
Emotional Weight Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Everything you've ever said to me, I've taken to heart."
"Descending lines tend to carry a sense of weight and seriousness to them, falling from the lighter, higher notes down into the heavier lower register."
"The challenge for a dad to have to get in his truck and say 'I'm gonna go try to find my son today,' that's pretty heavy stuff."
"It's just heavy, you know? It really is, it feels like there's a lead weight out there."
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
"Confronting real-life issues, that is heavy."
"It's the tragic thing that no one ever really gives the weight that I feel like they deserve."
"Just the emotional weight of it all, I honestly feel like this is one of the best YA fantasy books I've ever read."
"I feel like ten million pounds have just been lifted off my shoulders."
"Release the baggage. It's only weighing you down."
"It would feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your chest."
"In the chilling silence of the courtroom, David Cal admitted his guilt, the weight of his actions hung heavily in the air."
"It's one of those things where it's like that stuff the stuff they're talking about in the emotions that kids feel when talking about this stuff is really heavy uncomfortable stuff."
"This is an extraordinary moment that we have here."
"Honestly, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders."
"It was like the weight of the world had been taken off his shoulders."
"I cannot even begin to share with you how much of a weight has been lifted off of me."
"That doghouse was heavier than any tombstone, and that dog was pretty much my best friend."
"Sometimes knowing the truth isn't really worth it."
"The murder was described as brutal and cold-hearted."
"The weight of it is so unpleasant to think about."
"Honesty in any relationship is definitely a must. I don't trust you to that's putting a lot on [expletive]. So, I don't do trust."
"For Christopher, this sense of permanency of this farewell feels weighty."
"It seems like it's been weighing you down pretty good... grateful."
"The burden... you're leaving on these families."
"The heaviest things we lift are not our weights but our fears."
"It's going to be a heavy moment, but a very important moment."
"I definitely see and this is a very emotionally charged topic, this is something that weighs down on you and you're like, uh, immediately go to the like okay other side of the world so much easier."
"The weight of it all manifested itself as an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach."
"Healing and forgiveness, they carry the same weight."
"Every fight here carries so much goddamn emotional weight."
"Overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow, Lan couldn't help but feel the weight of Ray's sacrifice for his sake."
"This one carries so much emotional weight to it."
"It was like a weight had finally been lifted off my chest."
"A weight has lifted from me, I'm glad."
"I feel like I got a thousand pounds off my chest."
"Letting go of the past is never without some degree of weight, but it also means that we are ready to move forward."
"...I'm not trying to be dramatic, it just continues to weigh on me since finishing it... I just feel this heavy weight in my heart after reading it."
"The weight of hate is heavy, heavy. It will wear you down for sure."
"I wish you didn't have to leave at all," she admitted, her heart heavy.
"That was such a heavy, heavy story."
"The weight of it presses over me as if I'm living inside a perfume bottle."
"It's been a heavy week. It's been a really, really heavy week."
"Just because of the weight of it all, you know?"
"I still feel that heavy emotion just sitting on my chest."
"Don't you feel like a massive weight's been lifted?"
"I've been miserable for months," Ethan confessed, the weight of his emotions heavy in his voice.
"It absolutely does weigh heavily on me because I don't want to hurt him."
"I felt like I had about 500,000 lb lifted off my shoulders."
"Kotaro lives alone is an anime that perfectly builds upon itself; every little thing that happens and every word that someone speaks holds so much weight."
"When you carry a secret for 30 years, it's a heavy weight."
"I carry you around in my heart, and I wear that heavy weight gladly."
"You've got a lot of secrets behind your eyes and a hell of a lot of weight on your shoulders."
"Saying 'I love you' to your parents carries weight."
"It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and for me, the experience was so profound."
"The heavyweight of unforgiveness is debilitating."
"I carry it with me like a dark secret."
"Forgive for you because that pain is heavy and when you're carrying around this anger, that is like one of those ruck marches with those packs when you're in the army."
"And the things they did not speak of began to outweigh the things that they did."
"It's just watching this family interact off each other after this death and it's just... you feel it."
"Time creates distance, and that reduces the weight."
"I can't count how many times I've said thank you to you, but every time, your weight in my heart just gets heavier."
"This is heavy; this is not how I imagined things going. This is tragic."
"How heavy something is depends on how you feel about carrying it."
"It was something that was really weighing on my heart to cover into that topic."