Empathy is something we are sorely missing with each other."
"Narcissists do not see people as people the way we see people as people—we see people as individuals with feelings and needs and desires, motivations, aspirations, dreams, goals. Narcissists do not see, understand, or care about any of that."
"You can understand someone and completely disagree with them."
"The authentic, sincere question: 'What's that like for you?'"
"We made several things clear to one another."
"Stay strong, yeah look. Lauren's got a lot to learn about us."
"This is very deep wisdom. If we already think we know who people are, if we've already let the ego give them a role, then we have expectations."
"They feel very connected to you but acknowledge certain difficulties."
"I've always been very good at reading people."
"You've got to put yourself in people's shoes and understand where they're coming from."
"It's really important to be aware of how other people think about time."
"You can look good and be covered, and then you're speaking to a man and who he is, his essence, and understanding him."
"High-level negotiators are very good at getting to know the other person and getting them to express their wants and needs."
"Understanding is worthless if we all hate each other."