
Mozart Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Listening to some Mozart...it's just a superlative piece of work."
"He's just not good. He's just not as good as Amadeus."
"He loves and appreciates Mozart's compositions."
"What does Mozart do in his grave? Decompose."
"Mozart's chart is one of the most used charts in books on harmonics."
"Mozart fell into a deep depression but wrote some of his most famous works during this time."
"Mozart died on December 5th, 1791, at the age of only 35."
"The divine Mozart to the supremacy of melody."
"Mozart to play where he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart make baby smarter."
"I love all operas, but most of all, Mozart. And one day I will tell you 'Don Giovanni' is my favorite, and the next day 'The Marriage of Figaro.'"
"His unerring instinct for what it is to be human, coupled with his extreme virtuosity as a creative artist, these are the reasons why Mozart is music."
"For me, Mozart was the greatest taskmaster and I'm so fortunate that I began my career singing ten years of Mozart because I also credit Mozart as one of my most demanding voice teachers."
"Mozart's legacy is a testament to the power of music and the strength of the human spirit."
"Even in his last moments, Mozart was able to create music that will be remembered and cherished for generations to come."
"His music continued to be played and loved by people all over the world."
"It was like Mozart was still with us, speaking to us through his beautiful melodies and harmonies."
"Mozart's music continues to inspire and influence musicians, proving that his genius is timeless."
"His music resonates with our hearts, moves our souls, and reminds us of the power and beauty of human creativity."
"Mozart's compositions...went through a certain revolutionary experience of the mind out of which you have a complete transformation in his own already beautiful compositions."
"Without going into too much detail, Valtter's Mozart was just great."
"Mozart made a big noise in the music world."
"I'm gonna go Mozart especially because of that Cadence."
"Mozart was an unbelievable prodigy, let's not kid ourselves he was incredible."
"Mozart certainly was and wrote some of his most adorable and dramatic music for it."
"Mozart was never at his best in Sacred Music, but this is a good one; it's lovely."
"The quintets are the miracles of Mozart's chamber music."
"Did you know Mozart wrote his first opera when he was 12?"
"The string quintet that Mozart invented was a completely unique creation for him."
"When Mozart was motivated by a musical desire to see what he could do with the medium, amazing things happened."
"Mozart's music is bigger, meaning longer, larger, more complex, more intricate, more full of music than any other composer who had come before him."
"With the quintets, we're in a different world because Mozart has that extra viola and it makes all the difference."
"Mozart, the divine Mozart, remains to be rediscovered, and perhaps needs to be rediscovered by each succeeding generation."
"Music seems to pour out of Mozart."
"Don Giovanni, by Mozart. That was the one we had a run at acting out particular scenes of. We enjoyed it."
"Mozart wrote six fabulous piano trios... they are extremely rewarding pieces."
"Mozart concert at the state Opera and it was so freaking good, highly highly highly recommend it."
"It was in this very room at the age of six that the young Mozart gave his first concert."
"Not even Mozart, one of the greatest of musical dramatists, could have invented the drama of his own premature end."
"These were quite possibly the happiest years of Mozart's life."
"Mozart really invented the form as far as the Classical period is concerned."
"Mozart had mastered the human voice."
"To understand what makes Mozart one of the great musical geniuses, you need look no further than his late operas."
"Which Mozart opera concludes with the title character being dragged down to hell? Don Giovanni."
"Mozart has been described as the man who brought together the two remaining pieces of the puzzle."
"Mozart performed a lot of his concertos himself because he was super awesome."
"Mozart's trademark style is a beautiful lyrical melody."
"Mozart's final symphony... is so remarkable because at the end of the fourth movement there's a five-part feud going on."
"Mozart's super famous piece for chamber ensemble called 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik'."
"Mozart in his short lifetime... wrote about 200 hours of music."
"It all reveals the absolute genius of Mozart, doesn't it?"
"Mozart was the unparalleled master of the classical concerto."
"Mozart is seen as being in a league of his own when it came to child prodigies."
"There's a little something for everyone, and that is the key to understanding what Mozart's music was really about."
"Mozart's music has an overall surface elegance, a sheen on it which is aided by a kind of surface level chromaticism."
"He composed in his head and he wrote it down later."
"Mozart listened to it once, wrote it down, went back, made a few changes, and lo and behold, he transcribed it."
"Despite that, it's still one of Mozart's most popular piano pieces."
"Mozart's minor key compositions are so interesting because he composed so few of them."
"For nearly a century and a half, people actually had no idea that Mozart didn't in fact write the last 10 bars of the piece."
"This is definitely Mozart at his most dramatic."
"He played his first classical piece, which was a minuet written by Mozart when Mozart was five."
"We still talk about Mozart... that's how gifted they were."