
Misidentification Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Lenticular clouds are stationary, unmoving clouds frequently confused for UFOs thanks to that strange saucer-like shape."
"The monsters aren't elves, they're children, human children."
"Facial recognition technology decided Robert Williams was a thief based on a misidentified photo."
"It wasn't Britain's kidnapper... she's an Iranian."
"I think Love Actually American movie it looks like the Kingsmen but isn't the Kings"
"What we have here is an eight-foot weather balloon."
"This isn't a worm, this isn't a pig. It's a fungus, a thread fungus."
"Own it. You got it wrong. You didn't know who it was in the first place."
"But I don't thought he was Iverson trying to step over the uh I mean Paul."
"Obvious culprits for audio misidentification are known animals."
"Just to avoid any confrontation or mistakes, Mr. Ball, okay fine, Mr. Baldwin, fine."
"It's not a severed finger, it's a glass beaker. Haha, boring."
"Could it have been a balloon? Perhaps. Probably not an airplane since those didn't exist."
"I thought it was you I was gonna slap your ass really hard because I thought you were like Ben."
"Rocket is a rabbit guys guys look! Rocket is a rabbit guys guys look, there's a cute little rabbit in the sink!"
"We're not really ghost hunters, we're thrill seekers."
"It wasn't a bear though, Bears don't leave wounds like that."
"It's okay that not everything that bears slight resemblance to the enemy is actually the enemy."
"Wow is that your wife dude is that god I think I think it might be God"
"These algorithms lack the human ability to distinguish between people searching for a particular kind of wardrobe and people searching for missing people's names."
"Technically it wasn't an agency bunker but like, it still was very secretive."
"This is somebody who just has no real affiliation with the gang."
"This gangly looking tomato plant is in fact a tomatillo."
"That's no buff Crow, that's your everyday Crow sunbathing."
"Please stop handing us menus in Braille when we go out to eat. We are not blind."
"Street Fighters' M. Bison is actually Mario."
"When Jesus conquered death in a garden, the women mistook him as a gardener."
"Not a real crocodile, a crocodile... the drug."
"Recognized that wasn't the Ten of Cups, it was some toxic thing."
"Highlighting the extremes is often the most compelling and illuminating way to understand how generally fragile our grip is on concepts like basic probability or identifying your attacker."
"Kelly apparently looked like she couldn't breathe and was straining to take a breath, but this video wasn't from Thursday night; that video was from weeks before she ever went missing."
"He's so confused, he's so confused, no, no, no, no, it's not Robin, bro, put two and two together, come on!"
"I am happy, robot misidentified candy bar."
"And although it looks like a cactus, it's actually a succulent."
"That's not cheese in that basket, it's prosciutto."
"Oh, he's supposed to be Georgia. I'm done."
"You're white all of Brennan Tower Hamlets your name's Keiran Sudbury."
"Ninety to ninety-five percent of cases are prosaic objects that people misidentified."
"What is that? That's a meerkat you know what's up Carl, look like Miss Garfield, soccer Lakewood you look like Miss Garfield."
"He thought I was The Dawn, they just bring the [__] to me."
"I thought it was your light-sphere-whatever!"
"Luna Cola Ludicolo Ludicolo is that the."
"DNA inside her panties, those were not her panties that were on her."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, this isn't a trout, this isn't a trout, this is a big walleye!"
"I thought this was Zunyanberg at first."
"I thought I broke my tailbone but it's literally the one right above it."
"I think what's going to happen is that he's going to liken these to being some sort of a paintball gun or being mistaken for a paintball gun."
"The Solway Firth Spaceman is in fact Jim's wife Annie."
"The CIA themselves believed that over 50 percent of reports of all unidentified aerial phenomena throughout the 50s and 60s were merely people citing the U2 spy plane."
"Mystery tree beast turns out to be croissant."
"Eyewitness identification has led to most convictions where defendants were later proved innocent through DNA profiling."
"How many other mislabeled creatures might be hiding in the archives of our museums and scientific institutes?"
"It was not an innocent Flitterbloom but a cutting of Devil's Snare."
"Oh my gosh, yeah, that ain't no dolphin, fam, that's a lot of death right there."
"This isn't a fish," he cried out excitedly, "it's a rubber mask turned inside out."
"He's not a kitty, he's a baby panther."
"A Canadian DNA laboratory knowingly delivered paternity test results that regularly misidentified biological fathers."