
Economic Dependency Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."
"We cannot be overly dependent on any one country, any one shipping lane, any one product, any one natural resource."
"We're in a similar position in the world in 2008 where standards of living are artificially propped up by debt and so once that gives out everyone will be a lot poorer which will create massive social instability."
"The legacy of French colonial rule left the Central African Republic vulnerable to economic dependency."
"East Asian nations would be the hardest hit due to their dependence on Chinese Goods."
"It's our biggest trading partner... if Europe's on fire they're not prosperous."
"These countries have their monetary policy controlled by France; they have an absence of monetary sovereignty. France holds a de facto veto on the central banks within the CFA Franc Zone."
"Germany relies on that pretty much... without migrant workers, Germany's economy wouldn't be as robust as it is."
"It's like a third of China's GDP if it doesn't keep growing they are in some serious trouble."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"Those who are paying interest, those who are paying mortgages, those who are borrowing money are always going to be the slave."
"We have seen countries become dependent on their creditors."
"We've been on life support for 14 years and this system cannot live without life support."
"It’s difficult to overstate the significance of the compact—it’s the basis for the entire modern economic and political system of the Marshalls."
"We don't need that but we got addicted to it. We're addicted to inflation and bitcoin's a savior period. That's the point of the stream."
"Even this extension of social restrictions for six months will affect those areas of the economy most dependent on social interaction."
"If you destroy its manufacturing capabilities in the high-tech industry then you destroy the world economy."
"It's not true that America needs China more, China actually needs America more."
"There's no quick fix; the EU is in a difficult situation. It's going to take time and money and effort to be able to switch away from the relationship that it's got with Russia right now."
"One of their biggest weaknesses is that they are very reliant on commodity imports."
"So, we have a hard time understanding a strong state, but the one thing that we all need is we do need China to get through this, and we do need China... It is the factory of the world."
"Truck drivers may be the most powerful group of people in this country."
"The government's extreme intervention has resulted in an economic and financial system now dependent upon ever more stimulus."
"What if we lose Amazon because the consumer gets weaker?"
"China is dependent on capital from the rest of the world."
"A throbbing artery of the nation's economic lifeblood."
"The U.S. market is a junkie in really bad shape, and they must go through rehab."
"Many of my clients are small mom-and-pop landlords, people who live off of the income from their tenants just to survive, like retirement."
"Energy is incredibly important, and oil is effectively the hemoglobin of our modern system."
"Poverty is the overall state of depending on a system or a more lesser welfare system."
"The livelihood of the American people depends on it because it absolutely does."
"When them cash apps don't flow, when the shares don't come, when the information is not dolled out, when we don't see because you can see when somebody is taking heed to your message, facts."
"You now have control because you've turned global economies into essentially a welfare state that's dependent on you."
"However they do depend on our dollar they might not admit it they might not admit it but they depend on."
"Being an integrated part of the global economy is a prerequisite for that level of wealth, which means the rest of the world can simply play the economic sanctions card against you."
"Local businesses need tourists to provide the money that supports them."
"We're creating an underclass of people totally dependent on American taxpayers."
"What if China just one day said, 'Yo, we're not gonna make your stuff anymore'?"
"Whatever happens here is dictated to by the big guys, specifically America."
"The economies of all Three Amigos had become quite reliant on each other; terminating the deal without a replacement would utterly kneecap the North American economy."
"We cannot sit and let weeds sit on the shelves in Northern California; that is our bread and butter, that is our mortgage payment, that feeds our dog."
"It's not they who need our money; it's we who need their money."
"It's our livelihood, you know. If we lose our jobs, we potentially lose our houses and everything else. It's kind of a domino effect."
"The experience of the COVID has demonstrated that a number of economies were feeling that they were badly in need of the components they were used to."
"Guyana's rapid economic growth threatens to make them over-reliant on oil production."