
Outsourcing Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"You can literally pay people to write the scripts, do the voiceovers, edit the videos, make the thumbnails, and all you have to do in that process is come up with video ideas and upload and optimize the finished videos."
"You tried to cut my team in half, so I outsourced your entire department."
"Moral of the story: if you don't know how to do something, it's okay to pay someone to do it."
"Outsourcing editing has given me more time with my baby and made balancing work easier."
"So many clean energy jobs have no ability to be outsourced."
"Homer becomes manager of the power plant when it's outsourced to India."
"When the going got tough in business, David Perdue outsourced American jobs overseas."
"Outsource everything else, but don't outsource the thing that makes the money or the impact."
"Outsourcing saves you time and gets the client better results."
"All the production of this channel is me. I do my own bitch work and then I outsource my editing work to William."
"Outsourcing was a great thing that India innovated and invented."
"The impulse to outsource our critical thinking and our evaluation is a really bad instinct."
"They use their money to buy back their time... If you can pay somebody 25 an hour to cook for you and your time is worth fifty dollars an hour well you just bought your time back and made a profit."
"It's definitely worth potentially hiring Freelancers on Fiverr."
"You have the potential to outsource over the next coming weeks."
"I give that to you as like just a word of caution and wisdom if you do go on those sites and you hire somebody to do Google ads for you."
"And then eventually when you see a big enough change in like how much you're making and how much people are purchasing then I think it's time to outsource it."
"A vote for crooked Joe means the future of the Auto industry will be made in China."
"Biden spent his entire career sending American jobs to China and other far away countries..."
"It's going to create more jobs... that can't be outsourced."
"Outsourcing the editing of videos... completely changed my life."
"What's my prediction for the future? A lot of [ __ ] gonna be outsourced to computers."
"Outsourcing editing has completely changed my life."
"A critical question that all businesses face... Do we invest the time and the resources to do this work internally or do we contract it out and have an external partner do it with us?"
"Well, in the beginning we try to contract those things out, but at Tesla and SpaceX, we start with most things contracted out."
"We're seeing a very fragile ecosystem in logistic terms through outsourcing and globalization."
"Music is an organic journey, gather new pieces of information as you go."
"India is the king of outsourcing. 80% of European and US outsourcing is in India."
"You don't have to build websites, run ads, or do social media. It's that simple: research, write, outsource, upload."
"Wars like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan became unpopular because America doesn't like to see its children coming home dead. There's now an agreement to outsource the conflict."
"Sometimes it's better to just get someone that knows what they're doing and pay them for their knowledge."
"Outsourcing is very, very important. As you're creating profit online, reinvesting back into the business, hiring somebody that can take over tasks for you that you just don't need to be doing anymore."
"Once you have your system down, you're ready to outsource."
"I can go on fiverr.com and get someone to make a better design for under a hundred dollars."
"I mean the whole idea of outsourcing people are outsourcing because labor's cheaper overseas. That's just like true."
"If I can outsource or automate something, do it."
"People sometimes contract everything out and they're disconnected from the process. They don't understand how important this step is."
"I've been Outsourcing the editing part of some of my thumbnails recently because it saves so much time."
"So if you're thinking, 'Well, I don't have the time,' well, almost every single step in the business can be outsourced. And that's actually one of the best things about Amazon KDP."
"Ford doesn't make the entirety of a Ford. The gearbox, the air conditioning system, the brakes, the wheels, all sorts of stuff sometimes even the engine is made by someone else."
"Once I'm making enough money, I'd consider hiring an agency."
"A lack of deals or it's a lack of systems, right? And guess what, a virtual assistant can solve both of those."
"If you're bad at Photoshop just buy from a designer."
"...if you try with reasonable pressure to remove something and you can't do it nine times out of ten calling a detailer will be cheaper than continuing to do what you're trying to do to fix it."
"Outsource certain things; it can save you a lot of time."
"Use managed services when you can."
"It makes up for two things the buyer lacks - they lack the talent to do this themselves and they lack the time."
"Instead of having to vectorize stuff and clean it up all the time, you can actually, for a very reasonable price, get this stuff done professionally."
"I hire somebody... either from Task Rabbit."
"If you're not a professional designer, paying for someone to create your cover is the best choice."
"It's just life. If you can't be organized you got to pay somebody who is."
"If you can Outsource something for 1/4th of what your own hourly rate is, you should always Outsource that."
"Our tax and regulatory reforms are stopping the outsourcing of jobs, where they outsource all your jobs to other countries, and keeping businesses in America where they belong."
"If there is even like a chance that you can do something yourself, you should do it yourself. You should not be paying somebody else to do it."
"Virtual assistance has become super popular in recent years because more and more businesses and entrepreneurs are recognizing the benefits of outsourcing projects."
"Let's go ahead and find these people to build us a website."
"You don't have to worry about creating the product, delivering the product, or even customer service."
"Most people when they do this video they'll hire someone random off of Fiverr or something."
"Bravo, well done. You know I'm also just generally a big fan of outsourcing things and letting other people make the decision for me."
"The beauty of this business model is that you only have to create the designs, printing and shipping are handled by t-shirt suppliers."
"The best investment I ever made was hiring my virtual assistant."
"Pay other people to deal with your problems. Focus on the things that make you happy and add value."
"We created a kind of ethos that we blame the victim as if well because they you're not making that much money or somebody can do something cheaper abroad than it should fall."
"We actually hired a few things out like the floors and the walls and the trim all being painted and finished so in my opinion, we've made even more progress than I expected."
"Hire people to help you get things done...you can actually hire someone to stand in line for you to put the electric bill in your name or the water bill to pick up your new car registration down at the DMV."
"So, I employed somebody in Thailand for very little money at that time as well, right, to just go down to each of the dealerships."
"We're blessed where we've grown our business to a point where it made sense for us to hire an editor and hire out other people to make short-form content."
"Location doesn't matter in terms of is it local if you're going to Outsource all of it."
"If they want to take American jobs, they should move to India."
"View [Outsourcing] as an investment and not a cost."
"You want to start Outsourcing more tasks such as hiring ghostwriters to write the book for you and expand into different book types like high content books."
"He's not doing the things he hates because it has to be done, he's automated them, he's outsourced them or whatever."
"Outsourcing is not necessarily just to save money. It can also be used to save time and obtain a better quality."
"It's important to note that if you use a payroll software like gusto they will handle all of these documents for you."
"Design your products and then production, inventory, and shipping are handled for you, saving you time and money."
"...anyways, I hope that with the information in this video you're able to either decide whether you have the skills to do this on your own or if you need to hire somebody."
"Anything that is not your core competency, you need to make sure that you're using the best in class outside solution for."
"Hire people to do stuff that you suck at."
"You're gonna have to wait, and so, you know, my contractors just started getting spoiled because I would pay them so quick."
"You gotta build your business from the outside and not the inside out, so you really gotta try to learn to outsource certain things."
"You are just creating the designs, uploading them, and then they take care of the rest."
"The customer ultimately remains accountable for the protection of any data and services they outsource to the cloud."
"Outsource the right things, not just the most obvious things."
"Pay somebody. Don't be afraid to hire people to make things easier and run smoother."
"Shame on these companies doing this to us. Hire some nice American workers."
"No one's putting soups in the national defense. You see any soups over the 38th parallel shelling Yanks? Gonna ask for their Nuke. And one of my guys will catch it. No one wants to outsource to you. America runs on weapons. Why have average when you can have extraordinary?"
"You can always outsource, I started off by outsourcing my printing, my design, and and and labor until eventually I had people doing it full-time here."
"Watching someone else build my garden office was one of the best things I've ever done in my life."
"I'm starting to think like economically where it's like the amount of time I would spend cleaning everything how much would it cost to pay someone to do that."
"If I say the word trade people actually think what we are doing is outsourcing their work. It's actually 100% the opposite."
"No, we will not go back to an economy weakened by outsourcing, bad debt, and phony financial profits."
"Outsourced functions are those functions that were previously carried out in-house but then for reasons of advantage which I'll show you now, the organization decides to outsource them to give them to a third party on a contract."
"Focus on your strengths and outsource the rest."
"Outsource the thing you're the least good at."
"If necessary, hire a third party. Go to the outside, find the contract auditor, or somebody, and bring them in to cover the specialized areas."
"After a while, you'll be able to outsource, hire people out."
"Consider seriously of hiring a virtual assistant."
"So now when we talk about data center network design, if your company's fully cloud, you don't really have to concern yourself with how they design the network because they handle it for you."
"When it comes to my business I definitely know my strengths and for the areas in which I need some assistance or require a freelancer in a specific field, Fiverr has got me covered."
"If you're just wanting to outsource everything to a third-party fulfillment center, a few good options you can choose from are A to B Fulfillment, Ship Bob, Shipmunk, and Red Stag Fulfillment."
"Outsourcing the mindless work of cutting your grass to a robot and the Luba is a good one frees you up to do the second and third order things that you didn't have time to do before."
"Large ID companies are choosing Bangalore for one main reason: the availability of well-educated computer science professionals."
"I am no sculptor so I reached out to I bet my man thing again."
"Do you edit your own videos or do you have an editor?"
"Let me just pay somebody do the things."
"I was shocked last year when a guy I hired on Fiverr did a better job mastering my track than ABY roads Studios."
"You can pay someone from Fiverr to make you a logo."
"Get three different quotes for any work that you are not doing yourself."
"For this reason, I really recommend that you outsource this to a good designer on artwork or Fiverr."
"Recent trends in organizations include downsizing, delayering, outsourcing, offshoring, and shared services to streamline operations."
"You can actually get one made for you on Fiverr."
"I think what we all want is we want John Hall to open up manufacturing to a third party."
"Generally speaking, if an external supplier can do it better and cheaper than you, you would outsource, but if you can do it better and cheaper yourself, you keep it in-house."
"I'm poor, but God has blessed me with a couple of extra dollars that I can employ somebody to do what I don't want to do."
"Over the last two decades, India has become a global hub for software development and offshoring of back office services."
"Cooking is essentially the outsourcing of digestion."
"What an amazing, elegant design and what a brilliant idea to outsource most of our computing power to this tropical rainforest within us."
"Outsourcing is one of the best ways that you can expand your business, take your hands off a little bit, and have more of an owner mindset."
"Welcome everybody to my lecture on the topic of outsourced warfare phenomenon that occurred in the galaxy."
"The goal is to put people in the best position possible so that instead of worrying about maintaining this in-house thing that's kind of glued together, like offload that to us and we'll take care of it."
"I rather not to outsource and create more of a culture within the company that is like having the feel people feeling more stable, stability, and that they're one of a group and they're culturally bonded together."
"Rather than worrying about whether or not it will take my job, I'm happy I can outsource a task."
"If we want the students to have jobs, if we want the Netherlands to be strong economically, we're going to have to teach them to do and to think in ways beyond what can be outsourced."
"If you're the founder, MTP and mindset is all you should focus on because that's going to drive culture. Outsource everything else if you can."
"A blog is one of the best ways to make money online because you can outsource it."
"Consider Outsourcing to a good service people who actually know how to write good blog posts with original content and do original research."
"When I'm following a good training plan, it basically feels like I've outsourced all the decision making and motivation around my training."
"Maybe just maybe it is not such a great idea to outsource global public health policy to a rapacious monopolist."
"Your own protection is failing, Mr. Kimber. You contract out your racetrack security to the Peaky Blinders."
"Outsource your marketing to a marketing agency to growth experts."
"What happened with globalization, outsourcing? Yes, well that's true, what also happened was technological change such that a lot of jobs were displaced by automation."
"We may not do everything; we may get help from outside companies."
"The Philippines has been one of the biggest global winners when it comes to outsourcing."
"If you can pay a professional to do something, it's hassle-free, then I'll just do it."
"Using contractors was not only about simplifying our lives and processes but making sure we had the best knowledge or information on that specific topic."
"Outsourcing the subscription stuff to Revenue Cat makes so much sense."
"We have outsourced the digestion of certain components of our food to our microbiome because it provides an advantage of having a bespoke capability to degrade the food source that you are actually consuming."
"Just get someone in to do it for you because there's no point me putting my time, which is quite valuable, into that."
"The beauty of having a social media marketing agency is you don't actually need to deliver the services yourself."
"I use virtual assistants in my business to outsource tasks that take up time, allowing me to focus on growing my business."
"Outsourcing is really powerful for any business, especially for drop shipping."
"You can hire out essentially your entire panel, it's not going to push you over the edge of those recognition."
"You need to buy time. Think about your personal life... soon as you start making enough money, you want to start paying people to do tasks for you."
"Outsource the task of house cleaning... Work it into your budget, figure out how to do it, it is so worth it."
"Cloud computing, in its simplest form, can really be thought of as just outsourcing the hosting of your applications."
"The comfort aspect of outsourcing things is a human thing, right? We want convenience, we want comfort."
"Outsourcing is super important, guys."
"You can never outsource something that you yourself don't know how to do."
"There's nothing wrong in outsourcing... just be open about it. When someone asks you who made your clothes, tell them who made your clothes."
"If you're in a situation where you absolutely must print white, the best thing to do is to go out there and find a third-party vendor who can take your files and print them for you."
"The role of procurement is to understand the market, strategic and tactical sourcing, and the costs and benefits of outsourcing."
"There are times, guys, where sometimes it just makes more sense to pay somebody else to do a time-consuming headache job to save yourself the stress and the labor."
"This arrangement allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process."
"Outsourcing, we talked about that a lot on this show."
"For many businesses, outsourcing certain services that require specialist expertise can be an important part of being competitive."
"We are infantilizing our civil service by outsourcing to companies that are charging us a lot and not even getting the job done."
"If you're an IT person and you're like, you know what, I don't want to have to deal with setting all that stuff up, I just want to get my people up and running, you can absolutely pay these guys for their services."
"It's all about focusing on what you do best and outsource the rest."
"Skyrocket your potential earnings by allowing you to focus on growing your business, getting clients, and working on the communication while experts handle all of the design work for you."
"NASA has realized that it is way more cost-effective for them to outsource space flights and other scientific endeavors to private companies like SpaceX."
"Outsourcing has become a Game Changer for developed countries, as well as developing countries that have been involved in globalized economic efforts."
"You need to figure out what can be outsourced to other people and really what creates sustainable competitive advantage."
"You're paying to not go through the stuff."
"Don't beat yourself up too much; I would just use a third-party vendor for this area."
"Anytime you can outsource certain things and someone will do it for you and get a fee, it keeps your company lean."
"I don't think it will be negatively impacted. In fact, I do believe that one of the things that we need to look at is not outsourcing our security."
"Outsourcing is where a company contracts out a part of its work to another company in a different country."
"First fill your schedule with all of the things that you cannot outsource."
"Paying someone to do my taxes is one of the best yearly expenses of my life."
"Outsourcing software development didn't work for us... nobody can outsource a philosophy."
"Sometimes it can actually be more to your advantage to outsource things, spend money on them for somebody who can do it better and faster, and you can save that time doing other things for your life."
"Cloud computing kind of came onto the scene a few years ago, when really it was just a nice new rebranding of what it means to outsource."