
Career Shift Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"She started her career promoting unhealthy food, and now she's promoting healthy food, atoning for her greasy fast food sins."
"Ever since I was a kid my dream was to become a professional footballer, but since I had no Talent my dream was crushed."
"Hex has changed my life. I never have to sell women's shoes again."
"I just want to be a stand-up now and before it was like a third or fourth thing I did but now it's the first thing I did and everything else comes next."
"A bunch of CD Projekt Red veterans have left the studio to form their own outfit, rejecting crunch culture."
"HBK ventured out into the world of singles wrestling for the first time."
"These days things are looking up for the former actor."
"Bryce's career just changed, it just completely flipped over."
"For the first time in his life, Boba Fett sees an opportunity to do something with his life other than be a bounty hunter."
"One of the most talented people of Our Generation... becoming a Bible tuber."
"Finance has been really winning me over folks, I gotta be honest with you."
"It has changed it entirely. Today, 95% or more of my time is spent on our content strategy."
"I sold my Rolex chain and bought studio equipment."
"He interpreted surviving the shooting as an indication that he had a higher purpose in music rather than crime."
"I decided to quit my corporate job... I dipped into my savings... and moved from my home town... an impulsive decision... but one I don't regret."
"His first big serious role was that of Barry Egan in Punch Drunk Love."
"Jordan Peterson has moved out of the clinical space ever since blowing up."
"My soul was just dying slowly in a cubicle I had to do something else I love this regenerative livestock agriculture and grass farming so there was no option I had to give try."
"This ain't the same! This guy finally is cashing in and he ended up making more than the UFC deal for this one fight."
"I can't believe this. I'm gonna be a Minecraft YouTuber for a month now."
"I can't believe I'm going to be a Minecraft channel again."
"Thank you for kicking me out because without that [ __ ] gig I would have never done comedy."
"I really needed a break on YouTube to give me time with my design business."
"I was actually corporate, you never guessed."
"I hope that this has been helpful, and if you're considering making the transition from being a full-time employee to a full-time business owner, this guides you."
"I'm going to take my designs and start my own company."
"Before I start a cosmetology school I actually went to school for criminology... a huge passion of mine."
"Everything changed when I felt like I just needed more excitement in my life, and I decided to become a flight attendant."
"Dunch changed his plan and his studies, specifically turning his attention to medicine."
"Beginning in 1973, he shifted his sight into following his father into the world of pro wrestling."
"He realized that his passion wasn't really in musical theater like he thought it was."
"Sasha's done acting she was in the Mandalorian which of course is a big hit for Disney plus."
"50 Cent is becoming the Dick Wolf for the genre."
"Eventually, it became number one, I love doing fitness more than I did film."
"One day you're just an ordinary everyday wrestler, and the next you're announcing a major new species. What a time to be Hulk Hogan."
"Just decided to stick with it... Oh my god yes, this thing that I was doing just for fun is like turning into a thing."
"I did not set out to be a carnivore doctor. That's not like that's what I want to do. It's just I want to be a YouTuber and share the passions that I have."
"I could literally play games for a living now, how cool was that?"
"It seemed very different for him, a different kind of movie."
"He made two more shorts in this style: 'The Puppet's Nightmare' and 'A Puppet Drama.' Finding it to be difficult to do, he moved away from drawn animation after the last short."
"Here are the three main reasons why I decided to start this YouTube channel and step a little bit further back from doing commercial work."
"I work for the biggest commercial radio group in the country, and now I work for the BBC. That's ridiculous."
"After six years of actually going back and forth between the two attorneys, I decided to shift my focus into a world where there's not a lot of African American men. And that's in technology."
"Transitioned to the data science job family without a degree."
"I've gone from being a single guy unmarried to being a guy that's married moved two hours away from where he is raised and has two kids and now does YouTube as a career instead of being a general contractor in his dad's family business."
"I'm trying to actually move more like a devsec I throw now like data engineering like you know the data pipeline crcd pipeline money I'm trying to go into like stuff like that now because like."
"These days I practice a new profession: bounty hunter."
"It's such a vulnerable thing for you to have experienced something so public that led to a shift in your career and your lifestyle."
"I spent a lot of time out here, and a few years ago I actually quit my 9-to-5 job to pursue the bassm opens as well as start my own guide business."
"I wasn't always a comedian, I used to be a ballet dancer."
"Angela made a significant shift in her rowing career. She switched from Flatwater rowing to Ocean rowing."
"I am so focused now on shifting my career from acting to filmmaking. I absolutely loved directing and writing and this is all I want to do with my life now. So it would be really nice if you could check it out and come on the ride with me."
"I totally quit my job and moved up here."
"Everybody has a COVID story, and mine is that it jettisoned me out of the art world production and into my primary source of income coming from race car photography."
"And here we are one year later, I've quit my job to do this full time, and I'm here for my first ever media day event for another event, freaking Airy Force One."
"I decided to leave that teaching career and embark on a job that was going to pretty much change my life."
"The moment I realized I did not need to be a worker is when my life changed."
"After experiencing success on screen, Allan felt a calling to make a positive impact in the lives of others."
"Suddenly, her career just felt a whole lot less important than being home with her kids."
"I quit and went full time on AlgoExpert."
"When it dawned on me I wasn't gonna play for QPR, all I wanted to do is play the guitar."
"...he wanted to break away from being a cinematic badass and tip his toes in movie comedy."
"I drifted into it after having started my writing career as a fiction writer."
"Look, I don't dance now, I make money moves."
"I used to do real estate, but now I'm just keeping it real."
"This guy recently left a six-figure salary position that he had been at for almost 20 years of his life to pursue the dream of being a full-time reseller and YouTube content creator."
"I'm going to write the entire novel no matter how bad I think it is because that's what I need to know: What does it take to get from one end of a novel to the other?"
"I've gone from calling games in January to hosting the show."
"I got too comfortable with that job, and I decided one day, with no backup plan or anything, that if I don't quit today, I will be a cook for the rest of my life, and I don't want to do that."