
Violation Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"It's a violation of our democratic principles."
"How is it working? Your reason to me, people are working and doing well and violate their probation, like that happens. It's not really a rare thing to violate your probation, okay?"
"Rape is about being truly violated inside and out."
"Normal process of transparent elections was violated plain and simple."
"The agony of having your child taken is a fear of every parent... It is the worst type of violation that can occur."
"The end result could easily be the death of our human representatives."
"That was the most disturbing thing... I feel violated."
"It is a fundamental violation of the divine order."
"In science, there are these things called ethics, and you're about to see what is the exact opposite of this."
"This is a breathtaking violation of our democracy."
"Anyone who has ever had their car or house gone through and stolen from knows how violating and scary that feels."
"It was so violating to have all of our money stolen."
"Our constitutionally protective rights are the most important thing in this country. You guys are violating that."
"Certainly violated the integrity of the justice system."
"I felt violated like these people then came and destroyed my home."
"It's a violation of the Terms of Service or the EULA."
"These actions you are about to see are a complete violation of their Oaths."
"You took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time."
"The biggest violation in the scene is to do something without consent."
"It's a disgusting violation of Human Rights."
"It's not a conflict, it's a brutal violation of basic rights."
"He entered us with no consent, and in a court of law, he raped our house."
"It wasn't just my home that was violated, it was the home of every patriotic American."
"The high commissioner for human rights has spoken of possible war crimes, grave breaches of international humanitarian law, and serious violations of international human rights law."
"It was one thing to think of a home invasion, but to live it violates every thought of privacy and safety you have."
"I was so shook up I almost felt like violated."
"The judge expressed their discontent with the homeowners association's flagrant violation of the law."
"This is not the first time that she's violated the expectation that people not share heavy news in my channel."
"Feel like I just got violated by a demon."
"I feel like I just got violated by a demon or an entity in the actual nightclub."
"Creepy, gross, violating. What you did was disgusting. This is wrong."
"I felt absolutely violated. I looked back the way I just come from, realized that this man had dragged me by my hair for a whole block and a half."
"I'm past rate, you can try hated, grab a banana and pee on his head like he violated."
"This was a huge violation as well as having my heart broken."
"They might have talked themselves into believing it was scientific and for the greater good, but what they did was violate and nearly destroy an innocent girl."
"I feel so violated. I know like someone's been in our space."
"Screenshotting intimate text between us is a huge triggering violation for me and breach of trust as a friend."
"I invited him to do so, quoting which parts of the code he should indicate I was violating."
"When somebody does wrong, who they really violated is God because none of us have a heaven or hell to put people in."
"He smelled my hair and then he said it didn't smell nice."
"By firing the worker voyant violated the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabilities."
"The repeated violations of her probation conditions resulted in estasia being sentenced to 60 days in jail."
"It's a scary feeling, when that happens. You feel violated. You feel like your safety is compromised."
"Aaron Hall is an abomination, a direct violation of The Pact."
"It's not just about the money. It's about the time that you spent to make the money. Like when you have stuff stolen from you, you feel like you've been violated."
"'Most state officials were aware that the program violated the intent, if not the letter, of the 1967 [Greenway] Act.'"
"We are dealing with an ideology that not only violates the law of God the spiritual laws of God but it violates the physical laws of nature."
"When you violate that, you're violating the principle of the universe."
"I called the police who responded they told me that because he never said my name they can't prove it was a violation of the protection order."
"After Reg gets violated as he commonly does in this season, he then decides enough is enough and kicks her off of him."
"The violation of the 14th Amendment was not the result of a crazed mob, this was a city-sanctioned violation."
"Artificial feeding has much in common with rape... it's the violation of the victim's will."
"Plagiarism feels violating... to spend literal years of your life on a single project only to have someone come along and present said work as their own."
"It really is depressing... to have someone come along and rip myself and Levi off, it [__] bricked me."
"Coercing someone into changing their boundary is a violation of their autonomy."
"Detection for auto-wired violations in JUnit Jupiter."
"I'm scared. Guys, I'm scared. I got to get out of here. Why are we still so violated? You guys, we feel violated, offended, like, I feel, I feel like that was an attack on my life."
"It felt as if mine had been taken from me."
"They violated your privacy like I said, they violated you and they're about to be [__] violated too."
"You guys just violated my Fourth Amendment right. That's fine. You guys just violated my Fourth Amendment."
"It's a violation, dry isn't it? Don't repeat yourself."
"Abortion is actually the greatest human rights violation of our time."
"It feels wrong. This is a violation, a little bit."
"Don't read people's diaries. It's a huge violation of privacy."
"These are the kinds of things you hunt down when you're a purist."
"My privacy was violated like a lot. I felt unclean with myself a lot of the times."
"There are certain principles I will not violate, and this was one of them."
"There was a widespread feeling... that we had violated our obligations to society. We had been dishonest to them."
"Part of me wanted to tell the world to find meaning in my violation, but how could I without sounding insane?"
"That's not okay. It's not okay and everybody just goes on with life and we're all walking around like we're not being violated and we are right now."
"I pulled this car over for a equipment violation no tail lights."
"We have sued the federal government the city of Gloucester and an unprecedented action as a plaintiff suing the United States of America for violating its own laws."
"I have a young lady in the back driving with a license revoked."
"No person should be able to come in and violate your home."
"Somebody touching your property is so violating in so many ways."
"Listen to your intuition; you'll know in your gut when something has been violated."
"It was the most violating, just awful gut-wrenching feeling ever."
"...all of that was already taking up so much of my time and attention, this led to a lot of copy and pasting blocks of text into my mom had cancer, so I violated all of the trust that I had with my community. Very cool."
"It's feelings of utter violation, it's feelings of betrayal, its feelings of I mean it's truly it's a traumatic experience."
"It's very violating when somebody gets into your personal digital space. You kind of take for granted that you have privacy, but when it's taken or hacked into, it's jarring."
"$500 per violation and that's for the developer it's not for the licensee who might be selling the time shares it's for the developer."
"The one who violated this destroyed their real faith, even though their names stayed still say the Muslim name."
"Absolute violation at this point."
"It's just a feeling you have, being taken. I mean, yeah, exactly, like somebody came into your house and robbed you of everything you have."
"You can see that an action is both a violation of international criminal law and international humanitarian law during an armed conflict."
"This is a dereliction of duty and a violation of his oath."
"Every entangled state will violate some Bell inequality."
"Donald Trump made a purposeful choice to violate his oath of office."
"You've violated the rules by borrowing someone else's app."
"It's just like how I said prostitution. When people are already in it and they already feel violated, they're like, 'Well, I was already violated, I might as well keep getting violated.'"
"A violation of trust is still a violation."
"It's not a prank to violate somebody's boundaries."
"Your home is supposed to be sacred, your home is supposed to be safe. This is breaking that security."
"Administrative adjudication violates the Fifth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, and the Seventh Amendment."
"No one deserves this. That's such a violation."
"The core themes are strikingly similar: the story of Dena's violation and the subsequent takeover of Hymore City by Jacob's sons mirrors the central events of the Trojan War."
"The state is violating the Constitution every day, it's an ongoing violation."
"Almost like somebody had ripped inside her body and taken out anything that it was of any value."
"This is an invasive, upsetting, and dangerous crime perpetrated covertly."
"My reality was completely violated."
"It is an atrocity that violates every value we have not only as Americans but as moral beings."
"The wrongful incarceration of thousands of legal US citizens had become the largest violation of civil liberties in our nation's history."
"Rape is not sex; rather, it's a personal violation for any female or male victim."
"We have a constitution and we have principles that say that people are created equal... and we violate it every day."
"It's very personal - it's a real personal violation."
"It's a violation of a person's rights."
"One of the main reasons that I've seen as to why people get their eBay accounts banned is because they're selling items from China and then listing it as genuine."
"I think invasion of privacy is rampant, it's awful, it's hurtful."
"They had a duty to prevent substantial risks to the health and safety of baby Dylan, and they violated that duty."
"It's going to violate your imagination."
"Cutting off my head is in violation of well-being, irrespective of anybody's opinion, and that's a fact."
"The problem is with that is the direct violation of the United States Constitution."
"My sense of privacy has been shattered since that day."
"It's like a violation of your sanctuary."
"That's a terrible invasion of your privacy."
"We demand acknowledgment that Title 35 of the Georgia Code was violated when the officers told us to wait 48 hours before reporting Susanna as missing."
"People who think that they have the right to violate you or violate your rights or take away your rights is something that we should never tolerate in any society."
"I don't feel guilty because I violated some esoteric principle; I feel guilty because this is a person and I violated him in some way."
"If someone strips you, penetrates you, and sprints away, they're guilty."
"He took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time, my safety, my intimacy, my confidence, my own voice, until now."
"This treatment was in direct violation of our treaty made at Skeleton Canyon."
"Burglary is such a terrible crime because it is a violation of that sacred space."
"By reading another person's diary, you have violated the terms of your loan."
"Violating the expectation of validity and reliability is a fatal violation."
"Nothing was touched, nothing stolen; someone was inside my apartment just because they wanted to be inside of my apartment."
"I was mortified and angry, to say the least."
"There were innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by objects that quite frankly were just not supposed to exist."
"I feel like I have no idea who the person I'm living with is, and I feel weirdly violated."
"What do we do when Russia violates those rules? There have to be some penalties."
"If somebody has violated you externally, they have violated your body; you control whether they violate your soul and your spirit."
"They had no right to touch my locket."
"Infringement is when someone uses your image without your authorization."
"I felt violated, exposed, most of all, completely terrified."
"My heart dropped as I realized I had just gotten nearly completely naked while this device had been recording me."
"I felt so violated by the whole event."
"A doctor's moral code has been violated, the behavior of one of our very own has been totally unacceptable, unethical, and even shocking."
"This examination leads to the acknowledgement of a continuous, gradual, and extreme violation of the rules and principles of international law."
"She violated pretty much every tenet a prosecutor must abide by to seek truth and justice."
"The violation of sanctuary... that's the word I want."
"I just hate that for them, like I can't even imagine what that feels like to just wake up and just feel violated without being able to remember what happened to you."
"Slavery is a violation of basic human rights."
"When your house gets broken into, you feel violated, you don't feel safe anymore in that space."
"You kind of feel like it is your sanctuary... You feel violated, oh yes."
"You violated the very principle of your calling: do no harm."
"I never once doubted what you did to me ever. I trusted you with my body and my life."
"The thought of the invasion of privacy that this guy had done to us by taking our lives and putting them on tape."
"It didn't destroy the vehicle but it is a violation of requirements."
"Trust is earned, and if someone violates it, they have to earn it back."