
Repercussions Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I understand why women who let this happen let it go. Who is going to believe you? Few. What are the repercussions? Many. Do you want to work again? Yes. Are you prepared to be ostracized? No."
"Abuse and misuse, a track record of abuse leads to loss."
"Now speaking of the White House... past statements from President Joe Biden are now starting to haunt him."
"Sometimes that ego comes back to bite you in your ass." - Steve Lacy
"Don't celebrate something that goes in your favor because it won't be long before it comes back and bites you on the ass."
"You can't rip the president, Fauci, the vaccine, the media, and think there'll be absolutely no blow back."
"Hopefully there's some repercussions, but who knows, it's hard to have faith in companies nowadays."
"You cross the woke and they will come for you."
"You can't live in a world where there's no consequences and repercussions."
"Why did you ruin my life? Like, you called the cops on me all because I was just trying to love you."
"Clapping back, cussing people out, gossiping, it's gonna come back to you."
"The more aggressive Republicans go after Joe Biden say well how horrible this is for National Security actually the more they hurt Donald Trump."
"These bad people are learning that when you create something it often comes back to bite you."
"That kind of behavior needs to be met with some repercussion."
"That's the problem with trying to live two different lives. One day, the repercussions of one life will punish you in the other."
"I can't think of any witness over the last 50, 55 years in this subject that has had repercussions like that."
"The downside is he gets fired and then he comes back to casting."
"They shouldn't be published, they shouldn't be spread around, and there will be consequences, including a criminal investigation."
"Ideas have consequences, they always do."
"I hope there's some repercussions for what you did because you sound absolutely vile and inconsiderate."
"On the strength of some fleeting and foolish comments by a publicity-influenced clerk of court."
"There's consequences for your actions."
"Perhaps this wasn't the greatest idea. He didn't know the length of their power and just assumed that Broly could take them on easily."
"You shouldn't mess with YouTubers, but more importantly, you should not get on the bad side of a mom."
"I think others are going to pay a very significant price for that. Those who are going to lose their jobs as a consequence of it."
"...the second site interim report and the timing of its publication had been potentially very serious indeed for the post office in terms of our national reputation and the effect it could have on our funding negotiations with government..."
"Guys, it's always tricky dealing with entitled family members because some do have the mentality of 'since we're family, we can do whatever we want without repercussions.'"
"Maybe that could have some spill-overs to other people."
"Freedom of speech isn't freedom from repercussions. That's why everyone who works retail doesn't tell you to go duck yourself."
"It's all being backfired on them, anything that they try to do is all backfiring on them."
"Foodie Beauty is in a world of trouble."
"The Fallout extended beyond the poker table, casting a shadow over the entire gambling industry."
"Ronald McDonald, who himself was kind of a sketchy copy, may have lost some of his explicit rip-off friends as a result of the court's decision."
"Actions have consequences, buddy."
"It was traumatic for the lads, these false allegations."
"Count Gregory warned of the repercussions that would befall the Royal faction for their actions, hinting at potential retaliation from the powerful Kronos Empire."
"It's going to be bad for you, it's going to be bad for him, it's going to be bad for that family."
"After admitting guilt... Lou started to suffer very harsh repercussions."
"The same energies that rallied to attack you will turn on them once they're implicated."
"...it will come back and bite you."
"I don't subscribe to cancel culture. I don't subscribe to any type of nonsense like that. I subscribe to accountability and knowing that there are repercussions for posting stupid [ __ ]."
"People that were guaranteed this money will no longer, they're just going to wash all those contracts away."
"Somebody's gonna end up being put in a mental hospital because of what they tried to do to you or wish upon you."
"Usually scandals involve a creator thinking 'Oh my God, I'm never going to be able to make content again'."
"The number one biggest theme of this is how damaging colonization is and how the repercussions of colonization span so much further than what you really see."
"It's like if somebody talks [__] and you just knock their ass one time and they'll never talk [__] again."
"Income and wealth are critically important if you don't have enough to live on if you don't have and feel like you have less than almost everybody else or you're deprived in some ways that has all sorts of psychological social and political repercussions."
"Don't let the fear of repercussions trap you in an unhappy situation."
"If I do anything negative towards somebody in an egregious way, it's coming back at me full force."
"Your past will always come back to haunt you."
"Our sins were that we crushed a very small country and in so doing we learned bad lessons which would come back to haunt us."
"The student body clamors for transparency, undeterred by potential repercussions."
"What you do, especially on the internet, definitely has consequences that could come back to haunt you."
"The things we do to others will always come back to us."
"I'm sorry that you had to endure the repercussions of your grandfather's actions."