
Performances Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Starting with singers like Tupac, hologram performances are the most realistic way to display a performer on stage."
"It's also a shame, as there's a good story being told in well-made cutscenes with snappy writing and performances carrying a lot of the weight."
"It's the better script, better performances, and it's a daring film."
"The performances are spectacular across the board."
"It's dark comedy horror, great writing, and stupendous performances all around."
"Live performances, they're about to be valued differently."
"Performances like this one don't celebrate the war, they commemorate the fact that it ended."
"She's wonderful in the movie, all the performances top-notch, movie's great, utterly [__] satisfying."
"The performances are all amazing, particularly Lily Gladstone."
"It's a movie that I enjoy from beginning to end because I care about the characters and there's great performances here."
"Beyonce ain't turning down no bag ain't she the same one that performed for Muma Gaddafi before they killed him wasn't her Usher Mariah that was all out there in Libya performing in two step in Beyonce ain't turning out no damn bag you know."
"It's just so incredible when you see the performances."
"Plus, Gary Oldman, Toby Jones, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy and Mark Strong all deliver memorable, complex performances."
"His over-the-top fully committed performances even in his more subdued roles."
"This movie looks beautifully directed and shot, and the performances... just look so much fun."
"What an eventful first day... some incredible performances."
"It's not about the sky beams or the suit really, the characters and the performances are really good."
"To overcome fears and perform for thousands was the most amazing experience of my life."
"It's gripping. It's heart-wrenching. The performances from Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were amazing."
"He kept surprising us, delivering bone-chilling performances."
"I think it's a brilliant character Exploration with some pretty standout performances."
"This outing is a beautiful character-focused story with fantastic performances."
"That's one of my favorite performances of all time."
"Thanks to Star Trek, we have been blessed with so many strong performances across all of the various shows and films."
"Leaving behind a legacy of timeless performances."
"This show is giving us some of the best performances we've seen in the MCU."
"Tears in heaven and the unplug session were a huge commercial and artistic success."
"How consistently well-written it is, how fiery the performances are."
"I said sign me the heck up setup is basically the same will be hosting the event there will be other con goers that have signed up to perform and they can come in and strut their moves."
"The performances were great, over-the-top in the right way!"
"We've got gigs from here till the freaking ceiling."
"The best part is waking up in a new city and getting to see a new audience of people."
"Black Rain is certainly a film I would recommend. All the performances are fantastic."
"This was a fantastic film; I love the narrative, the acting, the performances were great, cinematically superior in many ways."
"the performances across all three specials from everyone were amazing there wasn't a single a single bad performance across the board."
"Grant became one of Hollywood's iconic leading men thanks to his charming personality and his ability to captivate audiences with his light-hearted performances."
"Pit received Academy Award nominations for his performances in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Moneyball."
"...I still think they could have done a better job with some of this casting I should note that I think Jack Black and Keegan Michael Key had some really good performances here..."
"the ensemble cast does a great job bringing the world to life brilliant performances all round and one of my favorite Ernest Borgnine roles as can be"
"The performances kind of carry this movie."
"Performances in particular Harry Kershaw and Charlie Russell and Nancy Zamit so funny so so funny."
"Harrison has given some wonderful performances and he's been part of three major franchises."
"one aspect of this movie that is criminally underrated is the acting Marvel movies rarely demand Great Performances there are numerous scenes in this movie where actors have to if it they're all and they do"
"I found the plot and performances very strong."
"A no-brainer, De Niro's performances in 'Goodfellas' and 'Taxi Driver' are unbeatable."
"Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin - loved him."
"Van Halen was known for its energetic live shows and for the virtuosity of its lead guitarist Eddie Van Halen."
"The performances are riveting and also, you know, researched."
"I want to take you film by film and consider Cazale's performances, consider his choices, consider how he enhances each film, and how he lifts the actors around him."
"The main performances are good, and it’s got heart — you just have to wade through a swamp of smeary CGI sludge and monotonous multiverse shit to get to it."
"What I like the most about it are the performances and the conversation."
"Man, I love the performances in this movie, although I will say that the accents, they come and go."
"Stellar performances bring the characters to life."
"The characters still have great expressions further excelled by the actors all giving wonderful performances."
"Great performances by Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto."
"I definitely enjoyed the performances by Uncle Red and of Marty and Jane."
"Characters and performances are all great where you have characters that feel like real people."
"You don't make money at music anymore, you make money at the live performances."
"Excellent movie. Man, Martin Scorsese knocked it out of the park with this one. The performances, guys, the performances in this movie are spectacular."
"The most interesting of the night, best supporting actor, which came down to two men: Robin Williams for a subtle and riveting performance in 'Good Will Hunting' and Burt Reynolds for his exceptional turn in 'Boogie Nights.'"
"There was no gigs, we played parties."
"The performances make it, and the way everything moves and is framed."
"The performances in this movie were probably the best thing to me. They were absolutely mind-blowing."
"The entire side cast is full of wonderful character actors and charming performances."
"It's just so funny to me that the two most memorable performances are dudes in a movie that is celebrating girl power and femininity."
"Performances kind of even out with the original."
"Performances are certainly worthy of top five."
"...there are a lot of unbelievable performances."
"Performances are good, it's full of stars."
"Friday and Saturday, only two shows Friday, two shows Saturday, those are almost sold out."
"Premium storytelling, premium character development, and premium performances."
"Several of his performances were iconic."
"In a way, no show will be like another."
"The production value is stellar, the music is fantastic, and the performances are all around pretty strong."
"Insomnia, by far Nolan's most underappreciated movie... even though he did not write this story, the cinematography, the way that he tells the story, and above all the two dueling performances of Al Pacino and Robin Williams really make this movie stand out."
"The performances in this movie are mind-blowing."
"In the 80s Van Halen famously requested M&Ms with all the brown candies removed backstage at their shows."
"The camper offers 125 performances, each of which can hold up to five rigs."
"...the Theatre Royal that stands today has the longest continuous record of performances of any Theatre in the world."
"I've been really, really lucky and blessed; my shows have been selling out."
"Queen Elizabeth or Aretha Franklin? Very different experiences, but I loved doing both."
"He often gave free performances at schools and people who knew him say he was always joking with the kids, always showing them he cared."
"I'm doing shows here in Boston and then in Atlantic City tomorrow, my friend Sal Volcano I've added to the shows."
"Elvis performed 837 consecutive shows at the International Theater over seven years."
"This year's event will have live stream performances by the great Luke Ski, Devo Spice, Worm Quartet, Insane Ian, TV's Kyle, and Lindzilla."
"Every show is so incredibly different."
"The visuals are dazzling, and the performances are mostly fantastic."
"The artists are all amazing, and I am super excited to see this giant freaking list of the top performances on The First Take."
"Thank you to everybody that showed up to my shows."
"You really are not going to want to miss out on the shows here in the Reflection Theater."
"Their electrifying performances attracted a diverse audience including celebrities such as David Bowie, Sly Stone, Janis Joplin, Cher, James Brown, Ray Charles, Elton John, and Elvis Presley."
"Spectacular performances defined a decade."
"I think if anything, it's going to make me more excited to watch the videos and the performances."
"This movie is just unbelievable, every performance in it is amazing."
"It goes to show that so many musicians loved Conan and when asked, anyone would go out of their way to perform for him."
"This feels like an Oscar drama because of the caliber of the performances and the writing."
"Inaugurations... are known for their pomp, their circumstance, their nerd glamour, often with memorable performances."
"We have seen some lovely shows inside the theater multiple nights of our sailing, including Aladdin, Frozen, and Believe."
"The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, and many more legends have all played here over the years."
"I think the one thing that is positive for me is the fact that I meet people after shows."
"Every time I've been on a cruise, I'm usually wowed by the performances."
"It's so cool to go around like, 'Oh this person now, this person.' You get to see so many people at once, it is fantastic and very inspiring."
"It was an incredible movie with some of the most powerful performances that I've seen in a while."
"I'm going everywhere, so come out and see me; we're having fun out here on the road."
"That's one thing with Metallica, they don't always just play the hits."
"Woodstock... I've seen this over and over and over again... Santana and Hendrix and 10 years after and Crosby, Stills, Nash and The Who and all these great bands playing."
"There's no two shows that are ever alike."
"She gave concerts throughout the continent and around the globe."
"We find ourselves at the Royal Theater, of course, where Broadway productions will be done."
"House of Gucci is like Vice, not everybody will like it, but it will have enough people who think it's really fun and love the performances."
"Countless superstars, breathtaking performances like Elvis Presley's swaying hips, The Beatles' groundbreaking debut, and countless more would be on display."
"A race to the finish line between two of the most legendary dramatic performances in cinema history."
"Norwegian Cruise Line has some of our favorite signature productions at sea."
"I like meeting people after my shows, I definitely like doing that."
"I love good writing, love great performances."
"Thank you for all the great music over the years and of course all the Great Performances."
"I think it's just an audience that means a lot to me, especially because there have been so many amazing performances this year."
"My favorite part about Super Bowl season is obviously not the football, but it is the series of watching back old Super Bowl performances and really getting in the mood."
"Wonderful shows here at night: silent discos, steel drum bands, all sorts of performers."
"I'm so grateful to my fans who come to all my gigs."
"I'm blessed to be going wild in the place, from L.A. to Colombia, putting smiles on their face."
"From morning to night, world-class performances bring smiles to faces everywhere."
"Mara Adams leaves behind a legacy of groundbreaking performances and memorable roles that have enriched the tapestry of American television."
"Thank you for that, it means the world to me that you guys are coming out to my shows."
"Fantastic performances by Kathy Bates, James Caan, I highly love, I recommend that movie, awesome."
"Nothing but really good came from it, like from Viola Davis as Waller, John Cena as Peacemaker."
"I think it's a beautiful film, a worthy remake, and has some fantastic performances."
"One of my favorite parts of moving to New York is that you could see a good show or two every night of the week."
"I can't stop watching that film. The performances, I mean, Robert Downey Jr., Cillian Murphy, I can't believe how good that movie actually is."