
Sense Of Belonging Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"To frame yourself as an eternal victim gives you a sense of belonging, it gives you a sense of significance."
"It's hard to go out into the world and take risks without knowing there's a place where you can go back to where you are loved and accepted for who you are."
"When people have a sense of belonging and community, they don't resort to violent acts."
"You feel like a visitor in Bareilles rather than it being a place you own..."
"We found a place that we could really call home."
"We've embraced it, and I think again it was... nice to have a renewed sense of community, a feeling that you're a part of something when everything seems so chaotic."
"It is gone submission to thrive as a cultural hub and tourist destination. But also as a place to call home."
"It's that moment when you unlock the door, hit the garage door open or whatever it is and you come inside and it's like ah yes I'm home."
"No matter where we travel or where we play it always feels like home because everyone in the stands feels like they are our fans."
"We want to come in a community like we in the community."
"I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." - Sokka
"Secretly this other person is equally feeling that displacement because they see you as their home."
"To the degree that we unify within ourselves our own conflicting ideologies, we actually feel a higher degree of belonging in mind."
"Someone sees you like home, there's something to do with a home, a family, about the creature comforts of home."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"I think there's definitely a general consensus that we're like family now."
"There's also this deep sense of familiarity and coming home-ness that's completely unmatched by any other person or connection."
"There's an inner attraction which draws us forward and that is the way I identified it was a feeling of homecoming."
"Well, just so you know, Mon dere is my home. It will always will be as long as the people in it will want to hang out with me."
"There's no place like home. Some of you guys are feeling homesick, or like you haven't found your place in this world."
"Living in the fullness of God's love each morning fills us with a sense of worth and belonging."
"Belonging: the strongest emotive trigger for community."
"There's kind of just a sense of community...because you're all living this lifestyle."
"This is where I belong. This is what I belong. I'm doing changing people's lives."
"You will never feel lonely again because our community is a living thriving community of over a hundred thousand people all around the world."
"Home is where you make it, and I'm making it home."
"There are some places in this world... they feel like home."
"Belonging is one of the deepest needs that we all have."
"You make them feel safe, loved, and like they belong."
"The thing about inclusion for me is it's not just a sense of belonging. It's feeling that you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of that place too."
"This is our home now, this is our territory."
"There's something about the oldest house that feels like coming home to me."
"It has an energy and it has a history that's just kind of undeniable and when you go there I'm just at home."
"You have a team, you have a mentor, and you have a home. It's nice; you feel like you belong."
"We build strong local communities that drive unparalleled progress and a deep sense of belonging for the millions out there who've experienced the transformative power of our methodology."
"A sense of place is this strong emotional connection that people often have with an area."
"The only reason that's not obvious to us contemporary people is that we have lost a sense of place."
"I remember saying I'm home, I'm finally home."
"I loved knowing that I was just a wheel in the COG. But or was I cog in the wheel? Whatever it was. I was part of a large machine and I liked very much being part of that machine and watching the thing go forward."
"Wolverton has got something that money just can't buy and that's a great sense of community."
"This is home for the next few days."
"Lots of people like Quartzite and even describe arriving here in late fall or early winter as feeling like coming home."
"95% have an increased sense of belonging."
"I chose TSU because there was a sense of belonging that I felt when I walked on the campus it felt like family it felt like home and it gave me a feeling of purpose and that I was destined to be here for a specific reason."
"I always felt like I've had a purpose here."
"That's our favorite thing like when you end up going to a friend's house and then you say like you practically move in."
"You really get that strong sense of identity from all the players and the coaches here."
"I finally got my trash cans today for my house and now I really feel like a legit real homeowner. I feel like I belong and I'm just so excited."
"They love pitching in and being a part of that they feel like they are members of a family business and so it's really fun to see them get involved in that."
"I think here you feel very much as though you're part of a community."
"What makes your community feel like home?"
"Somewhere on the surface of the globe we all have a favorite patch that we call home."
"I loved being part of the collective."
"When your parents talk about home as being somewhere else other than the place that you live in, other than the place that you're educated in, it's quite challenging to have a very strong sense of identity."
"You feel like you belong here now."
"It meant I belonged, it meant I was part of something."
"One of the things everybody at the Grouse up here when they go away, they say, 'Well, you know, eventually I'm gonna be coming back home.'"
"Rootedness in place is one of the most important needs of the human soul."
"Where is home? Most of us are born with the answer."
"Felt like home right when I walked into it."
"When we sense that belonging that comes with friendship, we really touch peace."
"The real reason most people leave an organization has nothing to do with pay; it has to do with their feeling of belonging."
"This is where I belong. I want to be here. I want to be in these huge stadiums."
"As long as you and Amy and Lindy are together, you're home."
"After traveling the world for so long and seeing so many different countries and landscapes, just being in Utah's like very relaxing and makes me feel at home."
"This is home, this is home buddy."