
Impressive Quotes

There are 1222 quotes

"Hong Kong is very much the most impressive, futuristic, beautiful, imposing, amazing, classy place."
"This guy is so entertaining, it's unbelievable."
"The amount of content is really unbelievable."
"From Far Away... this series just blew my expectations out of the water."
"These figures are definitely very impressive."
"Simple, elegant, and seriously impressive: griddle pineapple with spiced caramel, a delicious treat all to yourself that tastes even better shared."
"That's awesome beautiful and so you've sang I believe it's thousands of songs uh which is mind-boggling."
"This game is shockingly good and extremely satisfying to play."
"What an amazing rocket to talk about and yes a Delta for heavy also talked about in an upgrade document about possibly implementing uh cross-seat but never did."
"That was one of the coolest rtls Landings I have ever seen."
"This is definitely going to be a wow factor for anybody who steps into this interior."
"I'm learning how to speak Dothraki. Color you impressed?"
"One of the largest and most impressive Gothic cathedrals in the world."
"This thing is such a massive flex from top to bottom."
"He Nails the essence of him it's so it's astounding."
"Dr. Sleep... this movie had no right to be as amazing as it was."
"Are you kidding me? Absolutely mind-blowing!"
"LeBron did win Rookie of the Year averaging 23 and a half seven assists... amazing season."
"The Moog SureFly... a two-seat hybrid aircraft that's well impressive."
"Miss Venezuela... she gave such a killer performance in my opinion."
"I may have undersold Terry... a total badass."
"This is going to be looked back on as one of the most, if not the most significant, most impressive..."
"He caught it while running full sprint like literally as if he gave birth to the ball and it was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen."
"Win streaks honestly don't come more impressive than Jose Aldo's."
"General Kozue, this dude is pretty sick looking."
"Magnus controls the game without even moving. This is sickening stuff."
"Their new line of designs for the guard are incredibly impressive."
"Super impressive for a brand new early access game."
"The culinary scene here completely blew me away."
"It's really blowing my mind in almost every area."
"What a great first touch, left foot near post goal back in the net."
"Out of all these movies that have some of the coolest scenes I've ever seen..."
"Wow, it straight up just highlights and circles... that's really impressive."
"That pick, one of the nastiest picks I've ever seen. Like straight up, you know what I said, it was just a cool, cool, like that. It was nasty though."
"The shy and Rookie are simply put, incredible."
"It's time for a room tour. Spoiler alert: it's incredible."
"Luke is just a fucking beast to be honest, the only way to describe it."
"This player has been in fuego with his approach shots."
"And they increase their lead, this is impressive."
"The Texas Cyclone dazzled guests and critics."
"That's impressive. That's really, really impressive."
"The little sauce in the middle, like come on, like that is actually legendary."
"Looks incredible actually... shoots pretty hard."
"17 consecutive wins, the run of 21. It's been historic, amazing, incredible."
"It's a beautiful throw, just one of those nonchalant, 'wait what did I just see' moves."
"This is a truly impressive vehicle, really, really excellent."
"That is so effortless, that is really impressive."
"It will blow your mind, it will blow your mind, it really does."
"I love the transitions between everything. This is the best presentation I have ever seen."
"He looks like a guy that guy could swivel his whole entire waist around, do a whole 180 with his waist, he looks unreal."
"It's just absolutely impressive and really does take this figure to a whole new level."
"This run is epic, this could sit here for a long time, for years in my opinion if no one touches it."
"Behemoth is genuinely incredible in every way conceivable."
"The work being done by Dan Mulvanna is breathtaking."
"Numbers for Driveclub are still pretty impressive."
"Patrick Mahomes had one of the most dominant seasons ever by a quarterback and this was only his first year as a starter. 50 touchdown passes! Whoa, it's a lot."
"One of Disney's most impressive attractions to date."
"Even considering that, Wisconsin's turnout was massive on an unprecedented scale."
"Ruin had a few somber moments but this silent one where you find Bonnie... it is impressive."
"It is very impressive and I described it as being at the intersection of art and liability."
"Rise of the Resistance is incredible. It's the most epic attraction Disney has ever created."
"Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, this ride is really impressive."
"Liverpool's result on Sunday was very impressive."
"That is actually goddamn fantastic, holy cow."
"I'm absolutely amazed at how great these turned out."
"It's just really quite impressive how they actually captured all that design element."
"The speakers with the DTS X are gonna blow your way, the sound is crazy."
"It's like lightning trying to recreate lightning in a bottle."
"It's extremely impressive like Call of Duty."
"Regardless whether they're small or tall, it's clear that these infernos are pretty incredible."
"It's a very impressive looking motorcycle. It looks fast standing still."
"That's therapeutic, wow, that is impressive."
"This game is weird man, but breathtaking nonetheless."
"21 hours is a legit mind-boggling amount of juice for any piece of technology."
"Literally a beast, there is no better way to describe this than an insane beast of a car."
"It combines the best of both into one unique, wow, wonderful package."
"A miraculous comeback." - EHOME's impressive turnaround.
"It just looks like an amazing Millennium Falcon model."
"The dinos on the stand well over 2000 horsepower to the rear wheels."
"Absolutely spectacular, well worth checking out."
"It's pretty incredible for such a small package."
"One of the most impressive road maps that we've seen in some time."
"Can we just say these look so cool... big forms sticking out of it, I think we'll all be impressed."
"The most impressive room in the house is really the kitchen."
"It's beyond impressive what he's accomplished over the years; it's questionable motives but impressive nonetheless."
"Ahead of her time, she was really impressive."
"This MacBook Air is pretty impressive; it's also fanless so it is completely silent."
"It remains one of the most impressive sites of the ancient world."
"My goodness, that is pretty amazing."
"That is impressive, it's hard to look at it and not be happy."
"The vocal technique utilized here is actually very impressive."
"That was the craziest front double I've seen in a long time."
"That was literally one of the more impressive bodybuilders I've seen."
"From my testing of around 200 miles of driving, I netted around 57 miles per gallon which is actually really impressive for a car of its size."
"The car will get to 60 miles an hour in a tested 7.03 seconds which is actually pretty impressive to say the least."
"300,000 miles on an original battery and an original motor is not enough to impress you?"
"But we're kind of being impressed by the way that the Munich makers managed to retain so much of this car's eager dynamic character."
"A seriously impressive collection."
"That's a proper geek out zone, isn't it?"
"It's a little bit James Bond, isn't it?"
"It's very, very impressive and very, very clever thinking."
"I'm genuinely blown away; that is a single-speed bike, and it absolutely conquered that hill."
"It's the old school analog feel of a 911 but improved with all sorts of truly impressive and amazing details."
"Yeah, all this came together as quite an impressive product back in 1991."
"This has been really impressive by Kentucky."
"It's definitely a wow wow wow wow of a room."
"I'm impressed. Everything I used was fire."
"Spectacle: a remarkable or impressive sight."
"Really impressive pace here from SpaceX."
"It looks like 14 miles per hour is going to be the minimum speed, though it held me at 15 for most of the way, so very impressive."
"What a move, wow, talk about pressure on that move as well."
"She pretty much told everybody to suck a peepee, and honestly, that's pretty impressive."
"This system just continues to impress."
"The shoe that just blew everyone's mind."
"It's unbelievable, imagine this in front of 80,000 people."
"It's really easy to make, really fun, and super impressive."
"Our first five stars goes to Brazil, very very impressive."
"It was nothing short of spellbinding and jawdropping the whole way through."
"Corey Jade was impressive right there on the Swanton Bomb off the top of the cage."
"It's an impressively well-done ARG."
"Kind of knocks your socks off, doesn't it?"
"Preternatural means above and beyond, really impressive, almost supernatural, but not quite."
"Okay well that was the most badass entrance."
"The amount of research that has gone into this is mind-blowing, absolutely mind-blowing."
"This is such a cleaner looking finish to it and it is just so impressive."
"What’s even more impressive, it does all that and it references REAL star systems!"
"This is a great TV, I'm pretty impressed to be honest."
"That was an impressive display of restraint."
"One of the best IPS screens that we have ever seen."
"These ribs were a force to be reckoned with."
"The one that impressed me the most is definitely the jaguar with its speed and strength."
"This looks like something out of a Thor movie."
"This is probably one of our more impressive projects we've ever done."
"He's announced himself on the scene hasn't he? Really impressive from Oscar."
"It's just one of the most impressive business stories I have ever heard."
"...an impressive feat no matter how you look at it."
"That was about a five-second run and that was one of the coolest five-second runs I've ever seen."
"...the fact that it is so quiet as well when it uses quite a lot of power I think is very impressive."
"...the truth should be impressive enough."
"That's sick, that is actually really sick."
"Roma's response was straight fire."
"What a marker he's just laying down, absolutely incredible, honestly."
"Novakov has just blown my mind today."
"This is impressive. It's impressive."
"The flavor was actually really impressive."
"So yeah, very impressive, I've got to say."
"Quite possibly the best AI generated music we've ever seen to date."
"You gotta admit, that is good, that is very impressive and very competitive."
"This travel trailer has a huge wow factor."
"The fact that you can adjust each part of this bike independently is really impressive."
"...the whole package is very, very impressive."
"Holy crap, that mid-range punch! I am quite impressed with how well this is calibrated and how well this is driving right now."
"This is impressive, that is properly impressive."
"Wow, it is very impressive though that they managed to build this whole ass thing."
"The really incredible thing is this guy's got six fights and it says he's only been training MMA for nine months. That's very impressive right there of its own."
"Incredible first and third for Americans, never seen this before."
"That scene is just awesome for what they're showing."
"This is next level. I got goosebumps."
"This car is extremely impressive."
"Very impressive, I'm not sure exactly how they even get that, but very cool."
"It's mind-blowing how well this technology works, it's great really is."
"I mean this is this vehicle is like a Transformer I mean at one point it's it's this really fairly comfortable GT and then suddenly it becomes this machine this this this racing machine wow this is super impressive."
"Really impressive look, luxurious atmosphere, awesome materials."
"The Grinch build looks incredible."
"I have no idea how they're doing this because this is so tiny it's on the inside of the bottle so you're kind of like painting blind almost and the hole in the top is so little I mean you can't move around very much this is crazy impressive."
"Whoa this video is a guy who does crazy trick shots and I love this I love I want to know how many times it took for these things to happen but the fact that they're happening at all is incredible."
"When you let it run on the motorway for example, so really impressive of here today."
"Pretty impressive... two million dollars in one tournament alone."
"It's even more impressive when we max it out."
"He has learned to give up control though and it's impressive."
"It was messy as hell, but damn it worked and I was pretty impressed with that nice little hack."
"Nice little hack and a lot more impressive than my dodgy hand tool skills."
"This show is aesthetically gorgeous and remains one of the most impressive looking ones under the Marvel Brand."
"This was a very impressive performance by the Auburn Tigers worthy of the number one ranking."
"This turbo blue color, when you look at that, it's fantastic."
"...just an amazing stat, 25 offensive rebounds."
"This fight was damn near more impressive finale for me."
"We made a lightning bolt that totally jumped a long way, that was impressive."
"It's a nice size unit... we're sitting here we're chilling on the sofa... for the motorhome to be 27 feet 5 inches, that's pretty impressive."
"Her magical powers are quite impressive."
"...that is huge. The number of athletes right now who are capable of 170 Plus in this category is just a treat to behold."
"Clutch performance from Evan Singleton right there."
"Probably one of the best opening titles I've seen."
"It's as impressive as the number five spots upset is surprising."
"I'm always impressed by what great photos you can take with the camera on an iPhone."
"It's amazing how physically imposing this car is on the road."
"One of the most amazing villains that Marvel ever had."
"That's a pretty damn impressive title defense."
"Joanna absolutely steals the show."
"The internet is chronically horny it's all the time impressive it's impressive yeah honestly it impresses me it impresses us all."
"Some of the most impressive car builds in the world can be found here."
"...we do have a full review on the little welder, so definitely check that out because we were actually really impressed."
"I actually think this looks Sensational in person."
"That was impressive. I'm super glad because if I didn't know how to do that or figure that out then this kind of would have been a trashed project."
"That's impressive. That's a good step."
"He's been so impressive... he's done it all."
"For my money that was one of the most impressive performances I've seen in Combat Sports"
"He's got a very impressive vinyl collection."
"Martini was strong enough to handle smokeless which is impressive."
"Huge underfloor storage here. This whole vehicle seems to be about maximizing storage, and I'm really impressed with it."