
Snowman Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Snowman, you thick. Are you crazy? Look at that booty."
"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play."
"Another great hostess gift. This snowman is fun, and you could even carry that into the new year. And it's from Hallmark for $5."
"Okay guys I got to go build myself a homemade Snowman in Hawaii bye remember always stay happy and rise up bye."
"In February of 1999, people in Bethel, Maine, made one 113 feet tall with an eight-foot long carrot nose."
"Now we just need a carrot for a nose, some sticks for arms, some rat ears made out of snow, a tail made of rope, and cute button eyes."
"Hey, look at the snowman on this one, huh?"
"It just stood there, but not like any other snowmen; there was nothing welcoming about it."
"Snowman's really starting to take shape now."
"Squirty the Snowman is a jolly happy soul."
"This is Snowman, kind of a more old-fashioned snowman kind."
"I've never seen such a big snowman."
"That looks better than the original, like he's a proper little Roundy Snowman."
"I thought I smiled every time I looked at the little by little Snowman out in its natural habitat, and that makes me happy."
"I used to build a snowman every year when I was a kid."
"The thing I like about our snowman is he has a very nice personality."
"Frosty air, fluffy snow, Winter Wonderland, give us the chance to see snowman dance."
"That's all there is to making a snowman."
"Let's build a snowman!" "Yay, snowman!"
"Why don't we build an even bigger snowman?" "Bigger snowman!"
"We're going to make the biggest snowman in the world. The biggest snowman in the universe!"
"It's a snowman, quite a good one, isn't it? Like a real man."
"Did you know that the world's largest snowman was 11 stories tall?"
"And how cool is it that the world's largest snowman was 11 stories high!"
"This little snowman has been staring at me; he is so adorable."
"How cool is it that the world's largest snowman was 11 stories high!"
"Come on, everyone, we can build a snowman. Hooray!"
"I've always wanted to build a snowman."
"Little snowman had a carrot nose, along came a bunny, and what do you suppose? That hungry little bunny, looking for his lunch, ate the snowman's carrot nose. Nibble, nibble, crunch."
"That's a perfect snowman, jeez, goddamn, it's so spherical."
"I always wanted to be a snowman; the way they just rolled around carefree."
"Do you want to build a snowman? I do."
"You might want to see what a real snowman looks like."
"I've never built a snowman large enough that one person couldn't relocate it."
"What does a snowman eat for breakfast?"
"He's got a carrot for a nose, of course he has, he's a snowman."
"This Snowman will opt to help you in your quest as long as you don’t tell him your dirty little secret."
"Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman."
"Look outside, it's snow everywhere; I want to make a snowman, oh it's so cool."
"There's just something about a snowman that just makes you smile."
"This is Frozen. Do you want to build a snowman?"
"I would love to Build a Snowman, I hope there's a white Christmas."
"We are going to begin by actually attaching the eyes and the smile to the snowman first."
"You want to err on too much than not enough because it is a bit of a pain to attach more yarn in this section of the snowman process."
"So now you can see that our snowman is starting to have a little bit of character to them."
"He sparkly lights make me want to build a snowman."
"You can really change the personality of the snowman depending on how you do the smile."
"I love this little MDF snowman that I picked up at Dollar Tree."
"Super cute, I like the little snowman."