
Solar Panels Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"For the past few years, my solar panels have reduced our reliance on the grid by about 54%, which is what we expected given my home’s issues."
"A home’s value actually increases with solar panels. It’s not that different from doing a kitchen or bathroom renovation."
"Floating solar panels: Maximizing space, minimizing disruption."
"Canal-top solar: A three-for-one deal for Californians."
"Canal-top solar: Win-win-win for clean energy and the environment."
"Everything about the EcoFlow Delta Pro is big... it's got a big battery, a big inverter, and it also comes with some big solar panels."
"My favorite parts of that whole rooftop setup are first of all, it's only four solar panels and with those four solar panels, I'm able to get 1740 Watts out of it."
"We have five 375 watt solar panels so we have almost 1900 watts of solar."
"As excited as I am to see RVs in their natural environment, I'm more excited to see a solution to maximizing the amount of solar panels you can add on an RV."
"For installers that's a massive plus but for customers what are the other benefits of having an in-roof system?"
"The way the panels just sit so neatly into the roof makes it look like it was built to be there."
"It's results like these that should convince you to use bifacial panels for your solar install if I were installing solar panels today I would be using some type of ground mount with Bifacial panels hands down."
"Solar panels have come such a long way in the last few decades, and the prices have just dropped dropped dropped."
"... these panels are from a company called ecoworthy. This is their 195 watt panel and this is a bifacial panel."
"The coolest thing about this system is we can tilt it so it can go all the way up here, which makes it useful for testing bifacial solar panels."
"The wind is always going to be there, the sun is going to always be in the sky. If we start using wind turbines and solar panels, it'll be a whole new world of renewable energy."
"Power solutions for off-grid adventures: solar panels and power stations for endless possibilities."
"So for only a few minutes worth of work of clearing the panels, we're getting 400 watts worth of solar which is pretty good considering it's completely overcast."
"Putting all of these in series is very easy, I'll just connect one panel to the next all the way down and then create an extension cord to bring the final connection all the way back to my combiner box."
"Now, degradation tells us how well over time the panel is going to perform."
"...I think with all the details you should be able to know what is most important for you when it comes to solar panels on your own roof if it's the looks if it's the efficiency warranty price or combination of all these factors."
"Cooling solar panels actually increases their efficiency."
"I'm glad to see that they've managed to retain their efficiency and quality from those smaller SP 200s and implement them into the big 350 watt panels."
"...if you ever have a power outage especially an extended power outage you've got solar panels and you've got batteries and everything's going to be fine..."
"The voltage is added together, so when you wire them in series the volts of each panel is added together."
"...it goes about this high, that allows us to check the roof between the solar panels."
"The real benefit of bypass diodes with respect to power management is seen with an entire string of panels."
"...watts is the measure of power and that's really what you're going to see in a solar panel nameplate is how many watts does that solar panel give you."
"Proper cleaning can make panels up to 20% more efficient."
"The most important step in installing solar panels is to get the first panel set square to the rack."
"Bifacial panels... absorb light from the back adding up to as much as 30 percent power output."
"The Q cell solar panel is the number one most popular brand if we're talking about residential solar panels being installed in the United States."
"Solar panels come in various sizes but a typical size might be around 1.7 meters by 1.1 meters."
"You don't get full efficiency when your panels are mounted flat."
"One thing that I really like about these panels is that in addition to being able to recharge the power station, they also have ports on the back that you can use to recharge USB devices directly."
"And that set of two panels, if you have enough sun, should be able to recharge the Explorer 1000 from zero to 100 percent in eight hours."
"Greetings peeps, today we're gonna show you how to get the most bang for your buck out of your solar panels by using proper aiming technique."
"So, I tell you what kind of apps to use. You can use a compass either the compass on your phone or you can buy a separate compass and it kind of goes through how you can angle your panels to get the maximum amount of Sun, a maximum amount of power during the day."
"Solar panels can be quite expensive, but by following the instructions in this video, you'll be able to save a whole lot of money by making your own."
"All right, we're gonna put some solar panels on his roof. It's gonna be a really, really nice energy-efficient green home."
"Understanding how these solar panels really work and maybe lifting the veil from some of the magic fairy dust that might be behind."
"We put our solar panels up everywhere we always try to not impact the environment as much as we possibly can."
"Solar panels keeping us going. No gas, no generator, none of that loud, smelly stuff. Quiet, solar energy. Renewable too. That's awesome."
"Solar panel prices are down 50% over 100."
"...overall I'm very happy with the system, I'm very happy with the quality and the durability in the design of this system as well as the solar panels."
"Why did you not just put the solar panels on your roof?"
"No drilling required, so I think this is a really good option."
"I'm confident the panels are going to last 10 years."
"It's a full walk-on roof, so you can get up there and check seals, clean off your solar panels, different things like that."
"The panels are rated in terms of Watt peak."
"You can power all kinds of things with a solar panel."
"96% of a solar panel can be recycled."
"East and west facing panels will produce more energy in the morning and evening."
"The 40 lbs or so that I think I'm going to save off my roof with these panels is tremendous."
"After the solar panels are used for a certain number of years, then the rest of the years will be just free energy or pure profit."
"The semiconductor metals that go into the solar panels still need to be mined, which may cause habitat fragmentation or destruction."
"For every extra 20 degrees of crown angle, you get double the amount of energy locked up in the panel."
"A decrease of 10 degrees Celsius in operating temperature could double the lifespan of solar panels and boost their performance every day."
"They make about half of our electricity."
"We have solar panels arranged in prime number sequences in the same orbit; there's no way you would mistake this for a planet."
"For me, I love solar panels, especially when paired with power banks or solar generators."
"If you want to install PV panels, in which surfaces you will get higher solar exposure or more kilowatts per hour, you will have a higher production of energy."
"I'm really liking the solar panels in the library; it's a good way to shade your car."